Monday 10th of March 2025

ray on radiocrap...


advertising pays their wages...


Shock jocks take NBNCo cash, then trash its ads

Live reads pulled after DJs criticise NBN

By Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor • Get more from this author

Posted in Networks4th April 2012 00:48 GMT

NBNCo's plans to win over the hearts and minds of middle Australia have taken a hit, after two prominent radio announcers editorialised before reading paid ads which explained the company's role as a wholesaler.

Fairfax media reports Ray Hadley and Andrew Moore both prefaced paid ads with their opinions that the NBN is a waste of money.

Click here to listen to one of Hadley's reads and here to hear Andrew Moore at work.

NBNCo's General Manager, Communications, Andrew Sholl contacted The Register and said the ads " ...were read by 24 presenters over six talk stations. Hadley and Moore were the only two presenters ... that presented any difficulties."

"We removed the ads from those slots because [radio station 2]GB could not guarantee that they would be read without being subject to editorialising or misinformation. As recompense, GB has given us make-goods, with live reads and pre-records in other slots."

Hadley and Moore are overpaid narrow-minded idiotic blabbermouths... Their pay packet should be docked from the value of the adds they were supposed to read — THEN they should BE SACKED. 

John Singleton should do the right thing... Kick their arse.

the p'liceman balls...

If there is one thing that really makes the public sick, it’s hypocrisy.

There has been a lot of talk regarding hypocrisy of late, with organised religion facing the prospect of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse. It always strikes a raw nerve when someone who preaches morality acts in such an immoral manner.

However, it not just the religious that preach morality, there are those who are paid to do it on a daily basis on our airwaves. These radio hosts discuss politics and corruption and put forward their opinion on everything from the price of milk to corruption at the highest levels.

Ray Hadley, as you may be aware is a radio host on 2GB — a job many would describe as that of a shock-jock. Ray is also involved in the Rugby League or NRL commentary on Channel 9, and also writes columns for New Ltd’s Daily Telegraph in Sydney.

In his spare time Ray donates a large amount of time to charity, in particular police charities. Ray acts as guest of honour at police events, and is the guest speaker at many police charity events and police balls.

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hadley baby...

In 2001, 2UE was owned by Southern Cross Broadcasting. It is now owned by Fairfax Media.

Last month Hadley's bullying was exposed in newspapers after a younger colleague secretly recorded one of Hadley's vicious tirades on his phone.

Managing director Rob Loewenthal suspended the top-rating host for the bullying incident, but instead of accepting his punishment Hadley called his friend John Singleton, the network's majority owner, who overruled Loewenthal's decision and ensured the broadcaster remained on air.

Since reporting the story, Fairfax Media has been contacted by more than a dozen of Hadley's current and former colleagues. Most spoke off the record because they fear retribution. According to numerous sources, Hadley often demands employees be fired for mistakes as minor as mispronouncing a suburb's name or misreading a football score. This is why Piepers has decided to speak out. ''Hadley's been allowed to get away with this for so long,'' he said. His account has been confirmed by former 2UE host Mike Carlton and three others who worked at the station at the time.

By the time Hadley was threatening to punch Piepers through a wall, an audience had gathered near the sports department. A witness recalls Piepers saying to Hadley: ''Let's go, baby.'' Hadley ''very quickly'' sat down.

Hadley did not respond to Fairfax Media's requests for an interview.

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still investigating...


From Independent Australia...

Hadley was quick to condemn the government, and in particular Kate Lundy and Jason Clare the Minister for Sport, and Minister for Home Affairs and Justice for calling a press conference and making a big fuss out of things “without a skerrick of evidence”. Ray was however careful not to criticise the Australian Crime Commission and its President John Lawler. John is the brother of Michael Lawler, Vice President of Fair Work Australia fiancée of Kathy Jackson, who is currently under investigation for robbing HSU members blind for years.

Hadley was desperately trying to tell us the government was at fault in his familiar “Blame Julia” for everything approach, however headlines like the one pictured below show just how out of touch Hadley is with reality. Ray apparently thinks giving horse drugs to players on a grand scale is nothing to be concerned with, which I guess tells us how seriously we should be taking anything Hadley says.


