Sunday 12th of January 2025

save the planet...


drag and print...

Drag the image above onto your desktop and print it onto a self-adhesive sheet of paper. Stick it on your bumper bar. I won't suggest to stick it on lampposts as this would be illegal, but your fence posts are okay.

At the moment there is a bloom of "Juli-ar no to the carbon tax" car stickers in Sydney, coming from I don't know where but it's annoying me.

Do your bit for your country. Do it for the planet. Don't be ashame of being correct.

give him a wedgie...





minchin should shut his cold pie hole...

Liberal heavyweight Nick Minchin has taken aim at former party leader Malcolm Turnbull, saying he is unable to get over losing the party's top job to Tony Abbott.

In a short letter published in today's Australian newspaper, the former Liberal Senate leader says Mr Turnbull "seems utterly preoccupied with Liberal Party conservatives."

"His preoccupation reveals a man who can't get over losing the Liberal leadership in 2009, and is desperate for someone to blame for taking it away from him - hence his repeated attacks on conservatives," Mr Minchin writes.

"Having himself taken the leadership from Brendan Nelson, Turnbull has only himself to blame for the failure of his year-long leadership of the Liberal Party."

Mr Minchin says Mr Turnbull's own deficiencies as a leader, not conservatives within the party, led to his downfall, and says the frontbencher should now throw his support behind Mr Abbott.

"He should concentrate now on supporting Tony Abbott and being a committed team player, rather than publicly attacking those he wrongly blames for his failed leadership," the letter concludes.

Mr Minchin played a key role in replacing Mr Turnbull with Mr Abbott because of Mr Turnbull's support for an emissions trading scheme.


Nick Minchin never understood anything of science. Sure he knows how to persuade people that climate change is crap despite the contrary — including help his protegé Tony Abbott act like a go-between go between crazy and stupid, with brilliant bullshit. But this does not erase the fact that Minchin and Abbott have no idea about science.

That Turnbull tries to push a better understanding of science in the Liberal (conservative) ignoramus sanctum is to be praised not to be attacked by someone who was one of Howard hunchmen, Minchin — basically a religious fanatic with a devious mind to boot... and for whom the earth is still a waiting room between hell and heaven.

The science of global warming is quite simple really. It's far simpler than say medicine or the theory of relativity... It's just that the scope is huge and demands massive "sacrifices" (changes to the way we do things) that the Liberals (conservatives) do not want to make.

Malcolm, carry on and educate those morons...