Sunday 9th of March 2025

ritewingnuts in the us...


Mr Cain and Mrs Bachmann expressly endorsed the controversial interrogation technique – in which subjects are repeatedly made to feel they are drowning – with Mr Cain denying it was torture.

Without naming waterboarding, Governor Rick Perry said that any techniques that might "save young American lives" would be approved if he were in the White House.

Waterboarding was expressly condemned by Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman. Mr Paul, a libertarian Texas congressman, described it as "illegal", "immoral" and "un-American".

Mr Huntsman, a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, said that by waterboarding: "We diminish our standing in the world and the values that we project".

Statue of Liberty as the backdrop...

Mr Huntsman, a former state governor, opened his presidential campaign in June with a high-profile announcement at the same park where Ronald Reagan launched his 1980 presidential run, with the Statue of Liberty as the backdrop.

The campaign has struggled to gain traction, ranking in the single digits in early national polls as well as in surveys in early nominating states.

Mr Huntsman's campaign said in a statement that campaign manager Susie Wiles would be replaced by Matt David, who had served as the campaign's communications director. John Weaver, a senior Huntsman adviser, said Miss Wiles was "vital in getting (the campaign) off the ground in such a short time-frame."

it never ends...

From Chris Floyd...

The U.S. presidential campaign is now in full swing. (In truth, it never actually ends; the savage grasping and grappling among damaged souls seeking their brief season of domination and death-dealing goes on daily without respite.) In the months to come, we will be subjected to an ever-growing, ever-roaring flood of rhetoric about the unique, unquestionable, divinely ordained goodness of America. (And how the "other side" would destroy or demean this precious moral specialness.)

This rhetoric will come both from the radical, society-shaking extremists laughingly called "conservatives" in our fun-house political system, and from the reactionary defenders of elite wealth and murderous militarism laughingly known as "progressives." (And, of course, from the well-fed, milky mannered, comfortably numb burghers known as "centrists.")

All Americans are marianated in this mindset from birth, and it is reinforced in them, every day, by the most powerful and pervasive media machinery in history, by enormous societal pressure, and by the dead heavy weight of tradition. Even the most hardened cynics might feel the stirrings of atavastic response to these siren songs woven into the fabric of the American psyche.

In such cases, I recommend a reading of the following two articles. They will help remind you of the reality being cloaked by the psyche-stirring, button-pushing bullshit of the grasping wretches seeking power.

First, a remarkable piece in the London Review of Books, detailing the personal testimony of a child -- a child -- sold into years of captivity and torture at the hands of the proud, always-to-be-honored defenders of American values. It's the story of Mohammed el Gorani, a Saudi-born teenager from Chad, whose black skin made him a special target for his captors in the gulag hellholes of Kandahar and Guantanamo.

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