Sunday 9th of March 2025

crowded house...

crowded house

"I mean there's a lot of jokes about, you know, mother-in-laws," he told PM.

"Well they're funny, but they're not really funny. I mean there is a mechanism in there.

"You know, when you've got everybody living on top of each other and getting on each other's nerves, kids get on parent's nerves, parents irritate kids.

"I mean, you've got to understand when you've got 15 people in a house the result is just dreadful ... and that can be fixed tomorrow."

Women at the rally said his lack of awareness was disheartening from a long-serving Member of Parliament.

Domestic violence expert Betty Taylor has written reports for the Government on the issue.

"It's not about overcrowding occurring in homes, in relationships, in families that would be considered mainstream Australia," she said.

"I think that (Mr Katter's comments) simplifies it and excuses it."

It is the second controversy to engulf Mr Katter's Australian Party in two days, after revelations about donations from the gun lobby.


If I was Bob Katter, I would get annoyed at my own self...

kat's family fur balls...

LITTLE has been made of the links between Bob Katter's new political party and shooting interests but the website of the gun-dealing millionaire who is the party's senior vice-president gives an insight into the thirst for bloodsports of some of its backers.

For Rob Nioa and some of his like-minded friends who helped to finance Katter's Australian Party, including Queensland Gun Exchange owner David Auger, bagging a rare animal such as a scimitar-horned oryx is a highly sought prize.

While Mr Nioa's zeal for hunting exotic beasts is not mentioned in official party material, his gun-dealing company website tells another story. It boasts an image of him and his wife, Mr Katter's daughter, posing with the dead oryx, which is officially listed as extinct in the wild and survives in the low thousands in only a handful of game ranches, private collections and zoos around the world.

Mr Nioa and other shooting interests have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the party before it was formally registered in Queensland and federally last month.

one more mouth to feed...

The world's seven billionth baby has been born in a packed government-run hospital in the Philippines.

Weighing 2.5kg (5.5lb), Danica May Camacho was chosen by the United Nations to be one of several children around the world who will symbolically represent the global population milestone.

She was delivered just before midnight on Sunday amid an explosion of press camera flashes at Manila's Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital.

"She looks so lovely," her mother, Camille Dalura, whispered softly as she cradled her tiny newborn.

"I can't believe she is the world's seven billionth."


When I was born, there were less than 2.5 billion humans on earth...

katter VS katter...


Bob Katter's gay half-brother Carl Katter has condemned the Federal MP [Bob Katter] for an advertising campaign attacking gay marriage.

Katter's Australian Party launched television commercials last night to put pressure on Queensland Liberal National Party leader Campbell Newman, who supports gay marriage.

The ad features a colour photo of a smiling nuclear family followed by a black-and-white image of an older man and younger man holding each other, with repeated grabs of Mr Newman saying: "I support gay marriage."

Carl Katter says he finds the ads offensive.