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the price of protein..picture by Gus
More young people in Australia are turning to a vegetarian lifestyle as part of a process of enlightenment, former High Court judge Michael Kirby says. In the courts, retired Justice Kirby was known as the great dissenter and over the years the 72-year-old has been a vocal campaigner on a range of issues. As a proud monarchist and passionate activist on the issue of gay rights, as well as lobbying for the protection of animals, the retired judge is one of two new high-profile patrons of the animal protection group Voiceless. Justice Kirby does not describe himself as a strict vegetarian, but says he is "on the path".
---------------- Just stare into the eyes of a cow and you will see yourself looking at you because they are also like us - beasts that feel pain and suffering. Former High Court judge Michael Kirby------------------------ "Different people are at different stages of this and I'm not obsessive about it. I'm like a lot of Australians - many have cut down on eating red meat and I had done that for years. I'm moving more in the direction of not eating animals," he told ABC Radio National this morning. But it is the younger generation he looks to as proof of a new wave of thinking on the rights of animals.
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a lovely pair of eyes...
picture by Gus
I have seen cattle from most parts of Australia, from Queensland to Victoria, the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. I had the worst steaks in grazing areas... Apparently, I may be wrong though, but my experience tells me few cattle growers know actually how to kill — then choose, cook and eat meat... It was the same in Africa... Cattle was killed the halal way — less than half an hour later, a piece of it was on your plate...Tough as boots. In remote stations, the worst part of the meat is eaten as if it was punishment for being out there in the middle of nowhere... may as well eat my own shoes...
It is interesting that young people are shying away from meat. But is it across the board or just the whitey kids?
At the same time Halal killing seem to become more prominent...