Monday 23rd of December 2024

flipflop abbott...


merde-och press pushing dung uphill...

ONE of the Government's biggest family benefit measures is already being fought in the Parliament less than 15 hours after it was announced in the 2012-13 Budget.

The Opposition made clear it would vote against the $2.1 billion Schoolkids Bonus, which the Government wants to replace the Education Tax Refund scheme next year.

Liberal frontbencher Kevin Andrews said parents could spend the money on poker machines and electrical gear rather than on school requirements for their children.

But other family-based Budget measures are now certain to get through Parliament.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said today he would support $1.8 billion increase in Family Tax Benefit A which will go to some 1.5 million households.

However, Mr Abbott reaffirmed a Coalition government would repeal the mining tax, the Mineral Resources Rental Tax, which will be used to fund some $5 billion worth of the family measures. This means the Coalition will have to find at least $1.8 billion elsewhere.

The Opposition Leader today said: "we never suppported the mining tax, we still don't support the mining tax".

Read more:


Here, one does not have to read between the lines to get the gist...

The Telegraph (as the News Limited website) uses words like "reaffirms" to reinforce Tony's image (when it could have used a derogatory feeling like "repeats himself" which would be more accurate).

The telegraph spends 600 per cent more on its devotion to promote Tony Abbott rather than tell you "take the money —you've earned it..." as it should (it's public assets that the miners are digging privately — hence the new "mining tax" from where this extra cash is coming from... Mind you if you don't want it, say so... on principle of being part of Tony's ratbaggery.

Remember his predecessor, John Howard, gave you a $4000 baby bonus to play under the doona, but then jacked up education costs till you bled...?

When Kevin Andrews — of the same Abbott stable — starts to mention that "parent would spend the money on poker machine", your ears should be up and vigilantly poised... Hey, you morons, he's taking about YOU, the buyers of this telegraph rag... Not your next door neighbour, not the other family who you think shouldn't be getting a kiddy bonus... The Telegraph wants you to feel GUILTY about getting this money you should get... Yes you are guilty since you will spend it badly... Get it?...

Meanwhile the Liberals, guided by Tony the ratbag ritewingnut, opposed changes to gambling laws — stopping improved protection for problem gamblers!!! Talk about being a hypocrite!!! On one hand he accuses YOU of being problem gamblers since you will fritter the cash away but HE DOES NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT your PROBLEM GAMBLING!!!



Corporate Australia and high income earners are made to pay for handouts to lower income earners.

Swan told the Parliament that to most Australians, "it feels like the mining boom belongs to somebody else."  At the news conference inside the lockup, he called it "a Labor budget to its bootstraps."

Expect to hear a lot more of the sentiments expressed back in 2005 when the then shadow treasurer talked of an economy that conspired to isolate communities from the real prosperity.

The surprising element in the budget is that Swan has been able to fashion a half decent distribution of income at a time when the primary objective was to make deep cuts and reach a politically inspired surplus.

Of course, business won't like the abandonment of the one per cent corporate tax cut. But I'd like a quid for every time a business figure, or a Coalition MP, while blasting the mining tax and ridiculing the so-called benefits, told me that a tax cut of that size is "small change" or "hardly worth the effort."

Those families on $80,000 who potentially gain an extra $600 a year won't see the redistributed money in the same light.

the abc included...

The ABC (Australian Bluffcasting Corporation) is on the dung beetle track as well... It appears the ABC news on the budget tonight was spend mostly on exploring the borderline cases — people gaining very little from the budget mainly because they earn too much in the first place, and on talking with business complaining they did not get their tax cut (after having complained that the tax cut of one per cent was not worth the bother [see comment above] — this fact not mentioned by the ABC of course)... One has to realise that the Greens would have objected to this one per cent tax cut to business thus in a Labor pragmatic gesture, the money went to families to spend buying stuff from shops anyway, most likely to boost business anyway...

At least the ABC mentioned the Howard baby bonus ($4000) itself "designed to buy votes" — Hockey and Abbott making fools of themselves on the media circuit — but Howard was cynical enough to jack up the cost of education 10 fold the cost of his baby bonus... thus the retort in parliament by Julia Gillard that kiddies GROW UP... hence the budget help against the cost of education... 

abbott's loopy budget reply ...

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has used his budget reply speech to attack the Government's "knee-jerk response" to current economic trends.

Mr Abbott said in his budget reply speech that Treasurer Wayne Swan's fifth budget does nothing to promote investment and that "no genuine Labor government" would have hit families and businesses with the carbon tax.

He says the Government has deliberately played "the class war card".


There is far more in Swan's budget than Tony Abbott can ever see... and this is why Tony is like a cranky old man — grumpy and vociferous without purpose... still trying to destroy anything in his path...

A nasty dangerous future with Abbott.