STRESSING the need for unity during his address to his troops on Tuesday, Tony Abbott told the MPs that if they ever needed to get a message to him, they should just call direct - he would always pick up his voicemail and ring back.
Maybe someone will call with a good idea on how best to handle what's not just his and the Coalition's loss of momentum, but signs of erosion.
The political battle is fought with strategy and tactics. Some Liberals see an excess of tactics and a deficit of strategy. But even the tactics have had flaws.
This week's Newspoll brought another unsettling moment for Abbott, showing a 4-point slide in the Coalition vote (to 41 per cent), a 50-50 two-party result, his personal unpopularity at 58 per cent, and Julia Gillard with an 11-point lead as better PM. The second of the past three Newspolls to be on 50-50, it couldn't be dismissed as a ''rogue''. It has to be hard for Liberals to explain how Abbott is rating 5 points behind Gillard (30-35 per cent) when people are asked how satisfied they are with their respective performances. After all, the Coalition's argument is that she is the worst PM since Adam was a boy. Some Liberals are now saying that Abbott, never personally popular, is a drag on the Coalition vote.Read more:
savage Liberal Party brawl...
FORMER Prime Minister John Howard is being drawn into a savage Liberal Party brawl which is threatening Tony Abbott's federal election chances.
The internal row has already cost the party from $300,000 to $500,000 in legal fees and has delayed the selection of eight federal election candidates.
At issuer is a grassroots bid to win the right for local branches to select candidates rather than have them imposed by party headquarters.
Mr Howard is not directly involved but his long-standing support for the selection of candidates by plebiscite is being raised ahead of a showdown on the issue at a NSW Liberal annual general meeting next week.
He disappointed many of the grass-roots agitators when told news.com.au he would not take part in any campaign and would not speak in the debate at the November 17 AGM.
Mind you Tony does not need a "savage brawl" to sink his chances... All he has to do is be himself... There is a new wave in the Labor party grass roots to support Tony as the leader of the opposition, forever...
abbott's university daze...
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has been interrupted and heckled during a speech at Melbourne University.
Mr Abbott was about to begin his address to the Securing the Future Conference when two men jumped on stage and interrupted him.
They were dragged off stage by security guards while yelling about global warming.
Mr Abbott told the crowd not much had changed at university since his student days.
"Isn't it fantastic to see that undergraduate humour does not change," he said.
Dear Mr Abbott... Global warming is hardly a laughing matter... These students do care about something you've got no clue about, considering your major advisors on this subject are George Pell and Alan Jones...
not a picnic...