I wonder if Ray was suggesting that the work of years of investigation from the Australian Crime Commission should have been ignored. If that is the case, it would be a rather irresponsible suggestion. As it turns out, for all of Hadleys hot air, it now looks like that the actions of Jason Clare and Kate Lundy seem entirely appropriate. I don’t think either will be expecting an apology from Hadley any time soon though.

There has also been a further development in the matter the events that took place at the Hadley household during a party in September last year that I covered in detail here on the 6th March.

The events involved an intoxicated 17 year boy, an allegedly broken gate that has mysteriously yet to need repair, and allegations of Ray’s son Daniel Hadley, an off duty cop, kicking the boy in the face. In a final act of indignity and indifference, the struggling child was then allegedly thumped in the head from behind by Ray Hadley in what would appear to be an act even more gutless than hitting a woman, something Hadley has often been accused of in the past.


You may remember that Hadley was all over the News Ltd press proclaiming his and his son’s innocence in articles that stated that the police investigation was finished.

Hadley even went so far as to say that the police had offered an apology to his son Daniel. However, Hadley would not respond when I tried to reach him with queries, and the police media unit could shed no light on this supposed apology, with the comment added that it would be highly unusual.

There were also questions that remained involving the conduct of police during the investigation in regards to leaks to Hadley’s lawyers and the intimidation of witnesses to not make statements. You may also remember that I mentioned I was going to contact the NSW Police Minister Michael Gallacher.

Today I can let you know that I have received a response from the Ministers Office, from Geoff Provest, Parliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services.


You may remember that Hadley was all over the News Ltd press proclaiming his and his son’s innocence in articles that stated that the police investigation was finished.

Hadley even went so far as to say that the police had offered an apology to his son Daniel. However, Hadley would not respond when I tried to reach him with queries, and the police media unit could shed no light on this supposed apology, with the comment added that it would be highly unusual.

There were also questions that remained involving the conduct of police during the investigation in regards to leaks to Hadley’s lawyers and the intimidation of witnesses to not make statements. You may also remember that I mentioned I was going to contact the NSW Police Minister Michael Gallacher.

Today I can let you know that I have received a response from the Ministers Office, from Geoff Provest, Parliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services.


So, who are we to believe, Ray Hadley and News Ltd ‒ who employs Hadley and has a major stake in the NRL ‒ or do we believe the Police Minister, his Parliamentary Secretary, and the Assistant Police Commissioner? Hmmm ….

I am sure that this won’t be the last we hear on this matter, or the thuggish behaviour of the alleged “men” in the Hadley household.



See toon at top



trouble at hadley's house...


As always, he’s stoic, but it’s been a tough time lately for Sydney shock jock Ray Hadley.
The People’s Champion is in court with Richard Palmer, a colleague he allegedly bulliedhe’s suing his former accountants for allegedly giving him bad financial advice and he’s offloading his salubrious weekender at Toowoon Bay on the NSW Central Coast at auction next month. But that’s just the start of it.

It turns out Hadley’s also flogging his beachfront pad at Main Beach on the Gold Coast.

The auction is on Thursday morning and agents Ray White say Hadley’s an “extremely keen seller”.

The top rating morning host bought the sub-penthouse in 2006 for $1.6 million. So why the firesale? On top of about $2 million in mortgage debt, Hadley’s company Raytrack Sporting Services has been slapped by the ATO with a whopping tax debt of almost $6 million, which he’s got two years to come good on.
That sounds to us like a pretty good reason to sue your bean counters.

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See also :
See also:
Although Ray Hadley is a small bit player in attacking the global warming reality, he's quite good at supporting the head-butting morons on that list at 


more trouble at ray hadley's crap-lies-porkies-radio...


Talkback host Ray Hadley's morning program has been found to have breached the commercial radio codes when broadcasting false claims about the former treasurer Wayne Swan.

In a broadcast that aired on June 25, 2012, Hadley claimed that children visiting Canberra's Parliament House would no longer be offered fruit snacks and bottles of water due to budget cuts. Hadley based his assertions on a story in that morning's Daily Telegraph.

Commentators and journalists have a responsibility to correct the record if they get it wrong 

However, before Hadley went to air with his claims, Mr Swan had issued a statement to all media outlets saying the story was “completely wrong” and that not a “single dollar” was being cut from the schools hospitality program.

