Thursday 16th of May 2024

therese to the breach...



Kevin Rudd's wife Therese Rein joined the Labor leadership war today, urging "ordinary people" to back her husband in the campaign against Julia Gillard.

Mr Rudd consistently outpolls Ms Gillard as preferred Labor leader but has been savagely criticised by Labor ministers who worked closely with him as prime minister for having a chaotic and dysfunctional leadership style.

Speaking at a snap Washington DC press conference, just before getting on a plane to return to Australia this morning, Mr Rudd sought to enlist "people's power" to persuade Labor MPs to back him in the leadership tussle.


calm before the battle...

The normal calmness was there. The thoughtful, paced, deliberate speech. But there was something else. A steely look, a don't-mess-with-me attitude. Was this the real Julia? Who knows, but there's no doubt it's fighting Julia.

As staffers from South Australia's parliament peered down from sandstone windows, Prime Minister Julia Gillard fronted the media this morning with a clear message that only she had the ''personal fortitude'' to lead the country.

Read more:

"a changed man"?...crap...


THERESE Rein has declared Kevin Rudd a changed man who has learned that "taking responsibility doesn't mean taking over".

Australia's former first lady has also praised Julia Gillard as "highly capable", revealing her sadness and betrayal over the breakdown of their political partnership.

But in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph, she has also revealed her first clue to the events that saw her family evicted from The Lodge:

Ms Gillard stopped looking her in the eye in the weeks leading up to the coup.

"I guess there was a little bit of eye avoidance," Ms Rein said. "You know when people won't look you in the eye. I was concerned about that. I always regarded Julia as an absolute team player. She was highly capable. I always regarded her with the utmost respect."

What a lot of codswallop from Therese... Meanwhile the Sunday Telegraph Laurie Oakes sez:


The resulting document -he called it "a reflection in all seriousness once the period of madness was over" - has never been published.

But in the current climate, where the way Kevin Rudd operated as prime minister has become the central issue in Labor's leadership contest, it makes fascinating reading.

The author, who operated in a key role and observed much of the discussion and decision making, says he would not bother to set down his recollections "except that they are such a powerful warning for future governments". His starting point is that "the Rudd Government was never, and could never have been, a functional government because of the man who ran it".

Reeling from vicious attacks by former ministerial colleagues determined to finish him off politically, Rudd will see the emergence of the paper now as yet another product of what he described yesterday as "the spin machine of the faceless men".

It no doubt serves the purposes of the former PM's enemies, but it was created well before the possibility of a Rudd leadership comeback started to be taken seriously by anyone. And its creator is no longer on the scene.

I know its creator...