Saturday 11th of January 2025

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An open letter to Rob Oakeshott


Dear Rob

What I am writing here is between you, me and a defunct lamppost in a secret location. As you know in politics nothing is ever simple. 


My guess has been that after a difficult victory at the last election, supported by independents like you (thank you) and the Greens, Julia Gillard has been set up to fail... She had been set up to fail way before this, not by the people who put her to replace Rudd, who saw that Rudd was going to fail against Abbott, but she has been undermined for a long time by a secret organisation I do not know the name of, or even if I did know I would not tell you nor anyone...
Conspiracies are not new. The word "conspiracy" exist for a reason and conspiracies are not just old stories in history books.

Do you think Abbott came up with the "she should lie down and die" line by his little self? No... It was fed into his ears by higher authority. Secret line deviously fed to him by people who want to control the world.

For example do you think the line fed to Jones came from a kid as claimed by Jones? Sure, but who told the kid? Did the kid made it up?. Where did the kid hear it first? At home, from his parents, his uncles, his granny.... and the kid concocted this from a ramassis of crap...

For example do you think that the tweeter you got from the wife of the deputy premier in New South Wales, is from someone genuinely concerned about humanity going down the gurgler, because you are supporting Gillard? ... No, for years, her mind has been shaped and formed by a system who wants to control the cake and you are in the way.   
It's not sinister... It's a reality... There are plenty of conspiracies and sub-conspiracies going on... 

WE all note that the dung beetle of the press have had much more beef against Gillard than against Abbott (most of them support him actually), Abbott, who for christ-sake is throwing us many SOS, lines telling us "Hey you!... out there, I am totally unfit to be where I am!".

Sure, Tony is a compulsive wanter to be somebody — especially PM— but deep down he knows his boot-laces can't be equal to Julia's knee-highs... Yet, whether he realises or not, he is pushed by the conspirators to be at the forefront, to demolish her, with the support of many, who, for all intent and purposes do not know they are the pawns of this deeper nasty conspiracy... 

Take David Kelly, in England for example... Do you think that a honest man, who was working with Iraqi scientists and knew that Blair was telling us turdy lies about chemical and biological weapons in Saddam's possession, killed himself because he had enough of the whatever? There is 99.99 per cent chance that David killed himself or was executed in an elaborate manner in which a conspiracy induced the result... I refer to these sort of conspiracies as double-cross. They are not new... 

Some of these can be very small, watertight, secret system organised by a small group of people, Others like the war on Iraq by G W Bush was done under a massive deception that used many outfeeders of information, including the deception from the media, to create the sting. There are leaks, of course, and like David Kelly, they are swiftly dealt with... "the secret service act", you know... Ask your mate, Wilkie... But such larger conspiracies are built around smaller conspiracies, all with their own ways of doing things and eventually there, on the surface, at the forefront of such attacks, men and women do the dirty work — the foot soldiers who actually do not know they have been manipulated since childhood to be of a particular focus. Sure there are some, like you, who become "independent"... Oh, for them, you are the worse enemy to shoot down in flames.... A traitor who got there by using their plank and then you dumped them when you saw their deceit... But do they know it's deceit?... They at least shoud guess that much of what they do is "hypocritical"...

We are all psychopaths to some degree, but there is an organism of superior psychos who take us for a ride ...

They know each other in fortunes and discovered long ago that it's better to use people and kill people rather than share with all people.. This attitude is what actually protected the human species from going under...  The human species is naturally weak and "hairless"... and full of mechanical faults... The survival of homo sapiens has thus relied on ingenuity in psychopathy, since day one... Psychopathy has been our salvation and our curse...

Look at Tony Abbott.... He throws us desperate messages: "get me out of here"... He wants out... He wants to be found out as a fake leader... But the dung beetle of the press and his own gang of pychos are pushing him further to the front...

Analysing Tony's desperate antics — like him showing us an electricity bill (for which of course he must have faked a misunderstanding of the figures unless he is thicker than what I ever thought) that a ten year old kid could demolish Tony's argument in two seconds flat — shows us he wants out desperately... But the adulation and demands of the crowds keep him there like a Brian in a "The Life of Brian" movie...

Yes there are conspiracies, but, with the new unruly "media", these conspiracies are getting a bit frazzled... For years governments and churches guarded the "knowledge" and kept most people in the dark, apart from a few chosen geezers... But now, ALL PEOPLE can use the new media. Information, false, true. fake, real, stupid, is there for us to pick from, like choosing the big bits in a spewed dog's breakfast... So, you got a message via Tweeter, telling you a few things from the wife of a parliamentarian... a "free spirit" with "her own mind"... See. even her husband claims that she thinks for herself... And that's bollocks... Her mind has been shaped by years of going to church and subtle reinforced submissions to the lord of the skies...

We're often asked to read the bible... But we do not...
We trust the judgement of those who tell us so, or we read the "interpreted" extract and just the "headlines" they want us to read, not the full book which is about the glory of psychopaths...

