Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

the dollipotts...


of uncle rupe and diapers...

Murdoch’s Digs at Romney Underscore Persistent Strains


To hear Rupert Murdoch tell it lately, Mitt Romney lacks stomach and heart. He “seems to play everything safe.” And he is not nearly as tough as he needs to be on President Obama.

Mr. Murdoch’s thoughts on the Republican presidential candidate’s prospects? “Doubtful,” he tapped out in a Twitter message from his iPad last weekend. What would he do differently with the campaign? Fire the staff.

Then, on Thursday, Mr. Murdoch’s flagship newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, published a blistering editorial criticizing Mr. Romney’s campaign, accusing it of being hapless and looking “confused in addition to being politically dumb.”

Mr. Murdoch has never been particularly impressed with Mr. Romney, friends and associates of both men say. The two times Mr. Romney visited the editorial board of The Journal, Mr. Murdoch did not work very hard to conceal his lack of excitement. “There was zero enthusiasm, no engagement,” said one Journal staff member who was at the most recent meeting in December.


So, is Uncle Rupe becoming a bit more "liberal" or "left-wing"...???


Not on your nelly... For him Romney is not conservative enough and too much mormon... And he really wants Romney to punch Obama in the budgies... This is why Uncle Rupes is always supporting Abbott and demonising Gillard in Australia... 


His venture of supporting Labour in Pommyland was only because he could see "conservative" mileage in Tony Blair... who would have been putty in the hands of Uncle Rupe... When Uncle Rupe supported Labor in Australia, He could see the conservatives were smelly like rotten fish... until it was time again to change nappies (sometimes attributed to George Bernard Shaw)

Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason." unknown author

But then why change a slightly soiled diaper (Labor in Australia) with one that has crap in it (Liberals [conservatives] in Australia)?...

here it comes again in soft increments of crap...


Opposition MPs have also been told to reassure constituents the Coalition believes there is "workplace relations fatigue" in the community, and its approach in government would be problem-solving and pragmatic, not ideological.

The notes propose this response when MPs are asked: "You are on the record attacking Labor's workplace laws. How can we trust you when you say that you now support the Fair Work Act?"

Covering all policy areas and dated July 1, the notes have been published on the Crikey website.

They suggest that MPs say the main industrial relations problems are with militancy, lack of flexibility and inadequate productivity trade-offs.Among the lines on IR are that "we have well and truly absorbed the lessons of the Coalition's 2007 defeat, as well as the different lessons of the current government's failures.

"We will seek a mandate for any changes to the Fair Work Act at the 2013 election ... The Coalition will always work with the independent umpire, Fair Work Australia."

Read more:
If you believe Tony Abbott and his minions, you should have your head examined first, then ask to be placed in a mad house till after the next elections...