Friday 10th of January 2025

Capitalistic Fascism

Capitalistic Fascism

Hitler was an amateur

As Baghdad is yet again rocked by insurgents' bombs, our cherished leaders will spruik once more the need for tightening the screws on ourselves, themselves not taking into account that their own actions — including that illegal little war in Iraq for which they did not ask permission — are directly responsible for the recent cascade of terrorist acts and the rise of more terrorism.

But, as for all "good" psychopath in full flight, they will deflect the responsibility on others and get promoted. Hitler was an "amateur" tyrant doomed to failure, even after many atrocities performed in the promotion of his ideals. These guys are "professionals". They have managed to performed similar trickery but they deflect the responsibility to those who are their victims while they perform psychological tricks to blur the lines between Laws, Justice and Policing with a blend of ugly righteousness. Welcome to "way beyond 1984..."

Media Watch on the ABC last night confirmed what we already know here on this site. Dissent will not be tolerated by the government. Anything that is performed to expose the government hypocrisy and bloody-minded-ness will have a good chance of being viewed as supporting terrorism, even if we abhor terrorism as much as the government does.

And the headline of the Sydney Morning Herald this morning was distressing: Voters say yes to terror Australis By David Humphries October 25, 2005. The tricksters are winning

Even the fact that the paper also placed the views of prominent Australians against Johnnee's draconian laws smelt of a token gesture. The media and the labor party have failed Australia. Welcome to back-door fascism...

Why bother pursue Pinochet, Milosevic and Saddam when, as a nation, we are of the same mold....

And as Mr Gerard Henderson gives us the latest on the Liberal party magnetism, he, of course, fails to see that Johnnee is appealing to the lowest of our miserablest instincts. Our humanity is in trouble. Ghengis Khan was a communist in comparison.

feet of clay .....

Pardon Me 


Steve Bradenton

Facts no obstacle

Another of Bush's buddies, Karen Hughes, at work - 

[...] Hughes was asked twice for the basis for her numbers during a meeting with journalists from foreign news organizations.

"It's something that our U.S. government has said a number of times in the past. It's information that was used very widely after his attack on the Kurds. I believe it was close to 300,000," Hughes said when questioned the first time. She added, "That's something I said every day in the course of the campaign. That's information that we talked about a great deal in America."

When asked again several minutes later, she said, "I think it was almost 300,000. It's my recollection. They were put in mass graves."

By late in the day, Hughes's aide, Gordon D. Johndroe, offered a correction.[...]


Maybe our habeas corpus is in one of those mass graves.


lies unmasked .....

Yes T.G. .....

‘As we know, even the US Army War College admits there is no evidence Saddam gassed the Kurds. Stephen C. Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II and Leif R. Rosenberger, of the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, wrote in 1990: “Having looked at all of the evidence that was available to us, we find it impossible to confirm the State Department’s claim that gas was used in this instance. To begin with there were never any victims produced. International relief organizations who examined the Kurds—in Turkey where they had gone for asylum—failed to discover any. Nor were there ever any found inside Iraq. 


The claim rests solely on testimony of the Kurds who had crossed the border into Turkey, where they were interviewed by staffers of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Ah, the whiff of ...

... hypocrisy.

VX Destruction at Newport Moves Forward Full Story

1,269 tons

Theorists may enjoy this -

 Flight 93 was Shot Down (Part 3)

[...] The map above shows chemical weapon storage facilities inside the United States. Draw a line on the map from New York City to the facility in Newport, Indiana. The line will go almost directly over Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Specifically, the line does go over the seismograph that recorded the sonic boom. And, a line from Toledo to that line intersects the first line at almost 90 degrees — the perfect path for intercepting an unarmed target, because of the broadest radar coverage. Fighters of the 180 th from Toledo were dispatched east when they took off. Wasn’t there already significant fighter coverage in the East? But, only the Toledo unit was between the origin of all the known hijackings and the Newport chemical plant.

The plant has recently been selected for total closure. But, at the time of the “9-11