Sunday 9th of March 2025

no ink in his writings...


I preferred Robotic Julia. Now we have Furious Julia. Is there no middle course for the Prime Minister? Are we now seeing the cumulative strain of the cost of attaining power and maintaining a minority government whose legitimacy is based on the votes of a pathological liar, a disgraced Speaker and two rural independents who can't add up?

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Ahhh, does Paul Sheehan mention that his protégé, Tony Detritus, can't add up a simple electricity bill? NUPE... Does Paul Sheehan mention that Tony Detritus was the first to fire sexist misogynist remarks at Julia? NUPE... Does he mentions that the general tone in parliament comes from the Pynes, the Abbotts, the Mirabellas (who once referred to Julia as Gaddafi), the Joe Hockey who betrays his own benevolent god every times he opens his lips and a mountain of other rubbish in the Liberal (conservative) party? NUPE... Does Paul Shehan mention Mr No (Tony Detritus) who opposes anything on principle to oppose anything to the point of being beyond idiotic? NUPE... Does Paul Sheehan understand global warming? NUPE...

And the list of Paul Sheehan's missing shingles on his roof is long...

recyclable recycled paper cups

Spin: the Department of Industry spent $156,000 trying to prevent The Australian Financial Review from publishing details of government subsidies to the union-dominated car industry.
More spin: the Department of Broadband prepared articles extolling the benefits of the national broadband network and sent them to 22 ''NBN champions'' urging them to get the articles published under their own names.
The Department of Climate is spending $20.5 million on a fit-out of its new headquarters building in Canberra, including a stainless steel executive wine cabinet and Nespresso machines in all eight staff kitchens.
Today, the government will release a revised set of budget estimates. They will show, of course, a deterioration since May. The Treasurer will attribute this largely to a shortfall in revenue caused by the decline in commodity prices. It will have nothing to do with waste, incompetence and excessive spending. It will also be Abbott's fault, for talking down the economy with his ''reckless negativity''.

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I know I know.... Sheehan's last paragraph is penned with acerbic acetic cynicism... And please let me see a government that has not indulged in some "excess" and I will show you a journalist who's never been on the piss... Just kidding... But because of the NEGATIVITY of Tony Detritus and that coming from the media at large — mostly the Merde-och press who is against say an NBN that will compete with the Foxtel monopoly, the government has to spin its own values in its projects... Compared to Rattus the first, this Labor government has been super-economical with the expenditure on spin, paper clips and the fridge magnets, so far... though this Labor government is under far more attack than the Rattus crappy outfit ever was...
As for the Climate Department, I will have to trust Sheehan the place is "redecorationing"... A few stainless steel wine coolers are not against my religion but I am shocked by the Nespresso indulgence... They should use plungers like me... But then, someone has to do the washing up of the messy contraptions, while a Nespresso machine is serviced by contract, thus no -one is the department has to waste time doing the dishes... as of course they would use recyclable recycled paper cups... Efficiency at best...



cancer can come back too...


THE public has delivered an extraordinary verdict on the Alan Jones controversy and the attempt to destroy his program via an advertiser boycott.The Alan Jones show has surged back to the top of the market. It is again bristling with ads. His number of listeners – all voters and consumers – is showing a healthy glow.

Prior to the recent anti-Jones campaign, Jones had a cumulative audience of 442,000 listeners in his 5.30am to 9am slot on weekday mornings. It was 2 1/2 times the audience size of his most direct commercial competitor, 2UE, but still trailed ABC 702.

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Gus: Yes Paul. Cancer has the tendency to come back as well. But bad jokes apart, please note that it's the same old die-hard conservatives and old folks who have nothing better to do than to be stunned by the atrocious blabber mouth, like taking a laxative pill every morning to encourage bowel motion... 

And you know better. The "cumulative audience" is of course an overused furphy that tallies all the listeners over a three hour period. And if you analyse carefully the radio ratings, you might discover that on a good day, Adam Spencer of ABC 702 gets more listeners than Allan Jones...  While from his clock-in time to his tadas, Jones Audience is composed of the same old dummies counted three times over.

Is it a coincidence that on the same day as your touting of Jones, the SMH has an article about the dumb genes?...