Monday 10th of March 2025

the belief in credulity...


WHAT'S the main thing we want from the President of the United States? Not what America wants. Never mind that. Those buggers get a vote. I mean the rest of us, the 99.6 per cent of the world who don't get to vote for the man who has the power really to screw things up for everyone.

Here's my vote: credulity.

That's what the President of America needs, above all. Never mind decisiveness. Never mind moral principles, political skill, the low cunning of a weasel and the self-belief of a ratsnake. What he needs is credulity. He needs to believe stuff.

In particular, he needs to believe nonsense. While everyone else is sniggering behind their hands, the President needs to be nodding seriously.

He has to nod seriously while the Israelis tell him they're going to bomb Iran because they're making nukes and they're going to push all the Israelis into the sea and dance as they watch them drown.

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the mormon white elephant...

IN THE END, Mormon money and organisation stopped crusading papism in its tracks. In the crucial state of Ohio, millionaire Mitt Romney beat Rick Santorum by only 10,000 votes or so, on a combined total turnout for the two of just under a million. In the nine other Super Tuesday races, Romney won in Massachusetts, Idaho, Alabama, Virginia and Vermont; Santorum in Oklahoma, Tennessee and North Dakota. Newt Gingrich swept his home state of Georgia.

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