Friday 20th of September 2024

Another NHJ! merchandise reminder ()

Just to remind all NHJ! book/site readers - we're now out of free stickers, alas. All further merchandising enquiries should go to the John Valder-run Not Happy John Campaign Website.

T-shirts, carry-bags and stickers available here, or email John's campaign here, or write to 'NHJ Campaign', PO Box 735, Epping, NSW, 1710. T-shirts cost $23 inc. postage and are available in all sizes. Stickers are $10 for 20. Carry-bags $10. All plus postage. The campaign office no. is 02-99296818.

Now that the campaign proper has begun, keep in mind the unavoidable 'practical' delineation between the many various seat-specific political fights now shifting into gear, and the overarching 'defend our democracy' theme of this website, which was launched by MK/Penguin to help promote the ideas behind her book, to canvas your ideas, and if possible - as seems to be transpiring - to help provoke greater democratic participation from us all - and even launch wider movement(s). We've been inundated in the last few weeks with enthusiastic, 'hands-on' queries about how to get actively involved; put simply (if sweepingly), our best collective shot at ousting JH's government while also reinvigorating the Australian democratic franchise from here on in is for each of us to search out the local electorate campaigns and/or candidates that inspire us the most, and get stuck into helping them.