Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

avoiding tragedies...


the refugee conundrum...

As I have mentioned before, unless the government runs a ferry service between indonesia and Australia, the problem to stop the boats will only be solved by a harsh "possibility". The decision is thus to organise the boats or to go with the Malaysian solution. The solution, not as inhumane than the greens would like us to believe, would actually liberate the Malaysian camps in the order of 10 to one... There would be much less loss of life...

a boat in distress...


From the timeline of contacts between Australian authorities and the capsized asylum boat indicated by Home Affairs Ministers, Jason Clare, it seems that more timely action by the Australian rescue authorities could have averted the latest asylum boat tragedy.

“There is a need for a full inquiry into the information that all Australian authorities had about this boat,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition.

“The lack of coordination between Indonesia and Australian rescue authorities is a serious issue hampering rescue operations. Prompt action early Wednesday morning could have saved lives.

“AMSA was in touch with this boat since late Tuesday and was still in touch 36 hours later, when a plane flew over the boat only two hours before it was discovered capsized.

“It is absurd for AMSA authorities to simply advise an asylum boat in distress to turn back to Indonesia. AMSA has far greater capacity and resources to provide rescue support than Indonesia. Australia can have planes over Indonesian waters far quicker than Indonesia can mobilise patrol boats.


This is a bit of a whitewash of the true problems faced by Australia's rescue... Even Christine Milne fails to understand the problem and the problemby accusing the rescue to be "selective"... The only policy that can avoid such tagedies is for the government to run a ferry between Indonesia and the mainland, ladden with refugees willing to come here. The second best policy is a deterrent against people smugglers: deporting Asylum seakers to Malaysia. This would stop the boats. The Nauru solution does not deter boats... only delay the transfer from hell to the mainland, as proven before... 

more boats...

As an another refugee boat is in trouble, it is about time for the Greens to break the deadlock of Australian refugee policies... They have as much blood on their hands as anyone else... A policy promising to treat refugees well in Australia can only place more refugees in danger... The country needs a deterrent FOR THE SAKE OF REFUGEES' LIFE... The only sensible course to take is for the government to organise ferries between Indonesia and Australia or to secure the Malaysian solution with the Green pumpkins... About time for the Green zucchinis to see that the Malaysian solution is actually far more effective as a deterent AND KINDER TO REFUGEES as the 10 to one deal is generous... Furthermore, Australian authorities can make sure those sent to Malaysia are well-looked after, though they'd go to the end of the queue.. Harsh but this is the only solution to a growing problem with more deaths... The Tony solution is not acceptable...

My personal view which may not be shared by all but that's okay... I've seen worse than this....

rob oakeshott's solution...

Breaking news item: Rob Oakeshott's Malaysian solution got through the lower house...

passed 74 votes to 72 just before 8pm

A bill to allow offshore processing of asylum seekers has passed the lower house of Parliament.

The legislation, put up by Independent Rob Oakeshott, passed 74 votes to 72 just before 8pm, after almost six hours of heated debate and as the crossbenchers sided with the government.

Read more:

it's time for the pumpkins to support oakeshott's

It's time for the Greens to stop having blood on their hands from the refugee conundrum:

Four solutions:

A) The Federal government runs the boats from Indonesia to the mainland... (illegal — as it may not seem)

There will still be some boat smugglers for queue jumpers.... Lives will be lost at sea... The processing of refugees still in limbo.

B) Let the boat come and process refugees in Australia as per now

Lives will be lost at sea.

C) Organise the refugees to be sent to Nauru (Tony's solution) where they would be processed and end up in Australia nonetheless. after two years or more of hell..

Won't stop the boats. More lives lost at sea.

D) Let Julia have the "harsh" Malaysian solution for one year as demanded by Oakeshott...

This will stop the second boat. The next thing is for the Labor Government to take more refugees presently languishing in Malaysian camps. All in all, unfair on those refugees in a hurry (but they don't die in the process) and much fairer for those in Malaysia... The best for all concerned, including refugee organisations who will get more refugees into their hands than they can cope with. Those refugees from camps in Malaysia would have been mostly already processed by UNHCR and after a month of "acclimatation", "basic English tution" and "local Aussie" customs" in low security camps mainland Aussie camp, can be released into the community. 


