Sunday 12th of January 2025

permanent wars: permanent lies .....

 permanent lies .....

Defence Minister Stephen Smith said this week that Afghanistan would be high on the agenda at top-level talks in the United States marking the 60th year of the Australia-US alliance.

The AUSMIN talks will be held in San Francisco, where Australia and the US signed the ANZUS treaty in September 1951, binding Australia to cooperate with the US on defence matters in the Pacific.

"It's the 60th anniversary of our alliance with the United States - the US alliance continues to be the pillar and the bedrock of our strategic, security and defence arrangements," Mr Smith told reporters in Sydney.

"Of course, Afghanistan will be the subject of very serious consideration," he said.

The AUSMIN talks will also mark 10 years since the ANZUS treaty was invoked by then prime minister John Howard after terrorist attacks on US soil in September 2001, which led Australia to join US-led forces in Afghanistan.

Smith to discuss Afghanistan in US

In June of this year, Smith acknowledged that 72% of the Australian public want our troops withdrawn from Afghanistan, but he insisted they will stay until at least 2014.

Notwithstanding the Australian government's willingness to ignore the wishes of its own citizens, perhaps Smith might be willing to question his American masters as to the basis of Australia's ongoing involvement in their quest for global dominance, particularly as it would appear to have little to do with the events of 911?

It has now been revealed that the US was already pursuing a secret blueprint for global domination even before George Bush was inaugurated as President in January, 2001.

The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The plan  shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

But why would Smith bother when Australian voices remain so silent on the issue?

Similar to Australia, 74% of British citizens support the withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan however, in contrast to Australia, in Britain there is a vibrant & highly active campaign underway to achieve that outcome .... take a look at the following video to appreciate that campaign.

don't wake the natives .....

The "information" our Government regularly excretes at press conferences describes events and circumstances in Orwellian language so devoid of meaning and precision that its only purpose can be to give the Government the maximum amount of wriggle room.

Helicopters drop out of the sky, killing young Australians, and we have to wait, and wait, and we are still waiting, to be told whether it was due to pilot error or some technical malfunction or whether it was (ssshhhh...) shot down.

Prisoners are being tortured in Afghan jails, not for information but for money and sex. The out of control Afghan police are running hundreds of prisons beyond the scrutiny of the 'state' and concerned instrumentalities like the Red Cross, Red Crescent and local and overseas human rights organisations. Young boys have been detained by the low-life police for sex and people kidnapped and detained for ransom money.

Australian and US troops are engaged in missions to kill Taliban leaders, never mind about the niceties of the Geneva Convention. They have taken out the wrong people on the basis of incorrect information deliberately given to them by rival warlords, businessmen and others from within the many competing groups for money, influence and power within the complex. This is the social and political structure of Afghanistan, a structure that appears way beyond the comprehension and analytical abilities of Australian agencies, DFAT and Defence.

Recently the Taliban mounted a series of attacks inside Kabul, detonating explosive devices near the U.S. embassy and NATO headquarters. Fighting continued for at least 20 hours after the initial attacks. This followed an earlier attack this month on the British Council building in Kabul. These attacks appeared designed to show that Kabul was vulnerable, and it is.

Attackers in the most recent incident positioned themselves inside a multi-story building under construction next to the U.S. embassy, a building with a view over the embassy complex. Here they enjoyed commanding fields of fire and they used this advantage to devastating effect. Why wasn't this building under the security of U.S. forces? This basic oversight is illustrative of the incompetence of the U.S. command structure, a point illustrated by Sebastian Junger in his book War.

The war in Afghanistan is a mess, militarily, politically and morally, and getting messier.

In 2009 Daniel Clune reported to Hillary Clinton from the U.S. Embassy in Canberra that:

...Most important to Rudd...was the domestic political context; he needed to demonstrate to the Australian people, a majority of whom now opposed military involvement in Afghanistan, the importance of maintaining their commitment, which meant leader-level engagement...(WikiLeaks cable 09CANBERRA156)

This is another example of one power elite working compliantly to assist another, pulling out a star attraction to engender popular support against a majority view, and probably with equally little concern for our real national security interests? It is an example of "the Canberra malaise", a virulent disease of disinformation and constructed denial afflicting Australian governance.

Press conferences are constructed to further reduce the opportunity for already lazy and compliant journalists to ask elected representatives important questions; for example, whether Afghanistan is still of importance to Al Qaeda?

In the 9/11 anniversary week, there are plenty of questions that need answers. What capability does Al Qaeda, which analysis now reveals to be fractured, have to inflict harm? Where is the evidence to substantiate the alleged ongoing relationship between the post-September 11 Taliban and post-September 11 Al Qaeda? Is there any evidence that if the Taliban returns to power Al Qaeda will be able to reconstitute its training camps in Afghanistan? What is our Government's official position about our foremost ally condoning torture?

A classified war: Afghanistan & the Canberra Malaise