Monday 23rd of December 2024

new menus...


abbott sells the biggest porkies of them all...

Deceit, deception, detraction, dishonesty, disinformation, distortion, evasion, fable, fabrication, falsehood, falseness, falsification, falsity, fib, fiction, forgery, fraudulence, inaccuracy, invention, mendacity, misrepresentation, misstatement, myth, obloquy, prevarication, revilement, reviling, subterfuge, tale, tall story, whopper....


No word can describe accurately the rant from Abbott in his budget reply but most of the DUNG bettles of the media can smell the perfume they seek ...

telling poll with little error of margin...


Poll: Do you believe Tony Abbott can find $50 billion more in savings before the next election.

Poll closes in 3 days.


23 % yes.... 77 % no   10052 votes counted

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So far this "poll" is telling us something... but wait!!! The Liberals might see ways of massaging the figures here by voting early and often... Can't vote twice?... Not a problem I can tell how but I won't... I did not either. 


But the broken-down state of Australian politics means both Labor's budget and the Coalition's reply are, more than ever before, determined by short term political tactics rather than the real long term vision that could inspire the national mind.

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We've only got ourselves to blame if the Australian politics are "broken-down"... In fact, if one looks at "policies", there are far more viable stuff coming from Labor in regard to the future — including the CARBON TAX... Meanwhile Tony Abbott is "enraged" and "deranged" wanting to destroy everything...

A class war??? A class war???? It was started long ago by rich geezers and refined with the help of Howard... All what is happening here now is a salvo back by the government to help those less endowded... So the rich bums are getting their noses out of joint? Well, the workers have been treated like dirt for too long. There....

an explosion of grudges

FORMER Treasurer Peter Costello thinks Tony Abbott is an "economic illiterate'', doesn't have a good word for John Howard and remains critical of former colleague Alexander Downer.

Mr Costello's bitterness towards "Howard and all his former colleagues'' previously was known only over lunch tables at Melbourne restaurants and exclusive clubs.

But revelations today have exposed an explosion of grudges within the top Liberal ranks and deep fractures within the the party is in its flagship state of Victoria, and federally.

At the centre is Mr Costello, the former Treasurer hailed as an economic mentor by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in his Budget reply address last night.

And the lid on long-simmering feuds was lifted by a former Costello political partner and best friend Michael Kroger. The two fell out in 2007 when Mr Costello was set to lead the Coalition in Opposition after the election but instead quit Parliament.

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disabled coalition...

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey has distanced the Coalition from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, saying he does not want to raise false hope about the future of the plan.

The Federal Government committed $1 billion for the initial rollout of the scheme which will start in July next year in up to four locations across the country.

The commitment includes $342 million over three years for individually funded packages for people with significant and permanent disabilities.

In his budget speech earlier this month, Treasurer Wayne Swan told Parliament the creation of an NDIS would be the most fundamental social policy reform since Medicare.

Since the budget Mr Hockey has promised successive surpluses in the first year of a Coalition government but revealed no costings.