Friday 10th of January 2025

No Cartoons?

I have a few cartoons to upload but I am having some technical difficulties with the etherblog.... Be patient...

No more cartoons...

It appears I cannot upload anymore cartoons to this site for whatever reason... Sorry folks . Some of you might be happy some may not.... But the mechanics of uploading seem to have changed.. No worries. Words are still powerful. Carry on blogging. I will when I can...

Not good enough

Well, Gus, I'm going to sulk until it's put right. I wouldn't like to have been within earshot, while you were on the receiving end of technological failures, time after time, after time, after ...

It's probably not a personal thing, but you never know ...

While I'm at it, I'll run through an issue I had with another site. Up until last weekend, I could send comments to WebDiary from an alternative PC, but not from my usual home machine. An error message came back 'could not find'. My machine is part of my home network. I couldn't connect to the host typepad website from any machine at home. My home network is protected by a fairly stringent firewall, but my (very limited) knowledge didn't allow me to explore this further. I asked the typepad helpdesk, and the optus people - they couldn't help. I then connected a virtual PC directly to the cable, to bypass the firewall, and got through to typepad. So, it was my firewall, but I couldn't see any relevant refusals in the logs of the firewall machine. I said so to typepad, and asked them if perchance their connections were requesting unusual ports for access. The next day, a coincidence I am sure, I was able to get onto typepad (and make comments at WD) from my home PC. Since that episode, I've added another layer of heavy-duty aluminium foil to the lining of my beanie, with good results.

unacceptable .....

Hi Gus.

I agree with TG that this is not acceptable.

Surely the YD tech support people can overcome the problem, whatever it might be?

I for one would sorely miss your insightful satire.

Please persevere.



Masters of mass psychology

Bill Moyers talks about the corporate-political-evangelicalist money culture of Texas in Setting The Record Straight:
... Consider the scene just a few weeks ago when your Gov. Perry, surrounded by cheering God-folk, showed up at a pep rally in Fort Worth for yet another cleverly staged bashing of gay people, contrived to keep the pious signed on for the culture war so they won’t know they are losing the class war waged against them in Austin by the governor and his rich corporate patrons. The main speaker was none other than the Rev. Rod Parsley of Ohio. Keep your eyes on Rev. Parsley. He is the new incarnation of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, that devout duo who channeled Elmer Gantry into a new political religion driven by an obsession to punish people on account of sex.  Parsley runs a multimillion-dollar-a-year televangelism ministry based in Columbus, Ohio, with access worldwide to 400 TV stations and cable affiliates. He describes himself as neither Republican nor Democrat but a “Christo-crat

I will try my earnest...

I have tried many various ways to upload and so far zilch... I am not a computer expert but reasonable with some troubleshooting. I will enquire to make sure the codes haven't changed... Thanks for your support.

RSS feeds

Something is up at YD central. After a long drought, five RSS feeds have just appeared in the news aggregator. All posted in early Nov, including the 'Lingus' cartoon. I don't know what it means, maybe a blockage has been dispelled with a plumber's friend