Friday 10th of January 2025

May we be

May the tragic earthquake that has beset Pakistan be only seen as an unfortunate event of our natural little planet

may those who died, died in peace without sufferance

May the injured and the survivors be cared for.

May peace be the only way to live and war never be an option

May we understand our environment as to avoid being hurt by powerful natural events

May we understand the extend of our influence of global health including global warming.

may we be aware that within the next couple off weeks, a resonance effect (according to the elastic rebound theory) may trigger another earthquake on a circle draw around the Pakistan epicentre at about 105 degrees from the centre of the earth intersecting any other plate tectonic juncture or fracture.

May the aftershock that are felt in Pakistan do not have any tragic consequences.

May peace and luck be on your side.


From the BBC

"""""Monitoring stations set up to detect atomic explosions could help predict the path of a tsunami, research shows.

Californian scientists have analysed sound waves produced in the Indian Ocean by last December's Asian tsunami.

Writing in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the team says the tsunami produced a "unique" signal.

This indicates, they say, that stations set up to implement the A-bomb test ban treaty could be involved in the new Indian Ocean tsunami warning system."""""

Gus is astonished that this has not been implemented or enforced before... When one considers that an atomic bomb blowing up is a toad's fart compared to the working innards of the earth, I thought that most of the earthquake analysis centres AND atomic test detection systems that are able to pick up 2000 tonnes of TNT blowing up in Katashimisteratan would have been already linked to analyse the millions of TNT exploding equivalent of an earth crust event.

I must have been dreaming in common sense...

Burying the poor before they are dead?

Short extract from Global Eye — Moscow Times

""""Planet Waves
By Chris Floyd
Published: October 14, 2005
.....And as in all disasters, those with political pull will benefit most from "reconstruction" aid. In Sri Lanka, poor villagers are being banned from re-settling on tsunami-hit beachfronts for "safety reasons" -- yet their land is being given to developers for five-star hotels, the Guardian reports. In New Orleans, the feasting on the dead by Bush cronies has grown so brazen that Washington has now been forced to re-bid some of the early pork payoffs, The New York Times reports. This is largely a show to allay public outrage, of course; billions more will remain safely stuffed in Bushist coffers."""""""

GUS Comments:
Yes Mr Floyd, we love your comments.... And share your understanding...

Unfortunately most of the masses have been inoculated with the fear virus and given a biscuit of moralisationing to chew on... The intellectual capacity of the world is shrinking fast while our focus becomes greed. Welcome to "Capitalistic Nazism..."