Christian preacher says God is punishing US for supporting gay marriage, while others blame Obama
LAST UPDATED AT 16:34 ON Tue 30 Oct 2012AS MILLIONS of Americans on the north Atlantic coast deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the internet is abuzz with speculation about the so-called 'Frankenstorm'. Meteorologists have put the cause of the devastating storm down to an unusual trio of weather factors – hurricane meets an Arctic storm under a full moon - but conspiracy theorists have some very different ideas…
One Christian preacher has blamed Hurricane Sandy on the US government's support for gay marriage and abortion. On his website Defend Proclaim the Faith, Chaplain John McTernan says: "Once a nation legalises sin, like abortion and homosexual 'marriage', that nation falls under the direct judgment of the Holy God of Israel. God does not destroy a nation right away but first warns." He concedes that his readers might be angry with him, but insists that it doesn't change the fact that America "has fallen under the judgment hand of God".
While some believe God is trying to punish Barack....
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... and why not have israel in the sandy...
Right-wing website WorldNetDaily has mused on whether the storm was genuinely an "act of God" and asked if the storm really was "a message from the Almighty" angered by America’s attempts to divide the land of Israel.
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/environment/hurricane-sandy/49831/god-obama-and-aliens-top-hurricane-sandy-conspiracies#ixzz2AvRlk47C
and the muslims kicking the sandy...
A group of Muslim clerics have joined some Christian preachers in blaming the superstorm which has devastated areas of America, Haiti and Cuba on the wrath of God.
Anti-American Muslim clerics said Sandy was a divine punishment for a film which mocks the Prophet Mohammad or for other perceived ills of American society. The film caused widespread protest in September as some Muslims demanded its removal from websites.
"Some people wonder about the hurricane in America and its causes," Egyptian hardline cleric Wagdi Ghoneim wrote in two messages on Twitter this week in the aftermath of the storm. "In my opinion, it is revenge from God for the beloved prophet," he added, alluding to the film, Reuters reported.
The idiocy of religion of all kind, shape and creed, comes to you in full flight with concepts like this...