Friday 7th of March 2025

the zutbots...


the drone roadies...

We don't hear much about these... We hear about the flying drones but what about those that go on all terrain and help soldiers fight wars from the comfort of their lounge room?... 

Well of course were else but Israel to find these little monster:

Straight from the Israeli Army operational laboratories, where it went through extensive operational trial and evaluation, the Guardium UGV™ revolutionizes the effectiveness and utility of perimeter security and represents a long awaited breakthrough in combat applications such as force protection, combat support, combat logistics support, convoy security and more.

But the interesting side to this is that the basic vehicle is made in... AUTRALIA ... and called a TOMCAR... 

From its origins as a tough, battle-hardened military vehicle, the Tomcar has evolved into an ultra-functional, durable and versatile off-road utility vehicle fit for commercial and private use in the most demanding and rugged conditions.

Quite nifty really... in its non-military non-drone applications...