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the fran-julie show on the abc...
Quite funny really... This morning (22 august 2012) Fran Kelly "interviewed" Julie Bishop... And not a peep of a challenge on any issues... Pathetic really...
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yelling at women...
TONY Abbott has laughed off the government's attempt to paint him as having a problem taking directions from women, saying he did so all the time.
Labor launched a concerted attack on the Opposition Leader, who was thrown out of Parliament on Monday by Deputy Speaker Anna Burke.
In caucus the leader of the House Anthony Albanese said that Mr Abbott treated Ms Burke with more disrespect than he had her male predecessors, Harry Jenkins and Peter Slipper. He accused Mr Abbott of constant interjections against Prime Minister Julia Gillard and of yelling at women ministers.
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the liberal party national tv and radio network...
LOOKING over the period of a year (June 2011 – June 2012) and counting both politicians and former politicians, as well as former political advisers — the Liberal Party took in 58% of the total political guest spots. Out of the 221 guest spots, 129 went to the Liberal Party, and just 69 went to the Labor Party. This left the Labor Party, which got 50.12% of the two party preferred vote at the 2010 election, with only 31% representation.
So the ABC is the Liberal (conservative) party national tv and radio network... It adds to the newsprint and to the commercial teevee stations, both media of which lean heavily towards the Liberal Party (conservatives) — at least between 65 per cent for Fairfax and some 90 per cent for the Merde-och press...
I am amazed the Labor party is still going on... It must be more resilient than one ever thought!... With such really bad will from the media, any other organisation would have vanished into single digit percentage point or below zero....
Actually that's what happened to the New South Wales an Queensland Labor Party... Sure, the NSW labor party had a few bad aples to get rid of, but fear not, people can see that the libs (conservatives) Barry O'Feral and herr Furher Newman are pissing on workers while giving their rich mates the nod to rape whatever public asset they wish... from Barangaroo to the Great Keppel Island via Gladstone harbour... Not forgetting shooters in National Parks...
Why do we bother...
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the murky depth of Q&A...
Graham Richardson makes his 10th appearance on ABC Q&A tonight, while fellow conservative News Ltd commentator Janet Albrechtsen fronts the show for the 8th time.
IN A SENTENCE the ABCs Q&A reveals that there are almost no depths to which it will not plummet, no stereotyping or jingoism beyond its capability. Please bear in mind that this is our ‘quality’ media, as the commercial networks in this country abandoned long ago any notion of ‘quality’. Q&A is consistent with the false parameters of so called journalistic objectivity and investigation.
These parameters, are highlighted in the book ‘Newspeak’, an in depth study of corporate and political bias in Britain’s media, particularly the sacred BBC and Guardian newspaper, that has enabled the media to become little more than slick propaganda tool on behalf of the political and corporate masters. This was succinctly summed up by Noam Chomsky when he highlights the nature of objectivity in the US in regards to Iraq. If you suggest it was a strategic blunder — that is being objective. If you suggest it was a well-intentioned policy that was poorly executed — well, that can be objective too. If you suggest that the war in Iraq was a war of aggression (the ultimate crime against the peace according to the UN conventions), built on deliberate falsehoods, political spin, and undertaken at the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians — well, that is biased and clearly not objective.
Here you are.... Gus has been on this case for a while now, in a few articles but mostly in a column called dumb and dumber, to which about three metres of Q&A crap could be added to daily...
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fran quits...
It’s hard to imagine bigger shoes to fill than the well-worn breakfast radio boots of Fran Kelly.
To properly assess the career of Kelly, who on Thursday announced her departure as host of Radio National breakfast after nearly 17 years, you could count the number of hours, or count the number of interviews. Or, for an easy if startling point of reference, you might count the number of prime ministers.
There have been six of those in her tenure in the RN 6am-9am time slot, and a total of eight PMs if you go back to the beginning of her political reporting career, covering the leadership stoush between Bob Hawke and Paul Keating 30 years ago. She later became a household presence as the ABC correspondent in London and as political editor for The 7.30 Report. In March 2005, she returned from London and slid into the hallowed breakfast chair at RN, and has never left.
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Radio National (RN) is far more important than Fran Kelly...
It is a cultural information channel necessary to many people — other than an argy-bargy politicalising interview program in the early hours of the day. When others were in Fran’s shoes as she went on holiday or took sick leave, the morning was a breath of fresh air, even if the political discussion were maintained. Fran Kelly isn’t Radio National.
There are many RN programmes on important topics from music analysis to the long standing SCIENCE SHOW with Robyn Williams. RN is slowly being destroyed by the powers in charge — and by this I don’t mean the ABC management, but the idiots in the Scumo’s government, who are strangling the ABC budget to please their Liberal (CONservative) indulgence into removing the ABC from the surface of the earth and satisfy the awful IPA and the as awful Murdoch media…
In time of emergencies, most people in the country turn to RN and their local ABC middle-wave analog radio stations that have a far broader reach than FM. But it is my guess that the Scumo government wants to give the ABC country audience on a plate to the Murdoch empire.
Radio National is national. It is an imperative to keep it national.
And by the way, it seems some people think that transferring all the programmes of RN onto a podcast format only would be good... Get a life. Podcasts are conveniently inconvenient. Imagine all the Murdoch media going podcast!!!! No, the Murdoch media needs radio, TV, newspapers to hammer crap down your throat. Radio National is about broadcasting programmes about issues with a more social and intellectual relevancy... Imagine having to plug in your earphones, rummage through a topic and find a relevent podcast. It sounds simple... Turn the bleating radio on instead and listen up to RN... Much easier. And knowing the time of day, you know the subject being discussed. Piece of cake. Podcasts would drop the number of listeners by 1000 per cent...