Even god is the supreme psychopath... 
Imagine a superior being, perfect in all direction, creating an imperfect world to torture some poor creatures with pain and death? Isn't this the greatest form of sadism and psycopathy? But in our silly wisdom, we make excuses because all of this world would not make sense, would it... We call it the original sin, a test to our moral resolve, etc... All bullshit of course, but a cleverly promoted bullshit in three main forms since Abraham was asked to immolate his son for god...  What a lot of codswallop... Unfortunately from these early days, some clever chaps saw mileage in the promotion of the porkie... We've all been immersed in one of these at some stage in our life, the Jews, the Muslims, the Christians...

Oh, the bible tells us that abortion is evil!... 
No! read the book!, Nowhere is the act of abortion mentioned. NOWHERE! It's only our (not mine!) interpretation of a few lines here and there that people make up a story about abortion being a sin to suit their agenda... It's not a sin. It's not in the ten commandments... But these people will press your buttons, they will play the card nonetheless... In the olden days, abortionists were even called "angel makers"...
And when the bible's brilliant psychopaths kings are lauded, it mentions their umpteen wives and concubines (bit of sex on the side) in a good way then, but bad now or is it?... Makes sense? NO! We glorify these illusions of god in these ancient times, and that's the way for men to live now, as long as the bit on the side is discreet... except for the rigourously religious. Ask all the religious preacher nuts who got caught out with their bit on the side and begged for forgiveness from their congregations... 

The subtle ways of the superior psychopaths to create these conspiracies is devious to the extreme.
They do not have to congregate, in darkness or by candlelight. They just are and know each others power, by a glance and a way to act, though some of them will have their secret meetings. There is of course secrecy and deviousness, akin to the way kings ruled their kingdoms and to protect themselves against usurpers who were also psychopathic by believing they should get the gig...

For most of these people equality is anathema... There shall be a structure of rules and the fear of god has been the means of enforcement for years though it is fraying at the sides as some religions have been submitted to the "enlightenment"... I will say here that the biggest "cross to bear" is carried by the atheists...

By becoming atheists, most people accept the full 100 per cent of responsibility for what we do... In religion there will be mitigating factors, redemption and contrition and punishment and confession... Even as a "existentialist", like myself as well as being an atheist, one can mitigate responsibility to "things as they happen" and only those events related to what I do I am responsible for... It limits the empathy to a neighbourly level of decided care and choice of sharing. 
Psychopaths love charity, they loath social justice... As mentioned, we all have a bit of psychopathy in us...
But for the superior psychos, two of their main targets have been feminists and scientists.... And these psychopaths are clever at it... They know how to manipulate some femmes and some scientists to do the dirty work against their own kind... Child's play really... The process to achieve this are numerous and focused — and are enacted at many levels... To go into the details here would take too long but one needs to read between the lines...
For example scientists in England are asking protection against big pharma should these scientists find fault in the pharma products and claim so publicly... The big pharmaceuticals and medical equipment manufacturers will fall heavily upon anyone exposing problem in their "products" because they know they will have to pay billions in damages after lengthy court cases in which various level of psychopathy will be be argued... Mind you, billions are often peanuts for these people who make far more profits in the "improvement" of human health.

Imagine being the person who exposed the problem of thalidomide?... Your life is going to be hailed by many, isn't it?...  But some psychopaths will make sure your life is hell... You next research could be "sabotaged" with falsified records... and your next claim will be proven to be false... Conspiracy?... Who knows... The next level here is for redemtion — to "prove" that thalidomide is actually a good medicine and works well against say malaria or leprosy... 

Are you still with me?... 

You would know by now that even in the Labor Party not everything is perfect and Labor has its own internal crude "conspiracies" — especially those with religious undercurrents... The Ruddites for example...

What were those "faceless men" thinking of? The bloody morons!!!
They placed a WOMAN in charge... A woman who is an ATHEIST... a woman who lives in SIN... a woman who is a RED HEAD... a woman who KNOWS what's what... and so forth... what will they think of next?...
Of course since day one, Julia Gillard, had to be made to fail... 
But she is still there, leading one of the best economies in the Western world, and no "she won't lie down and die"... 

I may be wrong but I feel the fight is going to get uglier and nastier... Abbott is a front man who has to do most of the dirty work and nothing to loose... And it's so dirty some people are saying enough is enough... But most of the scribes are still in the payola of the superior psychopaths... women scribes included, unfortunately...

Meantime, there has been also tentative steps to make Julia fail by giving her the "advice"... It's code for giving her something that's sounds good at the time but is crap... The public service is full of that... Some of the mistakes are "honest" but many are deliberate... Let me tell you that for example someone like Lindsay Tanner is clever, he know a lot about "manipulation" but he's a wimp... Is someone like Godwin Grech an aberration in the public service?... Be honest... You know there are plenty more like him in there, working against the government — especially that led by a woman... And Prime Minister Julia Gillard knows this. She is very careful but sometimes the filtering around her fails... The information from the great "satan" (the USA) also distorts the process... I refer to the US as the most successful democracy on the planet because of LIES...

