Monday 23rd of December 2024

high rollers to cough blood and money...

oferalrouletteOn the day when the High Court hands down its decision on plain packaging, we have the state government spinelessly giving in to James Packer and his demand to have the high rollers room a smoking palace (''Health minister's smoking gamble'',, August 16).
Those ''volunteers'' should be asking, if they find themselves with cancer later on in life, will they be entitled to workers compensation? After all, the casino could say they knew the risks. With this cave-in, I take it the six-star hotel is a certainty.
Again we see profit put before people's lives. By banning smoking the NSW government could be leading the way in protecting workers' health, not protecting casino profits.
Robert Pallister Punchbowl

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nile caves in to packer...

Earlier, Mrs Skinner defended the government's decision not to support a Labor amendment to ban smoking at the Star's high-roller room but left the door open for future action. Mrs Skinner said smoking bans have been ''incremental'' in NSW.
''We've moved gradually, step by step, until this point where we have this groundbreaking legislation,'' she said. ''It will keep going.''
Asked if she would eventually like to see smoking bans extended to the high-roller room, Mrs Skinner said: ''Who knows what will happen eventually? We've got to be consistent across the country in terms of bans on things like high-rollers' rooms.''
The Star argues that if high rollers, many of whom visit from Asia, are prevented from smoking while gambling they will take their business to where they are allowed to smoke, such as Crown in Melbourne. If the ban was implemented in NSW it would risk scuttling the vision of James Packer's Crown group for a second casino at Barangaroo to cater exclusively to high rollers.
The amendment initially had the support of the Christian Democratic Party MP Fred Nile, whose party shares the balance of power in the upper house. But after lobbying from Crown representatives, 
Reverend Nile was convinced that supporting the amendment risked the government withdrawing the entire bill, meaning the bans on outdoor areas would be lost.

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