Monday 13th of January 2025

spotting losers .....

spotting losers .....

Julia Gillard this week defeated Kevin Rudd overwhelmingly, but she shows little sign of winning the battle with herself to stop making bad mistakes. The aborted attempt to get Bob Carr into Parliament turned an opportunity into an own goal. Suddenly, everyone involved became a casualty.

Carr was embarrassed by being wooed and then unceremoniously dumped. NSW ALP secretary Sam Dastyari, who thought he'd done the right thing by identifying a high-profile figure to shoehorn into the Parliament and ministry, finds himself back in the box labelled ''faceless men''.

Stephen Smith, who opposed the proposal to make the former NSW premier the new foreign minister, looks the spoiler. If, as is expected, Smith returns to the foreign affairs job in today's reshuffle, his critics will paint him as putting his own interests first, as well as condemn him for cutting and running from the difficult Defence portfolio, where his work has only started. (If foreign affairs went to someone else, Smith would be left both without his preferred area and with the odium of blocking Carr.)

But it is Gillard who's the biggest loser. She's taken a double hit. She has not been able to carry through what she was apparently inclined to do in her reshuffle, making her look ineffective -and her blanket denials of the story have opened her to accusations of lying.

When Smith and whoever else raised objections to the Carr plan, Gillard either decided her initial enthusiasm had been misplaced, or she didn't dare to upset colleagues - especially Smith, who had stood aside (reluctantly) for Rudd after the election and so had some claim on the portfolio.

Gillard has made much of the fact that she, as leader, chooses her ministers. This was a power seized by Rudd (last week he said he had been wrong and would, if he won the ballot, restore to caucus the right to choose the frontbench). This week has shown the practical limits to Gillard exercising that power. She has talked tough but been exposed as weak.

Would Carr have been a plus to the Gillard government if the plan had come off? There are arguments on both sides. His arrival would have caused tension and made it look as if the federal party had to desperately import someone for the job. But Carr has a good name; he would have added some lustre to the federal party. He knows about foreign affairs and could have cut a figure on the international stage.

Gillard must be deeply disturbed, incidentally, at the leaking of the Carr story. She can't be sure that even the most confidential information will be secure (even worse now that Rudd can't be blamed). The Sydney Morning Herald's Phil Coorey initially reported that Labor had approached Carr - the Tuesday morning online report came around the time Carr was told by Wayne Swan that it was game off.

While the Carr affair hits Gillard's authority, the worst damage is to her credibility - her perennial vulnerability.

On Wednesday, The Australian reported that a ministerial rebellion had forced Gillard to drop an offer to make Carr foreign minister. When asked whether Carr had been offered a job, Gillard declared the story ''completely untrue''.

The story was not ''completely untrue'' - it was wrong on some points but the thrust was correct. There has been quibbling over whether Gillard made an ''offer'' to Carr, but this is partly semantic. She and Carr were discussing a proposal, about which they were both apparently keen, for him to take the job. A formal ''offer'' had to wait while she consulted colleagues. It didn't come but the earlier intention was there.

Instead of immediately providing a straightforward account of what had happened (such as ''yes, we had talks, in the end they didn't come off'') she played fast and loose with the truth.

But why? After all, there was nothing wrong with talking to Carr, an outsider but a respected Labor figure, about the foreign affairs job, whatever the result. As Anthony Albanese pointed out in a torrid parliamentary debate, the Queensland opposition is led by a man yet to win a seat in Parliament.

Gillard's all-guns-blazing response to the report was part of the new ''assertiveness'' that Simon Crean highlighted on Tuesday.

But ''assertiveness'' and ''authority'' are not the same thing. If assertiveness is not backed by authority, it not only comes across badly but can actually undermine an attempt to build authority.

Gillard has recently been extra-assertive in Parliament, with some of her answers laced with contempt for her opponents. On Wednesday, responding to a question from opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop about the Carr affair, Gillard spat out the jibe: ''Whoever I select won't break into a sweat wiping the floor with her.'' Delivered without the slightest lightness of touch, the line came across as an ugly insult rather than an effective spearing.

Gillard now goes into the reshuffle, to be announced today, on the back foot - and it is a tough one to get right. She needs to promote unity as well as talent, imperatives that may clash. Signs of retribution will just add to the tensions already within the government. If Smith goes into foreign affairs, she will have to have a credible choice for defence and a convincing story about why the change is desirable. She can hardly say ''Stephen wanted his job back''.

