Sunday 9th of March 2025

the supreme media .....

the supreme media .....

You’ve just gotta love our supreme media …..

As the world learnt of the passing of the “Supreme Leader”, Kim Jong Il, every media outlet in the country jumped onto the same bandwagon & engaged in an orgy of propaganda, with the single aim of defaming the dead leader.

We were advised that the evil Kim had lead North Korea with a “cult of personality”. It was claimed that Kim was a “murderer”, a “hijacker”, a "kidnapper" & a “nuclear terrorist”; that he was a “tyrant” & that he had a “reputation for a lavish lifestyle …. fine foods, cigars, cognac & women” (sounds like a few people who hang about in Washington, London or Canberra, based on many informed reports) & there were fears that he would supply the terrorists with weapons of mass destruction.

Greg Sheridan, a discerning judge of character if ever there was one, labelled Kim as "the most grotesque dictator of our time", an epithet previously applied to the likes of Gaddafi & Hussein. Greg also claimed that our "Dear Leader" was responsible for a famine which resulted in the starvation of millions during the 1990s.

The nation’s journalists interviewed a multitude of “experts” from a variety of international institutions, not to forget our always serious politicians, all of whom provided confirmation of Kim’s evil reign & the new threat that the world now faced as a result of the uncertainty that his death had caused.

Kevin Rudd solemnly advised the world that South Korea & Japan had placed their military on “high alert”, as though Kim’s death would almost certainly prompt an all-out military attack by the evil northern hordes on the defenceless south.

Wayne Swan, gave a superb performance as acting Prime Minister, breathlessly advising that "North Korea is one of the most isolated regimes on earth & one of the most dangerous. It's nuclear & missile programs present a real & credible threat to the region & potentially to Australia." Wayne didn't bother to explain why we should all immediately rush-off & hide under our beds but, surprise, surprise, oil prices spiked & doubtless we'll shortly be advised that the reason our retailers are doing it so tough is because the Dear Leader has ceased his conspicuous consumption.

Of course, it never occurred to any of the above geniuses who run around the place these days disguised as “journalists” or "leaders" to ask “who” benefits most from this demonisation of the great leader?

It seems that, these days, there are no journalists capable of independent thinking: none who seem able or interested in challenging the “official line” but concern themselves only with the promotion of the most outrageous propaganda.

As any strategist worth a dime would testify, the only parties who benefit from the ongoing vilification of North Korea & its leadership are the US & Japan, neither of whom wish to see the two Koreas united. The fact that such unification would benefit both Koreas can’t be allowed to get in the way.

No sirree, far better to demonise a dead old man & continue to treat the majority of humanity with complete contempt.

Bring on X-Mas & a rest from our awful “media”.


Kim Jong Il dies; North Koreans rally around his Heir 

don't laugh .....

Too bad Kim Jong-il kicked the bucket last weekend. If the divine hand that laid low the North Korean leader had held off for a week or so, Kim would have been sustained by the news that President Obama had signed into law a bill that puts the United States not immeasurably far from the Democratic People's Republic of  Korea in contempt of constitutional protections for its citizens, or constitutional restraints upon criminal behaviour sanctioned by the state.

At least the DPRK doesn't trumpet its status as the last best sanctuary of liberty. American politicians, starting with the president, do little else.

A couple of months ago I signaled to Week readers America's steady slide downhill towards the status of a Banana Republic, with Obama's assertion that he has the right as president to order secretly the assassination, without trial, of a US citizen he deems to be working with terrorists. This followed his betrayal in 2009 of his pledge to end the indefinite imprisonment without charges or trial of prisoners in Guantanamo.

After months of declaring that he would veto such legislation, Obama has now crumbled and will soon sign a monstrosity called the Levin/McCain detention bill, named for its two senatorial sponsors, Carl Levin and John McCain. It's snugged into the 2012 National Defence Authorisation Act.

The detention bill mandates – don't glide too easily past that word -  that all accused terrorists be indefinitely imprisoned by the military rather than in the civilian court system; this includes US citizens within the borders of the United States.  

All onslaughts on potential sedition like to cast as wide a net as possible, so the detention act authorises use of military force against anyone who "substantially supports" al-Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces". Of course "associated forces" can mean anything. The bill's language mentions  "associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or who has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces."

That's language that can be bent at will by any prosecutor. Protest too vigorously the assassination of US citizen Anwar al Awlaki by American forces in Yemen in October and one day it's not fanciful to expect the thunder of the military jackboot on your front step, or on that of any anti-war organiser, or any journalist whom some zealous military intelligence officer deems to be giving objective support to the forces of Evil and Darkness.

Since 1878 here in the US, the Posse Comitatus Act has limited the powers of local governments and law enforcement agencies from using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land. The detention bill renders the Posse Comitatus Act a dead letter.  

Governments, particularly those engaged in a Great War on Terror, like to make long lists of troublesome people to be sent to internment camps or dungeons in case of national emergency. Back in Reagan's time, in the 1980s, Lt Col Oliver North, working out of the White House, was caught preparing just such a list. Reagan speedily distanced himself from North. Obama, the former lecturer on the US constitution, is brazenly signing this authorisation for military internment camps.

There's been quite a commotion over the detention bill. Civil liberties groups such as the ACLU have raised a stink. The New York Times denounced it editorially as "a complete political cave-in". Mindful that the votes of liberals can be useful, even vital in presidential elections, pro-Obama supporters of the bill claim  that it doesn't codify "indefinite detention." But indeed it does. The bill explicitly authorises "detention under the law of war until the end of hostilities."  

Will the bill hurt Obama? Probably not too much, if at all. Contrary to widespread belief, liberals are never very energetic in protecting constitutional rights. That's more the province of libertarians and other wackos actually prepared to draw lines in the sand in matters of principle.

