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from the septic tanksJohn Howard's politics of conviction and principle are in stark contrast to Julia Gillard's lack of values, argues Robert Katsambis: “If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.” - Margaret Thatcher On last week’s Q&A Craig Emerson suggested that although the Howard government had to deal with “wall to wall state Labor Governments...that did not mean that John Howard and the Liberal Party were toxic”. To this, Howard’s former chief of staff Grahame Morris replied, “I know John Howard and Julia Gillard is no John Howard.” --------------------------- There was a moment when Prime Minister Julia Gillard praised John Howard as a role model... I believe she honestly meant it for five minutes. Yes, it takes one John Howard's sprouting in the political garden like a weed to lead to the creation of sites like this one, webdiary and nothappyjohn!... Apart from a few aspects, John Howard's "convictions" and principles were based on how long people were able to be led to believe the crap he dished out until he changed tack with a new "everyone knows" turn around. All this followed by a porkie the size of a hot air balloon in winter. If you are familiar with this site, you can peruse from 2005 onward all the Howardisms in which his principles were like snake-oil commodities... And believe Gus: "Julia Gillard isn't prepared to compromise on anything just to be liked"... Julia Gillard is the most despised PM by the media, ever, hated by the Catholics, by the religious nuts , by the opposition, by men who resent women, by women who resent women not being submissive to men, and by other nutsos around, including some who think "she is a piece of work"... So straight away the Maggie Thatcher argument from that kid-faced gullible gnat at the Menzies House kicks an own goal. And of course "Julia Gillard is no John Howard"... This goes without saying... Due to the vagaries in the political arrangement of flower pots in parliament, she has had to wheel and deal, which is better than trying to be liked by everyone... There is nothing wrong in making alliances. This has been the staple of politics even since the days of Caesar and King James... So this little rat at the Menzies House thinks that Howard was a politician of conviction whereas Gillard will make any deal to keep alive her political career and does not actually believe in many of the things she does. That is a lot of codswallop... Gillard knows what she wants which is far removed from the "religious" nuttery of some people (including the hypocritical religious beliefs say in John Howard and that nut-case Tony Abbott, dubbed the mad monk, not for nothing) The difficulties encountered by Gillard is basically that she is a woman with an agenda on a tight budget... This does not mean that other people are excluded and deals cannot be made... especially when one leads a "minority" government which is crazily resented by the conservatives and the media. Says the little twaddle for the Menzies House: Contrast this with Julia Gillard. Just one day before the election she declared that “there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead” but shamelessly gave in to Bob Brown’s demands because she lacks conviction on the issue of climate change. This subservience to the temptation of power dates back to when Gillard led a majority government. Shortly after becoming Prime Minister she was pressured by the mining industry to give Rio Tinto, BHP and Xstrata a better deal under the RSPT for the sake of staying alive politically as opposed to formulating good policy. Yes, let's not forget that the Menzies House, like most Liberal (conservative) outfits, do believe that "global warming is crap". Thus nothing should be done to reduce its impact... Burn fossil fuel, baby, burn... In fact the Greens had also scored an own goal when they scuttled Rudd's ETS, and Gillard was prepared to bring it back to the table... The mining resource rent tax was going to be another deflating hurdle with every conservative man and his media dog — except decent people who saw resources being taken from under their feet for nothing in return — opposing the concept. The diluted result has shown to be a bit of a fizzer because of a down-turn in commodity pricing, but IT STILL IS A FOOT IN THE DOOR. Actually, Costello should have had the guts to take the initiative on this subject. Costello was a gutless lazy treasurer only happy to see the gold amassing in the surplus box from a few increasing collection plates while flogging the slaves... As far as the "deregulation" of the worker's market, there is "merit" in this only if the chips are cooking and everyone is getting a fair go while everyone has their hand on their heart... This rarely is the case, as bosses often take advantage of workers, even if they don't see it that way, especially those who are the most vulnerable. As soon as the chips are down, Howard's views of employment become nightmares in hell for many. Have we forgotten Howard's "never ever GST"? Have we forgotten how Howard took us to war in Iraq on a whim and many lies? Have we forgotten all his other flip-flops, the destruction of medicare and his baby bonus devilishly followed by the jacking up of education costs?... John Howard was a con artist, a trickster — possibly with principles, but many of these came from the book of shove wrapped in ugly populism — while Julia Gillard, for a politician, is actually more trustworthy than most. Even if she pragmatically changes her mind, there is no ill-intent in her actions, as wrong as some people want to paint them. Sure some of the stuff she's trying to do is not working, but most of the things she's done are. Actually, I got stunned the other day... One of my mate, a Liberal (conservative), told me — without prompting NOR JOKING — that Julia Gillard was the best Prime Minister this country ever has had... She got more things done than most... No, really, the old 75 year old man was not joking. He had seen blue murder before... He actually really admired her guts ... She had to deal with this Rudd-this and that Tony-Abbott-that and a hostile loopy media while steering good ol' Australia ship in still GFC infested waters... And of all things, she has to deal with all those crazy Greens whose crazy agendas were spilling into areas they had no idea about... AND she also had to deal with sexism from women and men alike. I am prepared to believe he had bought the stone to build a pedestal — unless he had a secret sexual fantasy with red heads, but that would be demeaning his truthful admiration.... My mate, the Liberal (conservative) terminated his assessment of the situation by telling me aloud, and the crowd around heard him, that Tony Abbott was a dangerous idiot (he also used other words such as "prick" prefaced by "little", but most words would be insulting my keyboard should I type them in)... "They should bring back Malcolm..." he shouted with conviction. I nearly fell off my chair... I don't think they'd love him, my mate, at all, in the Liberal (conservative) think (they don't really think, but they certainly come up trumps in being septic and skeptic alike) tanks...
