Sunday 9th of March 2025

a little temporary safety .....

a little temporary safety .....

Three targeted Americans: a career government intelligence official, a filmmaker and a hacker. None of these US citizens was charged with a crime, but they have been tracked, surveilled, detained - sometimes at gunpoint - and interrogated, with no access to a lawyer. Each remains resolute in standing up to the increasing government crackdown on dissent. 

The intelligence official: William Binney worked for almost 40 years at the secretive National Security Agency (NSA), the US spy agency that dwarfs the CIA. As technical director of the NSA's world geopolitical and military analysis reporting group, Binney told me he was tasked to "see how we could solve collection, analysis and reporting on military and geopolitical issues all around the world, every country in the world."

Throughout the 1990s, the NSA developed a massive eavesdropping system codenamed ThinThread, which, Binney says, maintained crucial protections on the privacy of US citizens demanded by the US constitution. He recalled, "After 9/11, all the wraps came off for NSA," as massive domestic spying became the norm. He resigned on 31 October 2001. Along with several other NSA officials, Binney reported his concerns to Congress and to the Department of Defense.

Then, in 2007, as then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was being questioned on Capitol Hill about the very domestic spying to which Binney objected, a dozen FBI agents charged into his house, guns drawn. They forced aside his son and found Binney, a diabetic amputee, in the shower. They pointed their guns at his head, then led him to his back porch and interrogated him. Three others were raided that morning. Binney called the FBI raid "retribution and intimidation so we didn't go to the judiciary committee in the Senate and tell them, 'Well, here's what Gonzales didn't tell you, OK.'" Binney was never charged with any crime. 

The filmmaker: Laura Poitras is an Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker, whose recent films include My Country, My Country, about the US occupation of Iraq, and The Oath, which was filmed in Yemen. Since 2006, Poitras has been detained and questioned at airports at least 40 times. She has had her computer and reporter's notebooks confiscated and presumably copied, without a warrant. The most recent time, 5 April, she took notes during her detention. The agents told her to stop, as they considered her pen a weapon. She told me:

"I feel like I can't talk about the work that I do in my home, in my place of work, on my telephone, and sometimes in my country. So the chilling effect is huge. It's enormous."

The hacker: Jacob Appelbaum works as a computer security researcher for the nonprofit organization the Tor Project, which is a free software package that allows people to browse the internet anonymously, evading government surveillance. Tor was actually created by the US Navy, and is now developed and maintained by Appelbaum and his colleagues. Tor is used by dissidents around the world to communicate over the internet. Tor also serves as the main way that the controversial WikiLeaks website protects those who release documents to it.

Appelbaum has volunteered for WikiLeaks, leading to intense US government surveillance. Appelbaum spoke in place of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, at a conference called Hackers on Planet Earth, or Hope, as people feared Assange would be arrested. He started his talk by saying:

"Hello to all my friends and fans in domestic and international surveillance. I'm here today because I believe that we can make a better world."

He has been detained at least a dozen times at airports:

"I was put into a special room, where they frisked me, put me up against the wall ... Another one held my wrists ... They implied that if I didn't make a deal with them, that I'd be sexually assaulted in prison ... They took my cellphones, they took my laptop. They wanted, essentially, to ask me questions about the Iraq war, the Afghan war, what I thought politically."

I asked Binney if he felt that the NSA has copies of every email sent in the US. He replied, "I believe they have most of them, yes." Binney said two US senators, Ron Wyden and Mark Udall, have expressed concern, but have not spoken out, as, Binney says, they would lose their seats on the Senate select committee on intelligence.

Meanwhile, Congress is set to vote on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or Cispa. Proponents of internet freedom are fighting the bill, which they say will legalize what the NSA is secretly doing already. Before voting on Cispa, members of Congress, fond of quoting the country's founders, should recall these words of Benjamin Franklin:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

How The National Security Agency Has Gone Rogue

Yes John...

The same problem, as cited above, faced the SDECE in France when General De Gaulle asked one of the most successful agency within, to spy on French people. This led to the prosecution of one of the most secret successful spy who refused to let his "section" (7) investigate French citizens.


In order to bring him down, The government charged him with the murder of a Morrocan diplomat in 1969... Thus the spy publicly spilled the beans on all the French secret services and all their devious secret operations since the 1950s. He was acquitted as he physically could not have committed the murder, but the SDECE — one of the most efficient spy organisation in the world —  became a laughing stock. The SDECE was reconstructed slowly with new personel that eventually created the "Rainbow Warrior" fiasco... Since then the new French secret service is battling its internal demons... Think of the Colombia prostitutes affair...

on the list...


You are all suspects now. What are you going to do about it?

You are all potential terrorists. It matters not that you live in Britain, the United States, Australia or the Middle East. Citizenship is effectively abolished.

Turn on your computer and the US Department of Homeland Security's National Operations Centre may monitor whether you are typing not merely 'Al Qaeda', but 'exercise', 'drill', 'wave', 'initiative' and 'organisation': all proscribed words.

The British government's announcement that it intends to spy on every email and phone call is old hat. The satellite vacuum cleaner known as Echelon has been doing this for years. What has changed is that a state of permanent war has been launched by the United States and a police state is consuming Western democracy.

What are you going to do about it?

Yes, we are all suspects now... and personally I believe I have been for a long time... If my ASIO file isn't brimming with crap about my real life since at least 1980... with my ficticious characters around town filling the pages, I would be surprised... And basically I can do nothing, but keep dirt files on all the dirt filers...

Perverse... That is the world we live in and there is little we can do... except keep on exposing the grand cons promoted by the biggest liars on earth... The USA... See "the Age of Deceit" introduction in three parts and chapter one a bit further below, on that line of blog (Age of Deceit)...

In a very early blog on this site I also wrote about the way the USA was sieving through trillions of tonnes of data to find a whiff of trouble, like a pin in a zillion haystacks and that the Europeans at the time, spying on Saddam Hussein as well — remember him? — had only a few million data stream to investigate because with limited resources, they had to be more choosey about what they were gleening from their satellites... but in the end they knew better... I'll find the link here one day...

Thank you John Pilger for being John Pilger... We need you more than ever.