Monday 10th of March 2025

lockstepped in lickspittle .....

lockstepped in lickspittle .....

The lock step between the major political parties over Australia's continued presence in Afghanistan has effectively neutralised the war's potential to politically damage successive Liberal and Labor governments.

So far. But sniff the political wind today and you might just smell the potential for change.

Afghanistan remains an immensely unpopular war with Australians.

Thirty-two Australian Defence Force personnel serving in Afghanistan have been killed. Hundreds more have been wounded.

Astonishingly, four of those fatalities have occurred at the hands of members of the Afghan National Army, which Australia is mentoring so the corrupt government of Afghanistan just might stand a chance, at some point, of securing itself from the Taliban and other insurgents.

The attacks on Australian troops by Afghan army members have pushed some who had been lending considered support to Australia's continuing role in the conflict to reconsider.

Until quite recently, the loud, dissenting voices on Afghanistan largely came from the left, as represented by the Australian Greens, who have consistently and vociferously opposed the war. There has been little public dissent, however, in the Labor or Liberal parties.

But any marked change to that position could transform Australia's Afghanistan deployment into a much more divisive, rancorous and high-stakes political issue.

Some prominent conservative spear-throwers have for some time been succinctly articulating their own arguments as to why Australia should withdraw from Afghanistan. Alexander Downer has said that Australia is becoming stuck in an unwinnable war. He argues that Australia's original objectives of destroying al-Qaeda after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, have largely been achieved. Downer remains a hugely influential conservative thinker, especially on diplomatic and defence issues, in his party.

Prominent voices in the conservative commentariat, not least Tom Switzer, a would-be Liberal MP at the University of Sydney United States Studies Centre, also advocate Australia's departure from Afghanistan. While it pains me to concur with just about anything he says about anything, I agree with tough-guy Tom's assertion that the so-called special US-Australia relationship would survive if Australia pulled out of Afghanistan.

''Well, I think the alliance would wear that very well. I mean, the Canadians have pulled out - are in the process of pulling out of Afghanistan - so have the Dutch. The British - David Cameron, the Prime Minister, has made it clear to the President that the British want out as soon as possible. I suspect their special relationship will also prevail.''

In June, the conservative foreign policy commentator Greg Sheridan, once a strident supporter of the Afghanistan war, wrote in his newspaper, The Australian, after the deaths of two more Australians (one of whom was killed by an Afghan army member), that the federal government should cease its military training program with Pakistan and withdraw from Afghanistan within a year. Why? Because America and its allies cannot win the war in Afghanistan while Pakistan covertly supports the Taliban. Pakistan's support for the Taliban is long established. So what's changed?

Well, it seems conservative flag bearers are increasingly coming to the view that many others have long held: it is morally unjustifiable to risk Australian soldiers in a war that can't, in any conventional sense, be won. That Taliban-influenced Afghan army soldiers are now killing the Australians who are training them makes this point even more obvious.

Such views are much closer to mainstream Australian sentiment on Afghanistan than the poorly explained or justified policy of continued military engagement that currently has bipartisan political support.

It is an argument that could readily be adopted by Tony Abbott who, as Liberal leader, has displayed a craven willingness to oppose government policy for pragmatic political reasons alone.

The political virtue for a Liberal leader of the anti-Afghanistan policy, as it is now being articulated by some conservative voices, is that it cannot easily be dismissed by the pro-war right as merely an ideological leftist anti-war rant.

Abbott, having just returned from Afghanistan, will be sharply attuned to the havoc he could wreak should he change Liberal positioning on Afghanistan.

War. Australian lives. The national interest. They are big issues. And they are worthy of a big argument.

The dogs are barking. But will they bite?

A sudden rush for the exit?

go away & leave us alone .....

I have been an aid worker with my wife and three kids now, in various parts of Afghanistan since 1999, since before Afghanistan was on the world's lips, before it became a byword for ruination and violence.


During these years, I've been shot at, my wife was struck by Taliban thugs, we lost our home and everything in it in the 2001 evacuation; our work has been corrupted, interrupted, our offices shot up and ransacked, our staff beaten and imprisoned, our things stolen and sold, and in the past few years, we have seen our Afghan and international colleagues and friends killed.


The Minister for Health in Mazar-i-Sharif still has our office sofas, tables, and last time I was there, he was using my stationary. But one reason why I am still here is because I am waiting for the troops to go. Not just the Australians - all of them.


The utter futility of the military effort is not really apparent unless you have been in Afghanistan a long time; but for those of us who have - and there are many in our agency who have been here two and three decades - it is clear that this war is not being won, and will not be won by the international military.


Nor will the international aid circus pave the way to peace. If the heads of the coalition effort ever stopped to ask those of us who live here, who speak the languages, who know the culture, and who have seen the folly of short-term hearts-and-minds efforts, the ridiculousness of soldiers teaching plumbing to country boys in towns without running water, we would tell them: it is not working - leave.


Take the troops out tomorrow, reduce by 90 per cent the aid budgets. Save yourselves the money, the trouble, the embarrassment.


The Afghan government has no political, security nor economic legitimacy: it is the government in Kabul only, propped up by the US. The Afghan army and police are hopeless, as every Afghan knows (at a recent gunslinging in the next street, the police arrived, the belligerent threatened to shoot them, the police ran away), and the economy rides on a cloud of foreign money, with only 8 per cent of the budget generated internally. To remove the troops will lead to a crash, but that crash is inevitable, and better to have and get it done now, than waste more years.


Go away, and let us keep doing our work, alongside our Afghan colleagues. They will sort it out, slowly, untidily, incompletely. But it will be their solution, and if they aren't altogether sick of foreigners, we'll be here to assist …. on their terms, in their time.


Phil Sparrow is a volunteer with TEAR Australia (Transformation, Empowerment, Advocacy, Relief)