Tuesday 28th of January 2025

pig farm...

animal farm

WHO is really tainted?

If you were to believe Tony Abbott you would think that the Australian Labor Party are controlled by faceless men skulking in the background, with dirt units looking up dirt on the Liberals.

I am here to tell Tony ― you don’t need a Labor Party dirt unit to dish the dirt on MPs who support his Party.

On Tuesday 24th October, Craig Thomson’s house was raided by the NSW Police at the behest of the Victorian force.

It’s theatre on the political stage, allowing Abbott to get up and do his worst rendition of the political tragedy ― like a second rate actor and who keeps repeating the same lines, banging on about Thomson’s “tainted vote” and Julia Gillard’s alleged “incompetence”.

it’s the classic case of an empty vessel making the most noise.

And like Abbott the failed actor, Abbott the failed boxer hasn’t been able to land a political blow on Thomson yet.

The status quo ante still exists ― the one that began 19 days after the 2010 election.

The smear and spin from “Punchy” Abbott – as well that of Pyne, Abetz and Brandis – has been immense, but still ultimately unsuccessful.


meanwhile in the other pig pen...


FOLLOWING the 2007 election I had always said that Julia [Gillard] would be the next Labor PM after myself.

I said that because I believed she would make a first-class prime minister following a period in office with engagement on the economic and national security agendas.

I had also told her and other cabinet and caucus colleagues that she would have my full support in achieving that ambition. I also said to her in early 2010 I had no intention of breaking the record book for being the longest-serving Labor prime minister and that my ambition was to have a seamless transition to her.

I was married to a strong woman, I was the son of one and I was the father of one. And I, too, wanted to see a female prime minister.

So given this, I was stunned when the coup occurred.


What a lot of condescending (and underhandedly misogynist) codswallop... Stunned that the coup occurred? Never heard a single rumble in the ranks with100 per cent total dissatisfaction in cabinet?... Never questioned his own messiness and inefficiency? Never seen it coming?... Did not want to fight it in a ballot?...

Rudd must know he knifed himself by being a disorganised annoying empty sauce bottle with a busy fly in it... He buzzed harder and harder with no focus and no results. He had to know he was going to get a wallop from Tony Abbott at the next election which would have been within six month of the election after the "coup" anyway. Tony Abbott would be PM by now... And both men, Tony and Kev resent that... So Kev passing the stick to Julia would have been like "Hey we (I) got wallopped, your turn to fiddle"... His party told him it was time to go Kev and as usual Kev did not have the balls to fight it... All talk and no substance...

And now after having been walloped another time earlier this year FOR GOOD REASONS he still is a resentful little catholic (switched to high anglican) hypocrite whose aim is to destroy the Labor Party and hand it over to Tony on a plate — because KEV HATES JULIA.

Let's not be pretty, if he did not HATE JULIA he would shut up... Let's not get illusions here, Rudd would get a wallop from the Liberals, while Julia still has a chance to get the team (yes I mean the team, as disorganised as it might appear) through, while Rudd is for Rudd and Rudd only.... But now with Rudd doing Abbott's biding, with the help of a shifty crappy Maxine, Julia might come smelling like roses and hit all these hypocrite pigs on the snout. 





the media snout...


The mainstream press, though, were overwhelmingly negative regarding the speech, despite this interpretation flying in the face of public opinion. When the public reacted to the coverage, the story quickly turned to the disgraceful sexist texts from Peter Slipper, although it turns out that the text everyone was complaining about actually came from Ashby, not Slipper. The story then became about which dictionary had the right definition of misogyny.

This is, of course, not the only time the Julia Gillard has suffered at the hands of the media. Who can forget the headline just before the last Federal Election, “Julia Gillard’s Price Promise”? This was splashed boldly across the front page of The Australian to show us all that Gillard had promised to price carbon and we should be scared. Who could forget? We all could it would seem, even the paper that printed it.

Despite the media’s best efforts, Gillard made it over the line, and that headline was forgotten. When the price on carbon was legislated, it was all about Gillard’s big apparent lie ― based on one statement that emerged from a media interview, selectively edited to suit the narrative.

It is not only Julia, either — Abbott has also fallen victim to the media. Many of us remember the “Shit Happens” story that was such big news when it happened. Abbott uttered those immortal words on camera and they were taken out of context and blown out of all proportion by Channel 7.

Despite the media making a sickening meal out of this, Abbott really has nobody to blame but himself for his reaction when asked for comment by Channel 7 after the story went crazy. Abbott showed us all how he would deal with trading partners and foreign dignitaries if things didn’t go his way.


And straight away as Julia Gillard presents a BLUEPRINT to improve Australia's standing (Australia in the Asian century), the media is already white-anting it, rushing like a bully that knows everything, by promoting the business lobby who are already at the door begging bowl in hand... Will someone ever learn?...

