Sunday 29th of December 2024

A cry for help: please cross the desert and help WA! (Jack H Smit)

A cry for help, folks, all the way from WA.

People complain that 'the campaign is dead' here in WA, and it makes me feel sick to the core, because no less than EIGHT Liberals hold the seats here in the West, and not a word is heard about them; most of them are 'We Are Very Happy John!' footsoldiers and disciples of The Lying Guru. Wilson 'Ironbar' Tuckey, happy to vilify both indigenous people and refugees, Daryl Williams, and so on - doesn't it make you cringe? The only one that should keep her seat is Judy Moylan - she's happy to tell folks she refused to vote when the TAMPA Bills were pushed through parliament, and she's an Iraq War dissenter.

Please, please, please. Cross the desert with a delegation of the Not Happy John! campaign, and come over and help. We will help organise, publish, push the media - because we need you!!!!

Here they are, the 'We Are Very Happy John!' team:

Canning (Don Randall) Marginal Liberal
Curtin (Julie Bishop) Safe Liberal
Forrest (Geoff Prosser) Fairly Safe Liberal
Kalgoorlie (Barry Haase) Marginal Liberal
Moore (Mal Washer) Fairly Safe Liberal
O'Connor (Wilson Tuckey) Safe Liberal
Tangney (Daryl Williams) Fairly Safe Liberal
Pearce (Judi Moylan) Fairly Safe Liberal

Jack H Smit
Project SafeCom Inc.
P.O. Box 364
Narrogin WA 6312

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NHJ! (JR): Hang in there, Jack...and any small-l Libs in the West who are feeling unrepresented by JH's current mob, check out Judy Moylan's cracking maiden speech (from way back in 1993, admittedly - tho' her Iraq stance proves she's still hanging in there, too.)

'Those of us elected to parliament must work effectively for the deeper involvement and understanding of our fellow Australians in the political process. If we are honest, we cannot deny that there is a growing cynicism in the electorate. The healthy scepticism of our anarcho-conservative cultural tradition has been overtaken by a sullen alienation, a continued feeling of `us' against `them'.

Too many Australians consider that they are completely dissociated from government, that they have no means of influencing public policy, and that any major policy initiative is certain to contain a malign hidden agenda. Much of the responsibility must be borne, by not only publicly disgraced political leaders, but also all those in leadership roles who have sought to exploit and deepen this feeling for partisan gain. It is a fact that the cynicism that has been successfully mobilised to win an election may boomerang. When a re-elected government wishes to promote new solutions to deep-seated problems, it will find that it has created a monster.

I intend to do my utmost to assure the electors of Pearce that they matter, to give them a chance to have effective input into the political process and to take charge of their own destiny. Beyond representing my own views, it is therefore my role and my privilege to consider and represent those wishes of electors that are in the common interests of the people...'

Just so you know that true liberalism ain't quite carked entirely it west of Ceduna, just yet. Last legs, why not give Jack S an e-tingle and help Judy M with her lonely fight to ensure that all Westralian Lib centrists can continue to make an '...effective input into the political process, and to take charge of their own destiny'?