Simultaneous to the looming shadow of indefinite internment by the military for naysayers, we have what appears to be immunity from prosecution for private military contractors retained by the US government, another extremely sinister development.

The US military has been outsourcing war at a staggering rate. Even as the US military quits Iraq, thousands of private military contractors remain. Suppose they are accused of torture and other abuses including murder?

The Centre for Constitutional Rights - a US non-profit organisation - is currently representing Iraqi civilians tortured in Abu Ghraib and other detention centres in Iraq, seeking to hold accountable two private contractors for their violations of international, federal and state law. In the words of Laura Raymond of the CCR, "By the military's own internal investigations, private military contractors from the US-based corporations L-3 Services and CACI International were involved in the war crimes and acts of torture that took place, which included rape, being forced to watch family members and others be raped, severe beatings, being hung in stress positions, being pulled across the floor by genitals, mock executions, and other incidents, many of which were documented by photographs. The cases - Al Shimari v. CACI and Al-Quraishi v. Nakhla and L-3 - aim to secure a day in court for the plaintiffs, none of whom were ever charged with any crimes."

But the corporations involved are now arguing in court  that they should be exempt from any investigation into the allegations against them because, among other reasons, the US government's interests in executing wars would be at stake if corporate contractors can be sued.  And Raymond reports that "they are also invoking a new, sweeping defence. The new rule is termed 'battlefield preemption' and aims to eliminate any civil lawsuits against contractors that take place on any 'battlefield'."

You've guessed it. As with "associated forces", an elastic concept discussed above, in the Great War on Terror the entire world is a "battlefield". So unless the CCR's suit prevails, and a ruling of a Fourth Circuit federal court panel stands, private military contractors could be immune from any type of civil liability, even for war crimes, as long as it takes place on a "battlefield".

Suppose now we take the new powers of the military in domestic law enforcement, as defined in the detention act, and anticipate the inevitable, that the military delegates these powers to private military contractors. A company owned by, say Goldman Sachs, could enjoy delegated powers to arrest any US citizen here within the borders of the USA, "who has committed a belligerent act or who has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces," torture them to death and then claim "battlefield preemption".   

Don't laugh.

from behind the other iron curtain .....

When I travel in the United States, I like to look for common cultural themes in both countries. Employees must wash hands in bathrooms in Australia and America. We are bound together, as Barack Obama said, ''in many ways'' but what is the origin of this demand in restrooms that employees, and no others, wash their hands?

Does the boss check on employees in the toilet? Why are the rest of us exempt? The maverick in me - the one who refuses to put on the seatbelt in taxis despite the incessant beeping, the one who crosses roads mid-block - wants to rush out of the lavatory waving my unwashed hands in the air screaming, ''No water is touching these pinkies!'' But, alas, I always wash, before and after, because I know what I've got down there and where it's been. It's a natural instinct to protect one's loved one.

Speaking of endowments, watching college football on TV with my son, I learn nearly all colleges in the US, not being state colleges, are supported solely on contributions and financial support of private individuals, usually alumni. Rich Americans are so generous they compete to be the greatest philanthropist. Huge donations govern the distribution of museums and art institutes across the country, in most neighbourhoods from local and regional contributors.

In the most part, Australian galleries and artists depend on the state or donations that are the equivalent of a tip. There are very honourable exceptions, usually from family foundations created by migrant men of meat, stone, transport or megastores. Blue-blood Australians keep their hands in their pockets, where it's warm, and allow their children to flutter it away. We had to be forced to give back land we took by force or stealth over the past two centuries. We don't give up our hard-earned monies for education unless it's squeezed out of our wallets as tax by the state. Our public schools rise and fall on the strength of their Parents and Citizens Associations.

We have so much, we give so little. It's in our blood. Mateship is only one arm's length and not an inch further. Migrants want to give to the country that took them in, gave them a chance, gave them so much that it would be dishonourable not to return some of the bounty. In the US, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have pledged all their fortune to charities. Call me blind but I can't see the Murdochs and Packers giving it all away, at least not on Wendi's watch.

Returning to an earlier well-thumbed theme, America must regard the right not to wash your hands as constitutional, inhibited only by industrial labour laws. Maybe bosses think employees are unkempt trolls who weren't brought up properly and need to be schooled over matters of manners. Surely the right to not wash our hands is stronger than the dainty pretenses of the ruling classes, who are frightened that when they are handed the morning paper that there are slave germs on it.

The brutal command to wash is regardless of ones or twos, or even if you just walk in. If you read the signs like a lawyer, you must wash even if you're just checking yourself out in the mirror. Didn't I not fight in Vietnam to maintain my right not to be submitted to mandatory washing (the equivalent of waterboarding for a messy guy such as me)?

Our earliest Australian ancestors, before white man and his rules and regulations, didn't have a kangaroo to blow their hands dry or use bark to dry off. It's a traditional right.

Under the US constitution, there is an embedded right to bear arms but obviously only after towelling down. Civil rights lawyers in the past have been vigilant that the state not encroach into the bedrooms of its citizens. The epidemic of demands to wash that cross the Pacific sets a very dangerous precedent. It's all right when it comes from ''mommy or daddy'' but when it's stencilled on every toilet in both our lands, I feel it's only a matter of time before they tell us how to wipe.

This creeping intrusion into the toilet block is just the beginning and I fear that it won't be too long until we are like North Korea, with a fat jowly leader whose father died on a train, with stadium calisthenics compulsory for everyone older than 11, dressed in colours chosen by Our Leader and no reason to defecate or pee because we won't have anything to eat or drink.

dirty bit of business