Friday 7th of March 2025

revenge versus "justice"....

revenge and "justice"....

I was shocked earlier today when our (their) ABC headline for an article was quite out of step with what "had been said" by the US administration and by President Obama... Then a few hours later (9 hours and twenty minutes is my estimate) the headline was changed but still carries a certain smirk by placing the word "justice" between single quotes in the heading... The story is more or less the same... 

Shame on the ABC for this blatant finger pointing, whether "revenge" is the case or not. But in any case, the way the ABC headlined it ISN'T news... It is and was an "opinion"...

Live blog: US vows 'justice' over consulate attack

Posted 9 hours 34 minutes ago | Updated 14 minutes ago

The ambassador slain in a militant assault on a US consulate building in Benghazi has been remembered as a "hero" and a friend of Australia. Follow our live blog for all the latest.

Topics: unrest-conflict-and-warterrorismworld-politicsgovernment-and-politicslibyan-arab-jamahiriyaunited-states


abc: leave the smirk to toonists...

Note to the ABC: leave the smirky or shit-stirring quotes out of your headlines... Write headlines without puns... Write content of stories without puns or innuendoes... Leave this to the cynics, the satirists and the cartoonists who hopefully know how to uses this parsimoniously...


rudd won't...

More ABC cock-ups...

I know it's easy to make mistakes, but the kids in charge of writing for the ABC websites should know better nonetheless... They are journalists with a university degree and a degree in stupidy from the university of self importance... As I said before, I have been commenting on politics (started in Europe) for more than 62 years... I have no degree apart from that in bullshit artistry and I have made a few mistakes myself since the days we painted protests in caves, like neolithic humans, till now when computers make it a breeze to say something that won't matter much anyway — BUT this takes the cake. On its front page the ABC announces in a side column with picture that:




School Education Minister Peter Garrett says the Government wants to increase the number of Australian students studying an Australian language as part of its national plan for school improvement.


I was baffled to say the least. Is Peter Garrett a dork? Nupe:  the ABC is... I thus clicked on the link to the article and here it is:


Garrett confident of achieving school goals

Updated 7 minutes ago

School Education Minister Peter Garrett says the Government wants to increase the number of Australian students studying an Asian language as part of its national plan for school improvement.


Spotted the difference? Idiots at the ABC... It's little streams of crap like this that end up making a torrent of shit...






update on the story above...


On its front page the ABC announcement in the side column has been updated:


School Education Minister Peter Garrett says the Government wants to increase the number of Australian students studying an Asian language as part of its national plan for school improvement.

And should you not have believed me, here is the picture BEFORE the update:

aussie lingo