While this reshuffle gives Gillard a chance to fix up some messes she made in December, it has also come too early for her and that limits her capacity to do things properly. She can't make the most logical changes, because she has just put people into new jobs. Thus, the best person for defence would be Greg Combet - indeed, better than keeping Smith there - but he has been in industry only since December, and it would look ludicrous to move him.

If Gillard's reshuffle is judged a dud, the ledger of the week in which she crushed Rudd will come out heavily on the negative side.

Gillard's discordant Carr Alarm


the interview .....

TV: “Congratulations Prime Minister Gillard. Before we start, as we stand here on Thursday afternoon, do you accept that tomorrow will be Friday?” 

PM: “We have always supported the standard structure of the calendar and acknowledge that the public expect a regular system that provides the rhythm necessary for everyday planning and life structures. We feel very strongly about this.” 

TV: “So you do agree that tomorrow is Friday?” 

PM: “It isn’t important whether it is Friday or Monday. What is important is that unexpected changes don’t interfere with the normal expectations of the public - and this government has a solid record in supporting those expectations.” 

TV: “But as today is Thursday, surely you can confirm that tomorrow is Friday?” 

PM: “Everything is relative and whether the next day is Wednesday or Sunday is dependent on where you stand at the time. We have never challenged the current system and have the full support of the unions on this. Most intelligent people agree that changes are not required.” 

TV: “Well then, what day is tomorrow?” 

PM: “Tomorrow is the next day in our plan to further develop our marvelous country in many areas. We plan to continue providing better health care, reduced debt, reduced unemployment, controlled immigration and to be a world leader in controlling global warming.” 

TV: “Returning to the question, can you not confirm that Friday is tomorrow?” 

PM: “Friday is always around. It has been around many times before and will be around again many more times. Which is why we need - as a responsible government - to plan and organise for the future. Not just for tomorrow, but for our children and their children. 

TV: “Prime Minister, the viewers are waiting for your answer on what day you think tomorrow is?” 

PM: “We are dealing with bigger issues here. The Friday, Saturday, Sunday thing is not important or relevant to the scheme of things. They need to understand the critical issues and focus on the matters of concern, such as the condition of our nation and how we can continue to develop it so that all may reap the benefit.” 

TV: “I’m sorry, we seem to have lost the point here again. Are you saying that it isn’t Friday tomorrow?” 

PM: “The reality is that it is not important what day it is. What is important is how we handle the situation - and my government is handling it with solid policies evolved from the mandate the people gave us.” 

TV: “But we just want to know if you agree that it will be Friday tomorrow?” 

PM: “Let’s remain focused here. It is the nation that is important and we stand fast and rock steady in our dedication to the job in hand. In closing, let me say this one more time – we are fully committed to the task and have commissioned a report that will enable us to develop the plans for the future. Thank you.” 


Sound familiar??

the other interview...


TV: “Tony Abbott. Before we start, as we stand here on Thursday afternoon, do you accept that tomorrow will be Friday?” 

Tony Abbott: “No.” 

TV: “So you don't agree that tomorrow is Friday?” 

TA: “No.” 

TV: “But today is Thursday, surely you can say that tomorrow is Friday?” 

TA: “that argument is crap.” 

TV: “Well then, what day is tomorrow?” 

TA: “Tomorrow is the day in our grand plan to fart-around in all areas. We plan to destroy health care, increase mining profits, introduce work-choices-Mk5, sink boats of asylum seekers and continue as a total denier of global warming.... Did I mention destroy the NBN?” 

TV: “Sure... Returning to the question, can you not confirm that Friday is tomorrow?” 

TA: “Tomorrow? The day after today? Who asks?... Can I get a yellow hard hat? And some safety goggles?" 

TV: “Tony Abbott, the viewers are waiting for your answer on what day you think tomorrow is?” 

TA: “We are dealing with bigger issues here. Friday, Saturday, Sunday thing, all don't matter as long as I get a photo op for my budgies, here... It is not important or relevant to the scheme of our promulgating crap about the bitch. We need to understand the amount of the matters of concern, such as the condition of our party and how we can continue to be abnoxious, ill-informed and popular.” 

TV: “I’m sorry, we seem to have lost the point here again. Are you saying that it isn’t Friday tomorrow?” 

TA: “The reality is that it is not important what day it is. What is important is how we destroy Juliar - and my opposition to her is handling it with NO and NO, evolved from the complete negativity we're famous for.” 

TV: “But we just want to know if you agree that it will be Friday tomorrow?” 

TA: “Let’s remain positively negative here. I believe science couldn't tell you this either. So No, NO, No... no. But can I ring a friend? Cardinal Pell? No?... Yes? Bless you my child.” 


Sound familiar??