Friday 10th of January 2025

awaking to the amerikan dream .....

‘With TV providing a ceaseless backdrop of the country's failings - a crippled and tone-deaf president, a negligent government, corruption, military atrocities, soaring debt, racial conflict, poverty, bloated bodies in floodwater, people dying on camera for want of food, water and medicine - it seemed things were falling apart in the land where happiness is promoted in the constitution.’ 


Is This The Death Of America?

the best representation money can buy .....

‘There is little reason for anyone to be confused by the events leading up to the unravelling of America. All one has to do is ignore the rhetoric and simply follow the money to reveal the hidden mechanisms that are operating the American government.


In what can realistically only be described as a form of legalized bribery, it is well known that wealth buys access to power. In a nutshell: those with money have access to power that those without money do not. In a society divided by socio-economic class, the result is that the average American working family has little representation in government. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (November 2004), the mean annual income across all occupations in the United States is $37,440.


Contrast this figure with the income of the people elected to serve in Congress. There are four hundred and thirty five members in the House of Representatives. Of that number one hundred and twenty three had at least one million dollar incomes. As bad as this is, the disparity in the Senate is far greater.’ 


The Congressional Millionaires Club

the bush economy .....

The Bush Economy 


by Matt Wuerker

the old reverse overhead unitary executive theory trick .....

‘2006 is sure to be the year of living dangerously - for the Bush administration and for the rest of us. In the wake of revelations of warrantless spying by the National Security Agency, we have already embarked on what looks distinctly like a constitutional crisis (which may not come to a full boil until 2007).  


In the meantime, the President, Vice President, Secretaries of Defense and State, various lesser officials, crony appointees, acolytes, legal advisors, leftover neocons, spy-masters, strategists, spin doctors, ideologues, lobbyists, Republican Party officials, and congressional backers are intent on packing the Supreme Court with supporters of an "obscure philosophy" of unfettered Presidential power called "the unitary executive theory" and then foisting a virtual cult of the imperial presidency on the country. 


On the other hand, as determined as this administration has been to impose its version of reality on us, the President faces a traffic jam of reality piling up in the environs of the White House.  


The question is: How long will the omniscient and dominatrix-style fantasies of Bushworld, ranging from "complete victory" in Iraq to non-existent constitutional powers to ignore Congress, the courts, and treaties of every sort, triumph over the realities of the world the rest of humanity inhabits. Will an unconstrained presidency continue to grow - or not?’ 


The Year of Living Dangerously

the unreal state of the union .....

This is funny, grotesque, true, false, anti-American, mature, childish & a sign that democracy still lives in the USA. 


President Bush: In an Emergency State Of The Nation Speech To Congress