Monday 10th of March 2025

nanny tony...

nanny tony

TONY Abbott has no intention of subsidising nannies and his vow to ask the Productivity Commission to cost it but not charge taxpayers any more was just an attempt at "suckering women", said the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.But the Opposition Leader hit back, accusing Labor of "spin and relentless negativity" and of acting "more like an alternative opposition than a real national government".
Seizing on comments in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday by an anonymous Liberal MP that "no one really thinks we are going to do it . . . it's just part of the appeal to women", Ms Gillard said Mr Abbott's stipulation that he would consider nanny subsidies only at no extra cost for taxpayers was "dripping with cynicism".
Labor has released costings by the education and finance departments putting the price tag for adding nannies to the childcare rebate at $2 billion over four years.The Minister for Child Care, Kate Ellis, said the only way to fund that extra $2 billion from within existing funds would be to cut existing childcare benefits by 20 per cent for 654,000 families.
"Really this was just a way of suckering women to make it look like they cared about childcare costs," the Prime Minister said."He can't possibly make this work without huge cuts in childcare benefits currently being received by families. People should look to the cynicism that drips from this."


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nanny state...

From the SMH

In your editorial you say Abbott plans to raise $3.3 billion by way of a temporary levy on big business. Temporary? Levy?

Why not call it what it truly is: A great big new tax on everything.

John McKechnie Lawson

One can scarcely believe it. Abbott, the leader of the party that for decades has decried the idea of a ''nanny state'', is proposing to introduce subsidies for nannies. Surely an admission that the social democrats were right all along?

Ian De Saxe Haymarket

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