Saturday 4th of January 2025

the jones outlet


a sanity card...

Then there is the matter of double standards. In 2011 the ABC paid for, and subsequently defended, the former Labor speechwriter Bob Ellis's comments that the Liberal MP Jillian Skinner was ''like a long-detested nagging landlady with four dead husbands and hairy shoulders''. Ellis never apologised for this insult, which was published on the taxpayer-funded website The Drum. But to the likes of Ms Price, an apology by the former Liberal speechwriter Jones for offensive after-dinner comments at a university function are not acceptable.

Here's a reality check. Jones is not as influential as his critics or supporters believe. Nor is the Destroy the Joint movement. Ms Price has written on her Facebook page: ''Macquarie Radio Network has offered to meet with us. Perhaps we should hire ANZ Stadium.'' Don't bother. Most of Ms Price's supporters are inner-city types who never listen to 2GB and who could not find their way to the sporting facilities at Homebush, even with the aid of a GPS.

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Not as influential?
So why do the Liberals (conservatives) always use Jones as a master of ceremony teleprompter?... And as far as Ms Price "supporters" they don't need a GPS to know that Jones is an ignorant malignant spruiker... and if even these supporters are "inner-city types" unable to find their way to a (add bank sponsor's name) Stadium, let me assure you that in return most of Jones "struggle Street" foggies are pushing walking frames while having two Mercs gathering dust in the garage... We're all allowed to vote... unless one introduces a sanity card soon...

audacity of the abc...

Chutzpah is defined by Wikipedia as the quality of audacity for good or bad. Keating was full of chutzpah. He sometimes had an audacious style. And the gallery loved him because he was good copy for the papers.

Chutzpah is not to be confused with humour and ridicule. Mick Young was so funny, and his ridicule so effective, that when the Coalition was in Opposition, Mick had the Coalition laughing at itself. He was so good at the despatch box that at one time the Coalition whip was seen instructing Coalition backbenchers not to laugh at Mick's commentary on us.

Sadly, none of Labor's frontbench could match Mick, the former shearer, for either humour or ridicule, nor could they match the quirky academic tone of Barry Jones.

Instead, all we get now is one minister plagiarising The West Wing, one hideous singer, a Treasurer who looks to Bruce Springsteen for inspiration for economic advice, and the zealousness of ministers Nicola Roxon and Tanya Plibersek as directed by the PM's Office. When it comes to chutzpah, these ministers take the prize for partisanship and self-righteousness.



The ABC has some darn explaining to do... Why does it keep wheeling out this lying bum that Peter Reith is, every second week, as if it was running out of guests?... or as if Reith was a pontificator extraordinaire?... Like Jones, Reith is a Liberal (conservative) gangster in a suit and is totally void of proper progressive ideas... He's full of prejudices against people, you, he lies through his teeth and he wants to make sure your life at work is a misery... 

from merc...

“Companies with global operations need universally applicable values and standards of

conduct, which provide support and show the way in day-to-day business. It is about a

collective understanding of right and wrong – regardless of the field we work in or the

continent where we operate.


Daimler strives to establish an ethical corporate culture in which employees act in

accordance with shared values. We expect such conduct from all our employees as well

as from our business partners. This includes contractual partners such as joint venture

partners, authorized dealers, general distributors, suppliers and body builders, as well as

sales, marketing and sponsorship partners.” *

abbott talks crap and lies...

Question Time in Federal Parliament today returned to the more regular themes of the carbon tax and the economy, after yesterday's extraordinary move to try to force Peter Slipper out of the Speaker's role.

But Labor says Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has been caught out in his use of a "pensioner's" electricity bill as part of his anti-carbon tax campaign.

In questioning the Prime Minister about Hetty Verolme's bill, Mr Abbott said the customer "nearly had a heart attack" when she got her most recent power bill.

It had more than doubled since her previous bill to $1,563 for the months of June and July, and Mr Abbott wanted to know what advice Julia Gillard had for the Perth pensioner.

He followed up with a supplementary question: "With an $800 increase in just one bill of which 70 per cent is due to the carbon tax, how can the Prime Minister possibly claim that Hetty Verolme's compensation is in any way adequate?"

