Friday 10th of January 2025

Loyalty inc.

Loyalty inc.

United we despot

Is there a little hope at the end of the dark Johnnee tunnel? Is Barnaby Joyce a hero to true democracy or will he buckle at the knees? Or has he just one little policy difference with the big doodah just to let us believe in diversity of opinion that is just for show in the LIARS party? only time will tell...

Sol dumps on Nats

Telstra's efforts will not go unrewarded.

Telstra boss warns of changes ahead

Mr Stanhope said the 2004/05 result was driven mainly by organic growth in its broadband, mobile, advertising and directories business Sensis which helped offset a decline in fixed line product earnings.

What is the meaning of the term 'organic growth' that has crept into corp-speak?

Before you lot get started, I want to plead for civility. I respect Peter Cundall, the Oz Gardening person, and I have never heard him stoop to describing certain natural plant foods as 'bullshit'. So, if you must get into the smelly stuff, do what I do - apply blood 'n bone. But keep it in a solid container, the dogs love it, too.

Why do kids in a thousand country towns want access to broadband, anyway? Do they think it will help with their education? What do they think is the Oz motto - "a fair go for all", or something equally leftie? If they want good educations, why don't they move to the cities, close to the private schools? And why do farmers want access to the internet? They should be out hoeing rows, or whatever they do, not downloading porn.

That Barnaby Joyce should grow up, so he can play with the big boys.