As an atheist our Prime Minister knows how far she can push the barrow that is full of conspirators, believers, idiosyncracist and followers... in which everyone has a right to live... To balance this while being under constant attack is difficult... As I have said before, "she" has made a few blunders, but very little in comparison to say a John Howard or an Abbott who is an idiot. Is Abbott a psychopath? Well, I don't know... but when someone is prepared to do anything but "sell their arse" (which they end up doing anyway) it is a legitimate question...

Let's say too that scientists working on the global warming issue are the least of the psychopaths in the echelons of the species... They even are uncertain, not of the process but about the scale of the end result... Global warming is a very simple scientific issue compared to, say, the theory of relativity. But understanding the science of global warming is suddenly demanding a huge leap from faith, a full-blown sacrifice on our human glorification that we have performed for the last 4,000 years
Note: the Aborigines have had the longest recorded spiritual tradition since about 50,000 years ago but this tradition involves very little psychopathic aggrandisement and demands respect of nature, in its own way. 

For the last 160 years, we have embarked on a new wave of frenetic human global psychopathy... This involves the burning of fossil fuels for profit and comforts. Nothing wrong with this, except it produces gases that are interfering with the long established natural settings of the "climate"... Those who are involved in selling us the carbon based products from plastics to face-cream and petrol for our cars will shake heaven and earth to make sure the acceptance of the problem is buried... These rich psychopaths will use other scientists, eager to get moneys, to throw false information and DOUBT into the market place... Until such time, well, one does not know, even scientists do not know... Scientists only know change is a-coming... FAST. They know the problem of global warming is massive...

Lucky some of the psychopaths in charge in some countries have realised that letting this annoying "global warming" take hold could be a kill-joy in their little game of controlling illusions... Thus they have accepted that should we do nothing to minimise the impact of such "monster", it's end game, fast... A harsh reality will take hold and everyone will have to fend for themselves... We can't have that, can we? Anarchy!

As global warming suddenly bites, new psychos will emerge, but most likely, life will be so tenuous that things are likely to be ugly... Scientists cannot make such predictions... But scientists can tell us that with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere presently, we're entering a time of great uncertainty where the only known specifics will be a warmer surface of this little planet, rising of sea levels and increase extremes in weather events SOON, like yesterday... Here we are: the beginning of October saw temperature in Sydney in the low 30 degrees Celsius and yesterday we had snow in the countryside... 

I have a rough "gauge" in my backyard... I have had a large umbrella standing on a heavy base, upright for the last 15 years... This year it has been blown down six times. last year twice and before that, NEVER... 

The psychos are going to try harder and harder to get our Prime Minister off her pedestal... Even a fence-sitter like Michelle Grattan will be part of the silly hordes, patting herself on the back... for being a fence sitter and telling us she was right — when the time come... 
Taking a bet each way is the most pernicious form of journalism... Especially when global warming is concerned.
At least, with someone like Alan Jones you know how his bread his buttered...

Our Prime Minister is of course aware of conspiracies against her... or at least of some of them...

Mr Oakeshott, it's your chosen privilege to protect her, and I honour you for standing at her side...

Same to your mate, Tony Windsor...

Gus Leonisky


good on oakeshott...

ROB OAKESHOTT is a veteran of political attacks from his arch rivals the Nationals, but the independent federal MP was clearly unprepared for being berated on Twitter by the wife of the Deputy Premier, Andrew Stoner.
Cathy Stoner lashed out at Mr Oakeshott a day after he voted with the government to prevent Parliament from removing the Speaker, Peter Slipper.
The motion, which failed by one vote, was put by the federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, after offensive text messages by Mr Slipper about female genitalia were made public during a sexual harassment case being brought against him by a former staffer, James Ashby.

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get out of the kitchen...

Anyway, Mr Abbott is wounded and angry, because the PM overstated the case against him.
And you might feel sympathy for the Opposition Leader, if he hadn't spent the past two years calling the Prime Minister an inveterate, instinctive and pathological liar.

That's not fair, either; she's no more a liar than he is a misogynist, but here we are, locked in an undignified Greco-Roman wrestle of extremes, the protagonists cheered on by audiences in the commercial radio or social media worlds, growing ever further apart instead of finding common ground.

That sexism in politics goes largely unremarked is bad. The prospect that we might have a hysterically overheated exchange about it that peaks in absurdity, then fades away to indifference, is nothing short of depressing.

Read more:

There again, Annabel, like Michelle Grattan, you have shown you're a master at fence-sitting... You don't want to offend Tony by taking sides... In my book, this shows a submissive attitude beyond the pale... Where were you when Tony was being rude to the Prime Minister... And let's say he has been upping the ante of late... In Christian religion one is asked to turn the other cheek, which the Prime Minister did for too long while being baited and insulted... In the Muslim religion, revenge prevails... Here for Julia stating the obvious in 15 minutes was not a case of revenge...  It just was stating she's got more balls that Tony has nuts... And that hurt the poor baby bully who's has been a bully and like all bullies can''t do simple tasks, like read an electricity bill for what it's worth...
You want to know what lies are about? Well, remember John Howard? He's that sneaky bastard who took this country to war against Iraq. This was done by using a lie.. a big lie... people died. No joke about it.... Come on, Annabel, get out of the kitchen and  go to the barricades... Don't be depressed...