Saturday 15th of March 2025

wheatbix kids .....

birds of a feather .....

‘As the trial of Enron's Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay enters its second week, journalists are again pointing to the connections between the Bush family and administration and the former corporate Goliath. It's certainly not difficult to unearth the laundry list of ties between Bush's tight-knit Republican circle and the company that cheated Americans out of over $1 billion in retirement funds and some 4,500 jobs.  


But perhaps the more interesting connection between the Bush administration and Enron is how people from both entities have flouted the law by spinning their own versions of reality and defending their actions with claims of good intent. 


Trial of the True Believers

Denying the denial of the denial...

From NineMSN

Govt cooperated with UN probe: Downer
Friday Mar 24 10:09 AEDT

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer insists the federal government cooperated fully with a UN probe into AWB's Iraq kickbacks, despite the chief investigator accusing Australia of obstruction.

The accusation was contained in damning new evidence which also claimed Mr Downer initially tried to stop UN investigators interviewing key government witnesses about the scandal last year.

The claims, contained in an internal government draft report tendered to the Cole inquiry, cast doubt over Prime Minister John Howard's statements that the government cooperated fully with the UN....

read moe at NineMSN