Sunday 9th of March 2025

back-slapping idiots


on the idiot box...

One has to have a solid sense of black humour to watch — without squirming — Andrew Bolt "interview" "Pyne-full-of-bile". on his biased show "the Bolt Crappaport"...

Pyne-O-Dirt of course scraped the bottom of all the barrels he could find for words containing "julia's incompetent government"... Then Mr Bolt moved on to a "balanced" interview between a huge Liberal shark and a former Labor small-fry — as to why the ABC mentioned the glorious Pyne and Abbott's dangerous escape from Thomson's armpits, in a dash to the exits of parliament — with "bias"... 

At this point I squirmed...


the old leaky burnt out kettle calling the pot black...


From Peter Reith spruiking on the ABC drum...



So our system is not as bad as some people make out but most would agree that we have our fair share of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy can sometimes reveal the weakness in a proposition. There have been two examples recently.

The first was the appointment of Peter Slipper as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The hypocrisy of the Slipper appointment was overwhelming because Labor prides itself on opposing people who rat on their own side as exemplified by their reaction to Mal Colston's defection. But there was also a certain amount of hypocrisy from the independent MPs who promised a new paradigm for the new Parliament and then voted for a person whose standing in the Parliament was not of the same standard as the previous speaker Mr Harry Jenkins. Literally within weeks of the appointment, the Labor Government had reason to regret their decision.

The Colston incident will probably go down as the classic act of hypocrisy in Australian politics. The 1996/97 Labour Party senate opposition attacked Colston for travel rorts but it was later revealed that Labor had protected Colston from the very same allegations.


Peter Reith, in a totally blatant hypocritical move, goes on brandishing the holier than thou card for the Liberals (conservatives) who, to say the least, had been "protecting" Peter Slipper himself, while apparently "knowing" he had been rorting the system for yonks.... And they preselected Slipper nine times apparently...


When Labor kindly picked Slipper as a Speaker of the House, the hypocritical Libs (conservatives) could see a way out of their troubles and started to interfere with Slipper's integrity as much as they could — even having meeting with his accuser, before court paper were served on Peter Slipper... This stinks of collusion and conspiracy.

Peter Reith also hypocritically attacks Labor for mentioning the troubles of Mary-Jo Fisher (who used to work for him) as a counterpoint to the attacks by the Libs (conservatives) on Craig Thomson... Talk about Reith being a double-bending hypocrite... Thomson was being mauled by Detritus and his men until time-off was called... Meanwhile would Peter Reith explain to us the relationships between Lawler — one of the "investigators" of the Thomson case — and Detritus Abbott himself... and that with the other accuser Jackson. (see

Reith has always had a selective memory.

He was one of the main liars in the "children overboard affair" and the waterfront dispute. May he be persecuted for these despicable porkies that pushed Australian politics further in the gutter...

And shame on the ABC for letting this known liar spruik more crap and for calling him honorable...