Friday 10th of January 2025

rite policies wrong, says wong...

wrong rite policies

The Federal Government has labelled the Coalition's position on whether to increase the superannuation guarantee, which is part of the mining tax package, as confusing and chaotic.

Labor wants to increase compulsory superannuation contributions from 9 to 12 per cent.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says a coalition government would keep the super increases in place - even though it does not support the mining tax.

Opposition finance spokesman Andrew Robb says the Coalition will only go ahead with an increase to the superannuation guarantee if it can find other savings.

"[The] initiative has jumped up the priority ranks - other things will fall off," he said.

"So, we have got a big task, but certainly we won't be going forward on this - or any other program - without the funding...identifying where we'll fund it.

But Finance Minister Penny Wong says the comment shows there is chaos in the Liberal's economic policy.

"First opposing, then supporting and now it's a maybe," she said.

insurance against your crappy future...

A new feature of income protection insurance covers super contributions.

A little-known insurance option that maintains your super contributions if you're seriously ill or injured has its attractions if you consider the long-term impact of a super "gap". But some advisers wonder whether that's the prime consideration at a time when you may need every last cent.

A handful of insurers offer a "super protection" option that can be joined to income-protection cover.

In essence, if you need to call on your policy because of illness or injury that's outside sick leave, not only do you receive up to 75 per cent of your actual or agreed income but also full or partial super contributions paid on your behalf.

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big hole - no funding...

THE Opposition's finance spokesman, Andrew Robb, has contradicted Tony Abbott over the Coalition's superannuation policy saying it could not be maintained unless budget cuts were found to support it.

Mr Abbott slapped down his superannuation spokesman, Mathias Cormann, last week when he said the Coalition would not wind back the federal government's increase in the compulsory superannuation contribution rate by 2020.

''Retirement incomes are a significant issue particularly with an ageing population and that's why the Coalition has decided that we won't rescind the legislation should it go through the Parliament,'' the Opposition Leader said.

But Mr Robb and the Treasury spokesman, Joe Hockey, are in the process of costing all the Coalition's policies to try and find $70 billion of savings. "We won't be going forward on this or any other program without the funding [or] identifying where we'll fund it,'' Mr Robb told the ABC.

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