Labor challenged Mr Abbott to table the bill in Parliament so it could verify Mr Abbott's claims, meaning it has now been made publicly available.

An electricity consumption graph on the side of the bill shows that most of the increase was due to a dramatic increase in power usage at Mrs Verolme's home.

It also includes a note saying that electricity prices had increased on July 1 by 2.255 cents per unit because of the carbon tax, which "represents an estimated increase of 9.13 per cent for an average daily usage of 15.89 units".

That is less than the Treasury forecast of a 10 per cent increase in electricity costs because of the carbon tax.

"Once again, the Leader of the Opposition caught out just like he was on Whyalla, caught out just like he was on the coal industry, caught out just like he was on lamb roasts, peddling fear (and) peddling reckless negativity," Ms Gillard told Parliament.

misunderstanding the protestors’ complaints...

Forty years ago, Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals wrote that the boycott organiser’s job is ‘to manoeuvre and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a “dangerous enemy”.’ This, he claimed, will ‘not only validate [the organizer's] credentials of competency but also ensure automatic popular invitation.’

The key error Jones and his superiors at 2GB seem to be making is in misunderstanding the protestors’ complaints.

From the various online groups, it is clear there are long-held, deep-seated concerns at Jones’ activities on many levels. These include: his history of fabrications; receiving secret cash payments for on-air comments; fomenting racial hatred and violence; abuse of staff; ridiculing and censoring callers who challenge his facts; unbalanced treatment of political parties; crude sexist attacks on the Prime Minister; false accusations against political opponents; calls for the death of political enemies; public vilification of those he disagrees with; hypocritical exploitation of charities; the hypocrisy of calling for direct community action, but complaining when the community acts directly against his excesses; and, finally, his hollow apologies when cornered.

nauseating devine...

NO one, least of all Alan Jones, is defending his cruel comment about Julia Gillard’s dear departed Dad.

Who would even try? Jones’ off the cuff statement to a Sydney University Young Liberals function that the Prime Minister’s father John “died of shame” because she is a liar, is indefensible. Unfathomable, really.

That’s obvious.

But the chorus of opportunists lining up to bash the 71-year-old Sydney radio host is too much. The sanctimony, the hypocrisy, the confected outrage is nauseating.

the sponsors are coming back to clutter your head...


THE executive chairman of the Macquarie Radio Network, Russell Tate, tonight confirmed that advertisers who withdrew from Alan Jones' breakfast program on 2GB will be returning to the program tomorrow morning.
Mr Tate would not say how many were resuming advertising with the show when the Herald rang him to confirm the news, and when asked to name them he said; "No, I absolutely will not".
The 'Destroy the Joint' protest group, which headed the call for advertisers to withdraw from the show, posted the news of the advertisers' return to its Facebook page this evening.
"2GB will bring advertisers back to Alan Jones's show tomorrow," the statement read.

"We need your help".

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now you see, now you don't...



It was meant as a show of defiance, but the return of advertising to the Alan Jones Breakfast Show has been a mixed success at best, with some advertisers signalling their withdrawal from the show for the second time in a fortnight.

After a week in which 2GB management suspended all advertising from Jones's show in a bid to take the heat out of a boycott campaign that had prompted more than 70 clients to withdraw anyway, word got out last night that the station was bringing advertising back today.

The first ads began rolling shortly after Jones started broadcasting after the 5.30am news bulletin. Among the first to be played was a spot for Dee Why Grand Shopping Centre, a client whose ads appeared several other times during the broadcast.

But this afternoon, a spokeswoman for the retail complex said it had not intended the ads to appear on the Jones show and had asked that they not be played there again.

"Our contract is with 2GB and we're running ads throughout the day. We have advised and requested that our ads be removed from the Alan Jones show as of today," the spokeswoman said.


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switched off...

A Northern Territory community radio station has announced it will not continue to air the Alan Jones program.

Darwin-based Territory FM imposed a two-week suspension of the program, which ended today, to seek listener advice on the syndicated show.

It came after Jones said Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father had died of shame because of "lies" she had told.

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is the holder of Territory FM's community licence.

In a written statement, CDU said 55 per cent of respondents to a listener survey said they did not want the program to continue running on Territory FM.

