Monday 10th of March 2025

subverting democracy .....

subverting democracy .....

Censorship violates free communication crucial for democracy. An interesting insight into Mainstream media ownership, media bias and media censorship comes from Murdochracy and Lobbycracy Australia where Big Money buys political influence and votes. Indeed in 2010 the huge Mining Industry only had to spend $22 million to bring down a very popularly elected Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, who was removed by a pro-Zionist-led Coup in 23-24 June 2010 (for details suppressed by Neocon  American and Zionist (NAZI)-beholden mainstream media see   Antony Loewenstein, Does the Zionist lobby have blood on its hands in Australia? and Gideon Polya, Pro-Zionist Led Coup Ousts Australian PM Rudd, MWC News, 29 June 2010).

The world's richest woman, iron ore magnate Gina Reinhart (worth $29 billion), has not been given a seat on the Fairfax (Australian media empire) board despite being the biggest shareholder with a 12.6% stake. She has fired a salvo at Fairfax over the exclusion (see Snubbed Rinehart Fires Salvo At Fairfax Board, The Age, 24 May 2012).

Iron ore processing into steel generates the greenhouse gas (GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2), and currently Australia's huge iron ore exports correspond to 293 million tonnes CO2 out of Australia's current (2010) domestic and exported GHG pollution of 1,708 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent (see 2011 Climate Change Course).

The Fairfax newspaper The Age (Melbourne) has an appalling record of censoring non-anonymous, credentialled, expert reader comments for evidently containing things it thinks that its readers should not read, know about or think about. It is not alone in this e.g. see Censorship By The Age and Censorship By A 'Quality' Australian Newspaper, ABC CensorshipCensorship By ABC Late Night Live, Censorship By The Conversation, Censorship by the BBC, Mainstream Media Lying, and Mainstream Media Censorship. An outrageous feature of censorship by the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed and academic –based web magazine The Conversation is that this medium  is backed by Australia's premier scientific research organization CSIRO (the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) and by the University of Melbourne, Monash University, the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Western Australia (see Gideon Polya, Australian Universities Linked To Pro-Zionist Censorship & Israeli Genocide).

Notwithstanding iron ore multi-billionaire Gina Reinhart being excluded from the Fairfax board, The Age might well have had sympathy for her interests in censoring out the following comment made in response to an article about the Australian Labor (Laboral) Government's Mining Tax that was responsible for intense and successful Mining Lobby activity against the Rudd Labor Government (see Professor Jeff Lewis Lost In A Frontier Fantasy).

Censored comment: "In his otherwise excellent article, Professor Lewis misses the key, science-based reality that Australia is obliged to cease exploiting coal gas and iron ore in the first place.

In 2009 the German Advisory Council on Climate Change (WBGU) determined that for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise, the World must pollute less than 600 Gt CO2 (600 billion tonnes CO2) between 2010 and essentially zero emissions in 2050.

Unfortunately Australia 's annual domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is so high that Australia exceeded its "fair share" of this global terminal GHG pollution budget in mid-2011 (see 2011 Climate Change Course above).

Worse still, Australia' s coal , gas and iron ore deposits are so huge that the bipartisan Liberal-Laboral (Lib-Lab) policy of unlimited exports of these commodities (and hence of the GHG pollution inherent in their use) means that Australia with 0.3% of the World's population intends to pollute the atmosphere with THREE (3) TIMES the whole world's terminal GHG pollution budget.

For a detailed and documented analysis of why Australia must rapidly cease coal, gas and iron ore exports Google " Australia 's huge coal, gas and iron ore exports threaten Planet". End censored comment.

The trouble with this sort of cowardly, silent, anonymous censorship is that most people don't know it is happening and if they do they don't know why - could it be anti-science? anti-intellectual? anti-academic? anti-semitism? xenophobia? self-interest? Who knows?

Censorship is a dangerous perversion that sabotages rational risk management,  crucial for societal safety and which successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific  analysis, and (c) informed systemic change to minimize the risk of adverse events. Mainstream media presstitution through censorship, lying by commission and lying by omission is not merely unethical, it is downright dangerous. Climate Genocide through unaddressed man-made climate change is predicted to kill 10 billion people this century (see Climate Genocide). You can help counter media censorship by telling everyone you know about this obscene and dangerous perversion that is subverting democracy.   


getting even .....

from Crikey ....

Now what's Gina up to? Fairfax chair attack. Some breaking news: Gina Rinehart has lifted her stake in Fairfax Media and has chairman Roger Corbett in her sights. Fairfax's BusinessDay reported just after 12pm that Rinehart - the largest shareholder - now has more than 13% of the beleaguered media firm. And she says in a statement:

"There are questions to be raised concerning the current chairmanship that has presided over both an approx. 60 per cent loss in share market value and continuous loss of circulation of all (its) major mastheads, which in turn (affects) revenue.

"Answers need to be given as to how the chairman will address this in the interests of all shareholders, rather than merely hoping for improvements in circulation, revenue and share price or perhaps trying to blame ... industry conditions."

So it's on. Corbett has blocked Rinehart's push for a board seat until now. Her public intervention comes as the company is expected to announce a significant restructure of its editorial operations later this week. Job cuts are expected - will Corbett soon be among them?