Friday 10th of January 2025

Crookery teacher

Crookery teacher


This cartoon — a continuum of the verbannt comment — referring to the way the government is fooling the opposition with ASIO mystical powders like fairy dust, or with another recipe like the WMDs with secret ingredients the public is not entitled to know. And all we know is that about 99 per cent of the stuff is porkies... to suit political outcomes.

See other cartoons (including the devil's advocate) and blogs (including letter from Scott Parkin) to this effect, all disseminated throughout this site...

More porkies from the right

From the ABC

Nuclear dump-health link 'a lie'
The Medical Association for Prevention of War says it is outraged at comments linking a nuclear waste dump to the health of Australians.
The association says federal MP Dave Tollner and Senator Nigel Scullion have been quoted as saying the health of Australians would suffer unless a nuclear waste dump was imposed on the Territory.
The association's vice-president, Dr Bill Williams. says the two issues are worlds apart and the statements should be retracted.
"They're peddling a lie basically," Dr Williams said.
"They're pushing a facility on to them that they simply don't need and they're appealing to the emotions of the electorate and saying that people's health is going to suffer if they don't take this radioactive waste dump."
Dr Williams says the comments need to be corrected.
"It's a falsehood and it needs to be retracted by those two gentlemen very quickly," he said.

the value of reichstags .....

‘McGovern then moved on to talk about terrorism and the fact that if there was another major attack in the US, it would mean a martial law state (According to General Tommy Franks) and a breakdown in our freedoms.  


He amazingly went on to suggest that if another attack took place we should not accept what the government tells us because it could be them carrying out the terror. 


"We have to be careful, if somebody does this kind of provocation, big violent explosions of some kind, we have to not take the word of the masters there in Washington that this was some terrorist event because it could well be a provocation allowing them, or seemingly to allow them to get what they want." 


McGovern said he would not put it past the Government to "Play fast and loose" with terror alerts and warnings and even events themselves in order to rally people behind the flag. 


Last week we revealed how a major terror alert in New York was outed as a fake, and magically boosted Mayor Bloomberg's ratings.’ 


Government May Be Manufacturing Fake Terrorism