Meanwhile, the article by The Australian prior to the previous federal election makes some interesting reading...




THE St John's College mother who represented 32 of the 33 students involved in the poisoning of a teenage girl stands by her conviction that they have been treated unfairly, saying the rector's behaviour was ''disturbing''.
Caroline Ravenscroft, a criminal barrister, said she felt compelled to step in on behalf of the students when they faced a disciplinary hearing before the former Federal Court judge Roger Gyles earlier this year.
''I felt strongly that the investigation into the incident had been conducted unfairly,'' said Ms Ravenscroft, whose son was one of the accused.''So I assisted the students in appealing the actions and decisions of the rector.

''There was no procedure for investigation of allegations of misconduct. In my job, everybody knows there must be procedure.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/tertiary-education/barrister-mother-says-she-wanted-due-process-for-suspended-students-20121108-290tk.html#ixzz2BfJiOnTX

I have done my share of misdemeanours in my youth, but once I became a teacher... One of the procedure to deal with misdemeanour was to ask who did it, then since you knew no-one was going to volunteer, you punished everyone with a session of cleaning dunnies. Some might squeal. Eventually, by hearing hushed conversation — my hearing was better than it is now in my old age —, one knew who the culprits were — usually ring leaders and trouble makers. The next part of the procedure is when something else happens, you blame these trouble makers and give then detention... You basically blame them for spreading the bad will within... even if someone else is guilty. Eventually you gain the confidence of one dumb bully against the others and soon the antics start to minimise "naturally"...
That was the procedure...




Do you understand that my dog has a better understanding of basic societal rules than you? Rules like: “don’t almost kill people” and “don’t shit on the furniture”.

She’s twenty one years old; the same age as you. Yet not once has she set fire to a couch or forced someone to drink poison.

If you’re an old boy with a law practice and a yacht who took your boy home after he was suspended in March, or just a college kid staying silent right now ― I want you to know that my deaf, blind, Jack Russell cross is a better behaved member of society than the person you’re protecting.

George Pell and Michael Spence think you’ve gone too far. One ordained squillionare telling you you’re insular and anachronistic has got to hurt ― but two?

You’ve pushed your fair share of boundaries this year.



It looks like some colleges are the "pig farms" where one learns that some are more equal than others...


devil's dust


Tony Abbott's approval rating has dropped to its lowest level since he became Opposition Leader.

The latest Newspoll published in The Australian newspaper shows just 27 per cent of those surveyed are happy with the way Mr Abbott is doing his job.

Sixty-three per cent - the highest number on record - are dissatisfied with his performance.




As one watched the story "Devil's Dust" (ABC-TV), based on Bernie Banton's story, I must have blinked at one stage as I do not recall seeing the infamous words by Tony Abbott in regard to this "asbestosis" sufferer... 

Let me refresh your memory here... It was I think 2007... I posted the event under Blackheart... At the time Tony Abbott was Health Minister and he said: 

"I know Bernie is very sick but just because a person is sick doesn't mean that he is necessarily pure of heart in all things..." 

What a disgusting little man Abbott is... Bernie was dying from a horrible disease brought on by the asbestos industry... Even his employer had an inkling he had caught the deadly mesothelioma from asbestosis in 1972...

This is the sort of man that Abbott is... an iddiott


One thing for sure... The Australian (a Murdoch newspaper) missed the real point here... The grabline should have been: ABBOTT SHOTS AT ABBOTT HIT ABBOTT... But the Merde-och media is generally lenient (supportive) towards Mr Abbott — who tends to say crappy things most of the time, but he gets away with it most of time in that media...

But is there a wind of change at the Daily Telegraph ("The Telegraph" when online)...


FEDERAL Childcare Minister Kate Ellis [Labor] and News Limited columnist and editor [The Daily Telegraph] David Penberthy are engaged and will get married next year.

The couple revealed the news to adelaidenow.

"We're both really happy and really excited," Mr Penberthy said.

The pair got engaged on Friday when Mr Penberthy popped the question to Ms Ellis during a sunset picnic on Aldinga Beach.

"When we find a date we are looking forward to celebrating our marriage with our families and our friends," he said.



All our best wishes.


more abbott foot in mouth disease...

The nephew of West Australian Liberal MP Ken Wyatt says it is offensive for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to use the phrase "urban Aboriginal" to describe his uncle.

The Australian newspaper reports Mr Abbott allegedly described Ken Wyatt at a dinner on Saturday night as "not a man of culture".

Mr Abbott today did not deny he had made the remark, and described Mr Wyatt - the first Indigenous MP in the House of Representatives - as an "urban Aboriginal".

He made the comment as he confirmed he wanted Country Liberal Party MLA Alison Anderson to stand for the federal seat of Lingiari.