CDU vice-chancellor Professor Barney Glover said he appreciated the feedback that members of the community had provided during the process.

gained audience after loosing merc...


Sydney Radio Ranting:

Alan Jones gained listeners amid Gillard controversy


Despite the fallout from his comment that the prime minister's father "died of shame", Alan Jones came out on top, at least in terms of ratings.

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greenie jones...

I will refer the matter to ICAC to investigate," Mr Buckingham said.

Mr Buckingham this morning broke the Greens’ boycott of controversial broadcaster Alan Jones’s 2GB breakfast show to criticise Mr MacDonald on air. He said Mr MacDonald had been "appalling in his one-eyed approach" to CSG.

Santos is currently seeking to develop a major gas field in the Pilliga woodland, in north-west NSW.

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One could be cynical here and sugest that Jones is against the Coal Seam Gas until the industry makes him an offer he cannot refuse... But I will not say this. Instead, I would not be surprised if he only spruiks against the CSG to protect his mates like Harvey and Singleton, who "could be" owners of horse studs in the Hunter Valley... So Jones has to go all the way to demonise the CSG until his mates are assured that no exploration would take place in their little paradises... After that he may take the dosh and laud CSG... I am cynical and totally wrong, aren't I?...

Meanwhile the Greens have an ally in Jones on this issue... May as well use him while he sings the right notes...


See toon at top...

public and private misogyny....


Last month’s debate about misogyny and sexism in high places – of Alan Jones, Peter Slipper and Tony Abbott – reveals just how confused the relationship between private and public has become in the age of social media.

Let’s begin with Peter Slipper, the former speaker, whose obscene text messages to a young man he was flirting with reveal him to have a misogynistic fear of women’s sexuality – or at least to be prepared to entertain such fears. Men have been exchanging dirty jokes about women’s genitalia for centuries, and many men have unspeakable fantasies about women’s sexuality, including surely men sitting on both sides of the House and in the Senate. The difference is that Slipper left a permanent record by putting his dirty little quip in a text message which was called up in court and so cast doubt on his character. Fair enough, and he has now resigned, having been exposed as rather pathetic. But Slipper’s private transgressions made public are not of the same order as the transgressions of Jones and Abbott, which were public in the first place.

Abbott standing in front of the “Ditch the Witch” and “Juliar: Bob Brown’s Bitch” signs at the anti–carbon tax rally, or Jones suggesting on radio that Gillard be put in a chaff bag and thrown out to sea, were deliberate political actions. These are much worse offences than Peter Slipper’s because they were attempts to mobilise sexist and misogynist attitudes for political gain, not just a private, failed come-on. This is why the claim that Labor was inconsistent to attack Abbott for misogyny yet support Slipper as speaker seemed weak to so many women. Abbott had it coming. Slipper simply provided the occasion, and perhaps Abbott’s echoing of Jones’s derogatory comment about her father having “died of shame” was the tipping point for Gillard, supplying the emotional charge that made the speech so electrifying.

Jones’s comments brought the boundary between public and private into play around a different primal human experience: not sex but death. Jones was speaking at a dinner at the Sydney University Liberal Club. This is what he said: “Every person in the caucus of the Labor Party knows that Julia Gillard is a liar. Everybody … The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame. To think that he had a daughter who told lies every time she stood for parliament.” Jones was not simply attacking Gillard, he was demeaning the dead.

Meanwhile somewhere on this site, Jones has been touted by Paul Sheehan about his revigorated ratings and stuff... One has to realise that Jones ratings represent 16 per cent of radio listeners at that time of the day... This means that 84 per cent of people don't listen to Jones... On a national basis, this comes to probably 97 per cent of people that do not listen to Jones... But our media's (and I suspect ours too here) obsession with the man props up his ego.

He is like a dungfly that bites the horse's butt in order to make the beast move forward. All this does is annoy the crap out of the horse and the fly is lucky not to be swated by a swift flick of the tail... Like all dugflies, the Joneses of this world are persistent, annoying and crappy... but they remind us that shit needs to be decomposed and used as fertiliser for rose gardens.


