Sunday 9th of March 2025

from the caricatures at yd...


happy new year 2012

Have a great one!

Happy New Year!!

Hi Gus,

Same to you .... may 2012 bring you & yours everything that you hope for.



easily-disoriented pensioners....

Thanks John,

the very best to all...



Two thousand and eleven, or "twenty eleven" for the time-poor, will be remembered as a year of upheaval. In Australia, people power came to the fore when truck drivers and easily-disoriented pensioners in their dozens marched on Canberra, determined to stop the megalomaniacal Juliar "Julia" Gillard from taxing the air we breathe, destroying all our industries, and continuing to keep the country in the pocket of Big Female.

Although the "Convoy of No Confidence" – named after Christopher Pyne – failed to repeal the carbon tax, it did send a strong message to the Labor-Greens alliance that elderly people with nothing better to do were a force to be reckoned with, and had the added benefit of causing Alan Jones to explode, scattering Jones particles over a wide area of countryside.