I was housed in the Villawood camp (though we could come and get out as we pleased)... It was not ideal but, at least, there was food and shelter — despite the serbs and the croats killing each other in the camp, everynight... A "fruitful" month of adaptation there won't be the end of the world...


To see a Joe Hockey cry over having to send a 13 year old kid to Malaysia took the cake of crocodile tears... Once the Malaysian solution is in place, no people (of any age) would be prepared to take the risk, (though one underaged would have to be send there with a special status)... The ones in a hurry would have to wait until a new system is in place via Malaysia or Indonesia to reach Australia... I know it's not ideal but life's like that...

In the end more refugees, especially those who have been languishing for years in camps end up legitimately in Australia.


shame shame shame...

Any green who thinks the Greens are better than thou should hang their head in shame today... The Greens in parliament now have fresh blood on their hand... But this is sadder that sad... Compromise was (is) needed on the issue of Refugees and the Greens had the opportunity to show they had a smart head and a good heart...  They have neither... A head of straw and the heart from an artichoke... The Liberals are useless monkeys anyway... Many of them have no idea... They just want power in a very sociopathic demanding way... Rot in hell (I don't believe in hell but they will, like me, one day rot)!!!


Meanwhile more people will die...


Compassion and reality at this point in time needs to stop the ragged sinking boats. The only solution at present is to use a strong deterrent... The Nauru solution does (did not) not stop the boats. The Malaysian solution is compassionate and a smart deterrent. Mind you I am not a religious person, thus I only help people heal themselves, not souls... 

Mr Burnside proposes an agreement with Indonesia



"I suspect that their real concern is to stop people getting here full stop," he said.

"They say the problem is that people die at sea trying to get to safety in Australia.

"If that's really the problem then I would've thought the obvious solution to it is to stop getting people on boats and the only way to do that ... is for Australia to set up a fair dinkum, fair processing system in Indonesia with the co-operation of the Indonesian government."

Mr Burnside has proposed an agreement with Indonesia that would involve processing boat people's claims for asylum in Indonesia and then giving them a ticket, telling them they will be safely resettled in Australia in a number of months or years and warning them not to get on a dangerous boat in the meantime.

Read more:



This — my top solution presented in a few comments above —  could be the preferred solution should the Indonesians organise a holding facility for refugees... At the moment , There no such things in that country.... But soont hereafter the refugees, often without papers, would resent the necessary delays and would find ways to come on rickety boats rather than wait... Who knows...



green maturity?…...


The Greens will have more seats in both houses of Parliament. That is welcome. But in the past they have not used their power wisely. The perfect became the enemy of the good.


The Greens must bear some responsibility for our cruelty to refugees and over a decade of wasted opportunities in combatting climate change.


In the Parliament in September 2011 the Greens sided with Tony Abbott against the Malaysian Arrangement, which, whilst not ideal, would have been a useful first step in curbing boat arrivals. That Arrangement with Malaysia was negotiated with the understanding and broad support of UNHCR. Under the Arrangement 800 boat arrivals in Australia would be repatriated to Malaysia and Australia would accept 4000 refugees who had been orderly processed in Malaysia in cooperation with UNHCR. Not only did the Greens side with Tony Abbott opposing amendments to the Migration Act to allow the arrangement with Malaysia to proceed, they embarked on an unscrupulous bashing campaign of Malaysia.


With the collapse of the Malaysian Arrangement boat arrivals in Australia increased dramatically. In September 2011 there were about 3/4 asylum boats per month coming to Australia. By July 2013 the number had increased to 48 boats. The Greens cannot be absolved for their populism and the cruelty that followed.


The Greens must also accept responsibility for the collapse in public support for effective action on climate change. In collaboration with the Coalition in the Senate they opposed the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme of the first Rudd Government. If the Greens had supported the Rudd Government’s CPRS in the Senate, in 2008, the issue of climate change would not have been fully ‘done and dusted’ but we would be in a far better position on climate change than we are today. The Greens said that the CPRS was not good enough. So we got nothing at all and 14 wasted years.


As a result of the Greens joining with Tony Abbott we have continuing climate wars, no emissions trading scheme and no carbon tax.


The Greens have inflicted damage on both climate concerns and asylum seekers. Their actions on both set back real reform and decent policies.


Hopefully the Greens will perform better in the new Parliament.









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