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from the nuts at the menzies house...
Months of campaigning, billions of dollars spent on advertising, thousands of reporters digging like dogs on speed getting issues to be included in the debates. Even a terrified petition signed by160,000 demanding that the presidential debates include something, anything, to allay their panic and anxiety had no impact.
Not one word about climate change in those debates.
Well, there was one mention, but it went over both as a mocking joke and a stirring vote-for-me; ‘Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet…My promise is to help you and your family.’
That was it.
Climate change – or as it used to be called, global warming, has been mentioned in every presidential campaign since 1988 – and mentioned in all six debates. Dukakis, Clinton, Kerry, Dole, Gore, Bush, Bush(Mk2), McCain, Obama all had something to say and promises to make during the campaigns.
Gus: just because "climate change" is not mentioned in the US elections, it means that global warming is not happening... All it means is that the denialist morons, the silly shock-jocks, the uneducated spruikers, the anti-science nuts, who push the agenda of the big oil are winning the war of influence... Meanwhile the globe does not care about this. It is warming up... The Antarctic is melting, the north pole has melted like never seen since 12,000 years ago and the sea levels are rising... Storms of the century are appearing on the landscape every ten years and we still don't care...
In present day America, unfortunately, mentioning "global warming" is associated with political suicide... thus the candidates mention the word "abortion" ten thousand times more than "global warming"... It's a shame but is a political reality that the ignoramuses such as those at the Menzies House can be proud of: promulgating scientific ignorance. Congratulations.
who says she has not?...
Gillard sees herself as a hero of women. So what happened to the senator?
THE role of prime minister carries with it the opportunity to bring dignity and gravitas to your political persona while giving the rest of us a leader to respect.Whoever occupies the role can use it to increase their power. Julia Gillard has had the opportunity since 2010 to step into the gravitas of her office. If she had done so, the would-be hero of women would have been able to ensure that one of her best ministers, Penny Wong, was not tossed down the Senate ticket by the old-boys' network in her own party. No gravitas, no power.
It is hard to imagine Whitlam, Hawke, Keating or Howard bothering to take time out on an overseas trip to give their opponent a belting. Yet this is what Gillard did on her recent trip to India.
Instead of staying completely focused on our agenda in India she took time out to have a quick (and I think misplaced) snipe at Tony Abbott over his meeting with President Yudhoyono in Indonesia. When she is representing us overseas she should have better things to do than engage in petty domestic snipes.
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Who says Julia Gilllard, PM, has not done anything to support Wong? Knowing Julia she's been behind the scene telling her mob to fix the problem... Most likely. The rapid fire from Anthony Albanese would have had the support from the PM... Julia Gillard does not have to go on the public high horse every time to be effectively DOING something... And Julia's dig at Tony's miserable stunt in Indonesia was deserved and no more than a few seconds.
And yet again, when the ritebag nuttery — of which Amanda Vanstone is a moderate loony member — sees they can't land a punch on Julia on some matters, they turn their nasty attack on Wayne Swan, who no matter what is trying to keep us breathing above water in a very difficult global financial climate... That the mining resource rent tax has not brought one cent to the government's coffers is not a disaster, nor is it going to be a problem in the future... Slowly but surely, the threshold of the tax can be adjusted till it delivers... But the government appearance to be pussy footing is possibly the best strategy in a climate of crazy Abbottinian fear that the sky is going to collapse at every street corners, every five minutes.
misogyny is the air...
The downfall of Petraeus, who resigned last Friday as CIA director after admitting to the affair, is being drawn in the most grandiose terms: Commentators use the word “tragedy” in all earnestness, drawing comparisons between the former four-star Army general and Odysseus, the great military hero enthralled by the Sirens. (Had he not been bound to his ship’s mast, Odysseus would surely have been lost.) But no such narrative dignity accrues to Broadwell, the object of his desire, a woman with degrees from West Point and Harvard who can run a half-marathon in seven-minute splits. Guffaws erupt when pundits mention the title of her book, “All In.”
The most egregious example of this contemporary sexism comes, not surprisingly, from the Rev. Pat Robertson. On “The 700 Club” last week, Robertson, never a spokesman for the broad-minded view, effectually exonerated the general for his part in the affair, citing Broadwell’s extraordinary physical magnetism as well as the fact that she was “throwing herself at him.”
“She is an extremely good looking woman. She is a marathon runner. She runs Iron Man triathlons. So she’s out running with him and writing a biography. I think the term is ‘propinquity,’ ” he said.
Robertson is a dinosaur; it would be wrong to credit his voice in the cultural conversation with any more resonance than it deserves. Nevertheless, in this case, he seems to represent a certain mainstream view. Powerful men are expected to stray (if they’re not too stupid or Anthony Wiener-ish about it). But the women with whom they consort are unredeemed for all of history.
Bill Clinton has been fully resurrected, regarded most recently as the savior of President Obama’s reelection; Monica Lewinsky, meanwhile, will be a punch line for the rest of her life.