Saturday 11th of January 2025

presidential hopefuls...

presidential hopefuls...

Opening a new phase in a race to define the direction of their party, the leading Republican presidential candidates gathered Monday night for the first time to begin drawing distinctions among themselves in a vibrant competition to be seen as sufficiently conservative for primary voters, but electable enough to defeat President Obama.

The seven contenders, standing onstage here for two hours in a prime-time televised debate, repeatedly passed on the opportunity to seize upon the fissures that have roiled the Republican Party for most of the last two years. They presented a forceful, and nearly unified, attack against Mr. Obama, especially on the economy, the budget deficit and health care.


Is it me getting older or is the bunch of GOP presidential candidates looking more like a bunch of rich brats (and bratettes) full of that annoying snake oil merchant confidence?...

chronic, blatant, incorrigible moderation....

From Eugene Robinson, WP

Poor Mitt Romney. With every poll showing him in the lead for the Republican presidential nomination, his heart must sink.

Like Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and quite a few others who never got to be president, Romney has the misfortune of being an early front-runner. Normally, we’d expect the rest of the field to make an issue of every crazy, intemperate thing the leading candidate has ever said or done. This year, however, the pack is assailing Romney with documented examples of chronic, blatant, incorrigible moderation. Even — shudder — pragmatism.