Saturday 11th of January 2025

glorified nuts...

tony tree hugger

Tony Abbott has used Question Time to accuse the Government of abandoning democracy over its handling of the carbon tax, as criticism mounts over his proposal for a plebiscite on the issue.

The Opposition Leader demanded to know why Prime Minister Julia Gillard had promised there would no carbon price until a consensus of the people had been reached.

"How can she claim such a consensus exists when she refuses to put it to the people, preferably at an election, but if not at a plebiscite?" he said.

But Ms Gillard labelled the plebiscite proposal a "stunt".

"National leadership actually requires you to be able to deliver policies for the nation's future that are of some complexity, and certainly carbon pricing is complex, but it is in the nation's interests," she told Parliament.

It is most unlikely Mr Abbott's plebiscite motion will pass through Parliament, after Family First Senator Steve Fielding this morning said the $80 million proposal was a "glorified opinion poll".

The Opposition needs the support of crossbench senators and MPs if it is to see the plebiscite become reality, but it appears it will not have the numbers.


little trees...

Schemes to convert croplands or marginal lands to forests will make almost no inroads against global warming this century, according to a new study.

Afforestation is being encouraged under the UN's Kyoto Protocol climate-change treaty under the theory that forests are 'sinks' that soak up carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air through photosynthesis.

But environmental researchers, in a new probe, say that even massive conversion of land to forestry would have only a slender benefit against the greenhouse-gas problem.

This is partly because forests take decades to mature and CO2 is a long-lasting molecule, able to lurk for centuries in the atmosphere.

But another reason is that forests, even as they absorb greenhouse gas, are darker than croplands and thus absorb more solar heat - and in high latitudes, this may even result in net warming.

Vivek Arora of the University of Victoria in British Columbia and Alvaro Montenegro of St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia modelled five scenarios in which afforestation was carried out over 50 years, from 2011 to 2060.

They used a Canadian programme called CanESM1 that simulated the impacts on land, sea and air if Earth's surface temperature rose by some 3.0°C by 2100 compared to 1850.

We need the trees for other reasons than climate change though... We should stop cutting down the old growth forests...

the idiot makes sense sometimes...

The cad... Tony tells us that climate has been cooling in the last decade while the contrary is true... And on the other side of the equation please note that the ice in the whisky is melting, holding back by a fraction our measurement of warming... Meanwhile as an idiot Abbott can be right sometimes about carbon tax... He is a little lying shit nonetheless...

and only 22,406 persons have viewed this footage... make it 20 million...