Sunday 12th of January 2025

you ain't seen nothing yet...

Living With the Greenhouse Effect


“Living with the greenhouse effect” was the subtitle of my October, 1988, cover story for Discover Magazine — my first lengthy exploration of the science pointing to a growing human influence on climate. The cover line on the piece, which followed a scorching summer across much of the country, was, “This summer was merely a warmup.”

So much for warmups. The summer of 2011 is emblematc of the new climatological norms that are emerging as conditions neatly echo longstanding projections of the consequences of steadily raising the concentration of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

the bad hot-press

HUGE numbers of voters in Julia Gillard's heartland Labor seat have turned against her in the wake of her plan to tax carbon, according to a new poll conducted exclusively for the Sunday Herald Sun.

Less than a year after 64 per cent of voters in the western suburbs electorate of Lalor gave the PM their primary vote, Labor would be forced to rely on preferences to hold her seat.

Since August, Labor's primary vote in the seat has dropped by 18.3 per cent to 46 per cent, according to research by pollster JWS Research.

The poll - conducted on Thursday evening using automated polling technology - found Labor would retain Lalor with 58 per cent of the two-party preferred vote, down from 72.2 per cent at last August's election. Two weeks after the PM unveiled her carbon-tax plan to an expectant nation, many voters in her own seat remain unconvinced of its merits.

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And most of the hacks — especially the dung beetles at the Murdoch press — are doing a really nasty stupid job by basically not promoting the correct science of global warming and letting lunatics like Lord Monckton, the rabid coal industries and Tony Abbott have more say than anyone else on this subject... Eventually of course we'll all pay for this aggressive anti-Julia anti-carbon-tax promoted by the newspapers and the shockjocks... Climate will bite us in the bum...
The scientists don't have a look in, in this debate... Should they protest and present the facts, their position would be diluted to an even 50/50 with a "fair and balance" crap from stupid ignorant opinionators and non-scientists...
Adding the constant pounding of the press against the concept of global warming, there not a chance that science can be heard UNLESS SCIENTISTS PAY FOR AN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN  which in itself goes against the way science operates: KNOWLEDGE, research and proper analytical processes — not in the emotional and manipulative sphere in which advertising operates.

global warming is here to continue...

Heat Deaths Rise, but Cooler Air Is in the Forecast


A punishing wave of heat and humidity continued its hold over a large part of the country on Saturday, raising the toll of heat-related deaths even as forecasters promised that relief, in the form of cooler air from Canada, would arrive Sunday.

From the Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard, it was as if the earth had broken its orbit and veered closer to the sun, with millions of Americans stepping outside on Saturday into temperatures that steadily climbed toward triple digits.

That, combined with the unrelenting humidity, pushed the heat index on Saturday afternoon toward a staggering 120 degrees in Washington and 105 to 115 degrees in New York, Philadelphia and other cities in the Northeast.

The National Weather Service said the mid-Atlantic could experience record high temperatures, including in Washington, where the thermometer hit 105 degrees at Dulles International Airport on Friday, the highest reading ever there.

In Central Park the mercury rose to 100 degrees on Saturday afternoon, breaking the previous record of 99 degrees set in 1991, and at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington it hit 102 degrees, breaking the previous daily record set in 1991, said Christopher Vaccaro, a spokesman for the weather service.

It was enough to make the high temperatures forecast for Sunday in some parts of the country — 90 in New York, 95 in Washington and 90 in Chicago — sound almost pleasant.



Records are being broken and our Aussie idiotic hacks (especially Murdoch's) do not flinch...

Ah, I see... it's winter overhere... Cool.

So after having had the month of July under water in Sydney, no-one asks the question: WHAT IS IN STORE NEXT? No-one can have the answer, but one of the main problem is, should we feel and notice global warming as a small (even tiny) increase in the heat of our lives, we'd be cooked within 5 minutes. We have 100 years ahead of us, 100 years of increasing troubles. But we won't notice it. Only difficult science can analyse the combined global warming increase and the damage we are facing. From the present starvation in Ethiopia due to the heat and drought to the heatwave in the US, and other compounding small indices, the trouble we face is greater than we can imagine sitting in the air conditioned office of a coal mining company...

Some smart captains of industry, though, guess that massive trouble is looming much sooner than in 100 years...

Opposition Leader Tony blah blah...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has seized on a report that says Julia Gillard wanted to do a deal with him to reduce Australia's carbon emissions when she was serving as Kevin Rudd's deputy.

The Australian Financial Review newspaper quotes a cabinet paper written by Ms Gillard and entitled 'The Bipartisan Solution'. Handed out to her Cabinet colleagues, it proposed a bipartisan deal on a 5 per cent reduction in carbon pollution, to be achieved without a carbon tax or an ETS.

The paper argued there was little chance of the Coalition agreeing to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) while Mr Abbott was leader, and urged the Government to adopt a fallback position.

But the newspaper says the strategy was rejected by senior colleagues on the grounds that it ceded control of the Government's climate change agenda to Mr Abbott.

Mr Abbott says the report shows Ms Gillard wanted to "embrace" the Coalition's direct action climate change policy and that her attacks on direct action "aren't genuine".

"As soon as the election was over rather than come to the Coalition and say 'Let’s try to do a deal on this, let’s try to do something that we both think is a sensible way forward', instead she got into bed with the Greens and she's been pursuing a Greens policy ever since," Mr Abbott told AM.

"If there is any such thing as the real Julia, surely the real Julia was that which was in her advice to the inner cabinet.


Tony Tony Tony... It has taken a while for Julia to find a way on how to deal with climate change, after you demolished the Rudd/Turnbull agreement... One of the main problem is that YOU, TONY, DO NOT BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING... You yourself has changed your mind about "solutions" to a problem that you don't understand. Eventually Julia has chosen the best solution for this country in regard to global warming with more to come as needed. So, Tony, piss off.

And, according to Julia, everthing mentioned in "the Australian Financial Review report" about her position is rubbish.

rising tide...

Residents of Kingscliff have compared the ocean to a "ravenous beast" slowly devouring their coastal town.

In the past two weeks the beach and foreshore of Kingscliff, 15 minutes from the Gold Coast in northern New South Wales, has been eroded by a rising tide.

The parkland has joined the beach and crumbled into the ocean as the pandanus and casuarina trees that once lined the foreshore were uprooted and dragged out to sea.

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