Monday 10th of March 2025

hockey's pockey....

hockey's pockey

Every now and again, Joe Hockey stands up and says something so completely correct that his colleagues automatically want to track him down and thump him.Like in February last year, when – amid an ugly controversy over whether taxpayers should pay for asylum seekers to bury their dead from the Christmas Island tragedy – Mr Hockey shamed his colleagues with a dignified handful of words: "I would never seek to deny a parent or child from saying goodbye to their relative."

Or when he shut down, later last year, Coalition enthusiasm for forcing Craig Thomson to remain in Parliament when his wife was due: "We're not going to deny the right of a person to be at the birth of their child."

This time, though, Joe's really done it. And he knows he's really done it, because he went to London to say it.

What he went to London to say was that our democracy has become addicted to entitlement, and that this state of affairs is no longer sustainable.

joe thatcher hockey...

Finance Minister Penny Wong said Mr Hockey was suggesting some entitlements were more equal than others.

"What he is saying in that speech is that we should cut into pensions but we shouldn't cut into the private health insurance rebate," she said.

"It just shows he doesn't make a lot of sense a lot of the time."

Senator Wong appeared to confirm social security payments were safe from budget cuts.

"Things like Medicare and the age pension are a very important part of who we are," she said.

Australian Greens leader Christine Milne hit out at Mr Hockey for a "Thatcherite" vision for Australia.

Read more:

water on the oil fire...


The Federal Opposition is hosing down suggestions it is planning to make sweeping cuts to welfare payments, after shadow treasurer Joe Hockey declared the "age of entitlement" was coming to an end.

A senior Coalition source has told PM the opposition is not planning to cut welfare payments and that Mr Hockey was speaking broadly.

In comments made to key policymakers in London overnight, Mr Hockey said governments, crippled by debt, are running out of cash and warned the Opposition would be eyeing cuts to welfare, health care and pension costs.

The shadow treasurer said the entitlement system in Western democracies had grown, "fuelled by short-term electoral cycles and the politics of outbidding [opponents]", and he has admitted his party was guilty of the same factors when last in government.

If you trust the coalition, you have porridge for brains... See toon above..


joe hockey is a hypocrite...

Despite what some analysts and journalists think — trying to massage Joe's message — Joe Hockey is a pure hypocrite. Actually most of the Liberals (conservatives) are hypocrites. Abbott is the el supremo of the hypocrites in these ranks and he is a grand master trickster of the most clever kind — now claiming to be a conservationist while raping as much as possible, using an illogical grammar that conservatism equals conservationism. Bollocks!!!

But what Joe said about entitlements is quite outrageous and ultimately very dangerous. 

In most Asian countries, many people survive on the provenance of bribes and kickbacks. To visit say a prisoner in most Indonesian prisons, for example, one has to pay "facilitation fees" (bribes) to the wardens and also to the senior prisoners... More bribes have to be paid for whatever needed "free" public service. Much of business done in the Arab countries also need such facilitation fees, and one should remember the BAE scandal where about one billion dollar was paid to a Saudi prince for a weapon contract to be enabled. Here in Australia, the scandal of the AWB selling wheat to Saddam Hussein when there was an embargo going on is still close to the flesh. Note also is the plastic banknotes bribes that has plagued one section of the RBA. In many countries, bribes are the only retirement scheme provider...

Even in countries like Australia, politicians rake a lot of "entitlements" that stops them from starving politically. 

In America, when Obama tried to create Obamacare, an "entitlement" designed to stop people — who could not afford health insurance — die in the street, he has been harassed and been fought to the Supreme Court... But I would suggest that this country of plenty, Yamerika, owes more cash to the rest of the world than the rest of the world owes in entitlements. As well in order to remove people from its "entitlement" of social "obligations", Yamerika imprison about 1 per cent of its population at any one time — helping an array of private corrective services to flourish — all paid for by the public... 

In the end, there are some abuse of entitlements. But these are quite minuscule compared to the damage that lesser "entitlements" would do in the social context. Be not fooled by the jovial Joe Hockey of this world. They are more Machiavellian that one can imagine... For example, when the formula for capitalism was originally devised, a factor of 6 per cent unemployment was placed in the equation. When more women tried to join the work force, this basic value was hard to maintain and various artifices have been used by various governments around the world. In Yamerika, we know of about one percent of the population being removed from the equation: they are in prison as mentioned above. Another artifice used in some country such as Aussieland is the baby bonus or the maternity leave...  The beauty of Machiavellian Abbott here is to devise a scheme that would employ nannies, increase maternity leave for blokes and make all of us pay for it...

Printing money beyond means has always been the privilege of countries, including Yamerika, that is the biggest culprit in the world. Meanwhile, Should you decide to reduce entitlements — then salaries, bonuses and perks for CEOs should also take a hefty plunge, but this would be the day...

More could be said here on the subject of entitlements that help many people just survive when the going is tough. Entitlements, contrary to what Joe suggests, do not invite people to be lazy. Entitlements are ways to redistribute the wealth around and, of course, the wealthier people (mostly Liberals [conservatives]) resent others getting 'entitlements" thinking they should be forced to drink from the sewers until they discover the unlikely way to make an indecent buck. Probably steal instead: feed the prison system thus and Bob's your uncle. reduce unemployment... Another trick which I have exposed many a few too many times is "charity"... Many charitable organisations are doing a "good" job, but without "entitlements, the need for such "socially unhealthy organisations" (that's my words) would soon quadruple with the net result that many more people would even fall further down, below the poverty line... while providing a tax exemption to the wealthy who are not prepared to pay for "non-tax exempt" tax, some of which goes to pay for entitlements. One can see the next move of the Libs (conservative hypocrites) from here....

Go play marble with the kids in the street Joe, hopefully you could get run over by a bus...