Friday 10th of May 2024

happy birthday...

happy birthday

a bad conclusion at unleashed...

a bad conclusion at Unleashed

Ian Marsh and Greg Barns


The former class divide does not reflect the reality of contemporary Australia. But the major parties force issues into a grossly over-simplified and often fake and opportunistic, black and white choice.

Until the political system, and the political conversation that it sustains, is better able to reflect this more differentiated reality, neither party will be able to attain the legitimacy in public opinion which is essential for public leadership and effective policy action. This is the nub of the present political impasse. If the political system were not so important we could enjoy the charade. Sadly, since politics speaks for the whole community, we all bear these costs.



Gus: What a meaningless lot of rubbish. For starters, we all know that the opinion polls support Abbott far more than Gillard. But this does not mean that Tony's hubris is better than Gillard's worth. Apparently, from what I have seen, THERE HAS NOT BEEN A POLITICAL IMPASSE. No nub, fellows. Labor has made commitments with independents and the Greens and that is NOT AN IMPASSE. THERE IS NO CHARADE. "We all bear these costs"???? The only cost we bear is that of a stupid media that is hell bent on destroying Julia, which ever way. In the meantime fruitful and meaningful policies have been introduced.

The only thing I would agree with, is that the former class divide does not reflect the reality of contemporary Australia... Now, we have the rich Akubra wearing and the pin-striped suits deliberately ignoramuses versus the not-sure-and-don't-care middle-class and the give-me-bread poor class — via the gimme-a-sustainable-future-any-day mob. On the subject of global warming, we all should be united. But the Abbott camp helped by the rabid idiotic media is pulling as hard as it can to confuse the scientific reality... Kick Abbott in the budgies and burn your newspapers today.