May Jones recognise the errors of his ways and soon realise that GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL and human induced. I'm not holding my breath.


the shock year in review...

Australian radio shock jock Alan Jones was in characteristically cranky mood on his breakfast show in late August.

His gripe of the day - that at a gathering of South Pacific leaders, the government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard had offered $320m ($336m;£206m) in aid to "expand women's leadership and economic and social opportunities in the region".

Mr Jones, who has built a reputation and a loyal radio following on his bullying outspokenness, quoted Julia Gillard as saying that "societies only reach their full potential if women are politically participating".

He, however, took a wholly different view. "Women are destroying the joint," he told his listeners, citing a female former police commissioner in Victoria, Sydney Mayor Clover Moore and the Australia prime minister herself.

Not long after, social media delivered its verdict. "Got time on my hands tonight," tweeted Jane Caro, an advertising executive and social commentator, "so thought I'd spend it coming up with new ways of 'destroying the joint', being a woman and all. Ideas welcome."

Next came the hashtag #destroythejoint, which was the invention of Jill Tomlinson, a surgeon in Newcastle, New South Wales. "Bored by Alan Jones' comments on women destroying Australia?" she tweeted. "Join with @JaneCaro and suggest ways that women #destroy the joint."

Next came a Facebook page, Destroy the Joint, which now has more than 22,000 "likes". Jenna Price, a media academic in Sydney, was among the women who set it up. "It came from a sense of 'I can't believe that in the 21st Century a man is saying that kind of thing about women as a whole.' We needed sexism to stop right now."

the reith sewer outlet at the abc...


From chief slave-driver, ABC's prime porkyist Peter Reith


Rather than any useful reform, Keating introduced the unfair dismissal laws that have been a major disincentive for employment ever since. There was a lot of talk by Labor about labour market reform but the real reform only came when the Howard government was elected in 1996 and we secured passage of the Workplace Relations Act that came into operation in mid-1997.

John Howard was every bit and more of a reformist than Keating. He had a better record than Keating on labour reform, the GST, fiscal policy, the independence of the Reserve Bank and many others. And John Howard has been very fair in giving Keating and Hawke their due; as one example, he has publicly acknowledged the benefits to Australia of floating the dollar.

It's time that Paul Keating congratulated John Howard for some of his 'signature' reforms like the GST and the labour market. Surely one way to promote reform is to praise those reformers who have succeeded.

Peter Reith was a senior cabinet minister in the Australian government from 1996 to 2001. Don't view his full profile here.


As usual, Peter Reith plays the glorious ghost-buster by spreading more mythical myths... A bit like the Russian navy painting its rusty ships: Картина дерьмо это все чисто..... But this is Peter Reith, the man who John Howard (his boss) had to "throw overboard" by sending him to England before an election... so the stench from Reith's actions and porkies would not influence the result too much... 

It's time for Paul Keating to push another stick up Little Johnnee's whatever...

The GST (the John Howard never ever GST) is no more John Howard's that it is Keating's... Keating wanted to introduce the same bloody thing, a GST-like tax to remove the state taxes, etc but the way things were in his time, he did not have the numbers... Nor did Johnneeee for that matter... It's only through lying that he got it there...

In the early 1980s, the World Bank was trying to get all the countries in the world to adopt a GST like tax (except the US of course, where state taxes are sacrosanct). The World Bank did the experiment in Denmark (a VAT) that started at a modest figure but since then the bloody thing has crept up (25 %). The Danes may be the most taxed people on earth, but they get a lot of it in return through social programs, like free medicine and free beer (joke)...

Of course Reith was one of the "architex" of the wretched Work Choices, which was a slave CONtract cleverly designed to suck your entitlements dry, out of your wages, and to encourage sociopathy (jealousy and fist fights) between workers as to whom would get the lowest pay packet...

As well John Howard was part of the trilogy of liars who went to war in Iraq... on a whim and lots of porkies. Reith was one of the porkyists though the main ones were John Himself, Tony Abbott and of course Lord Clowner, who repeated the mantra "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction" 80,000 times like a demented humming monk...

John Howard was the pits of Prime Ministers... Thank you Peter for reminding us that the present situation is a bed of rose petals...