Sunday 9th of March 2025

jingle bells...


You'll be chuffed to know our country is doing its bit for 'world peace' this Christmas.

The Australian Army is preparing for longer "campaigns"; we voted against Palestine's admission to the UNESCO and we lobbied to weaken the international ban on cluster bomb munitions.

We also decided to sell uranium to India, a country standing outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a country whose nuclear program is stimulated by its neighbour (Pakistan) having the fastest-growing nuclear weapons program in the world, and a country whose government has been prepared to bribe MPs to secure the votes for a nuclear future, as evidenced by the Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008.

Last but not least, Australia was the fourth largest purchaser of US arms in the 2011 fiscal year. 

Tune into the radio for the morning history trivia question. Seldom does a day pass when the answer doesn't relate to the beginning of a war, the fighting of a war, the ending of a war or some remembrance of a war. Is mankind preordained to a fate of perpetual war mongering?

Mainstream media reports "voila", the end of the Iraq war, as promised. But the public announcements don't mention that the United States has left behind in Iraq the world's largest "embassy", housing 16,000 people.

season's greetings

Take care....