Hadley ridiculed Mr Swan's statement, telling listeners: “It appears Mr Swan has not read what he needs to read in relation to all of this."

Rather than taking Mr Swan's word that the story was inaccurate, Hadley described the then federal treasurer as one of the “most dishonest politicians ever to govern this country”.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority judged that Hadley failed to make “reasonable efforts” to broadcast factual material.

The ACMA also found that, in later broadcasts, Hadley failed to properly correct the record and did not clearly acknowledge that his original statements were wrong.

The authority is in discussions with 2GB about remedial measures. The ACMA does not have the power to fine Harbour Radio, the licensee of Hadley's station 2GB. Nor can the peak body remove the talkback host from air.

Options for punishment include the ACMA asking Harbour Radio to issue a correction or accept an “enforceable undertaking” if they breach the accuracy code again. Another option is for the ACMA to impose an additional licence condition on the broadcaster, as it did when 2Day FM's morning host Kyle Sandilands asked a 14-year-old girl whether it was her only sexual experience when she had been raped at the age of 12.

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Ray is a dinosaur (according to his own words) but one that should be extinct (according to Gus). This dinosaurism of course includes the Daily Telegraph for mostly reporting falsehoods in the first place... But as we know this is the way the game of media is played out — throw mud, stop the mud fight with an apology on page 44, BUT MAKE SURE THIS CRAP HAS ENCOURAGED OTHERS — especially in the rabid shock-jocks kingdom — TO PICK UP THE SHIT AND THROW IT AGAIN... and again and again... until way into the elections, where the repeat of the taint — wrong and false — is having a clear impact on Ray's listeners... Shame on Ray and the merde-och press.... But then they don't know what shame or reality is...


from the lips of dinosaurs...

Will the Sky New ban from Victorian railway stations and Ray Hadley's own family troubles create pause for commentators at Sky News and News Corp? Asks Peter Wicks.

THIS MONTH, I was reminded of a time when Russell Crowe got himself a crew cut, donned all the Nazi regalia and starred in a little flick called Romper Stomper.

It was a film that was highly controversial and confrontational at the time. Now, however, people like Crowe's character, Hando, are not such underground figures. In fact, thanks to the likes of Channel 7 and Sky News, neo-Nazis like him are now becoming mainstream commentators. Perhaps it's fitting that Foxtel has made a series of Romper Stomper.

After all of the controversy when Channel 7 aired the views of neo-Nazi and leader of the United Patriots Front (UFP), Blair Cottrell, Sky News’ decision to invite Cottrell for an on-air chat had the appearance of deliberate dog whistling to racists. It is not clear what kind of legitimate political commentary Sky were expecting from a bloke who thinks every school classroom should have an Adolph Hitler portrait in it and brags of physically intimidating women, but fair to say that no words of wisdom left his lips that evening — or ever, for that matter.

This interview came shortly after Sky News commentator and News Corp columnist, Andrew Bolt, wrote a piece that talked of Australia losing its identity, taking aim at many races and creeds including Muslims and Jews. News Corp, in their wisdom, chose to publish the column and accompany it with an illustration that is reminiscent of a mural in England, which has recently been widely criticised for being anti-Semitic.

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Read from top.

tidied up "my" stumble to make him sound better...

In regard to: "media"? jock straps? shock jocks?... ray laddle?


The use of “my” prompted some listeners to accuse Hadley of directly reading out a text sent from Dutton. 

When the segment was uploaded online, the audio of Hadley saying “my” was edited out.

However, Hadley told Fairfax Media he simply “stumbled on a word” and that he was not reading out a message from Dutton. 

“I was ad-libbing as I do for most of my three hours,” he said. “I stumbled on a word. Without my knowledge digital staff, as they often do, tidied up my stumble to make me sound better. 

“For the record, the contact I had within the Liberal party was not Peter Dutton. Seems to be a storm in a teacup. If you listen to the rest of the program there’s 50 other stumbles the digital team would have edited.”

Hadley had previously fallen out with Morrison, who used to be a regular guest on his program.


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In regard to "reading (or not) a note from Peter Dutton", Ray's contact within the Liberal party does not have to be Peter Dutton... Clever doublespeak...