Monday 24th of February 2025

UN Memo Shows Australian Govt Knew Of Saddam Bribes: Opposition

The Australian Government has been aware of bribe payments for Iraq wheat sales for five years, it has been claimed today.

The United Nations sent official warning to the Prime Minster and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Trade in 2000, according to Opposition Foreign Affairs Spokesman Kevin Rudd.

Mr Rudd asked today:

What did [Trade Minister] Mark Vaile do in response to that cable?"

"What did [Foreign Affairs] Alexander Downer do in response to that cable given that it went to his office as well?

"What did John Howard do in response to that cable - it went to his office as well.?"

Mr Rudd has called for MInisters Downer and Vale to make themselfves available as witnesses to the AWB (Cole) Inquiry.


Source:  ABC Online