Sunday 9th of March 2025

bugger bunger .....

a sick joke .....?

The Editor,
Sydney Morning Herald.                                         April 11, 2006. 

Alexander Downer’s arrogant “saw nothing, heard nothing, knew nothing & couldn’t do anything anyway” performance at the Cole Inquiry was surely proof enough that the government believes that it is protected by the Inquiry’s terms of reference (‘No recall: Downer in the box’, Herald, April 11).

To have any semblance of credibility, Commissioner Cole should take John Howard at his word & make findings in respect of the government, its ministers & their anonymous lackeys.

Then we at least might discover if the principle of ministerial accountability is really dead or if the Inquiry is really just another sick joke.

Kirribilli confidential

From the ABC

Cole inquiry receives PM's statement
A statement by the Prime Minister has been handed to the Cole inquiry in Sydney and will be distributed to lawyers so they can decide whether to apply to question John Howard.

The submission was made as Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer faced three hours of questions about any knowledge the government had of Australian companies breaching United Nations (UN) sanctions against Iraq.

Mr Howard's statement to the inquiry will remain confidential.

Yesterday Mr Howard said the inquiry is "an utterly transparent process, which is not protecting the Government, but which is designed to get to the truth of the matter".

John Agius SC has not said whether he will want to question the Prime Minister.

If he does, hearings will be held on Thursday.

Read more at the ABC

Is this the beginning of the end?

From the ABC

Cole hears complaint about Howard's conduct
The oil-for-food inquiry commissioner has been asked to consider taking action against Prime Minister John Howard.

Terence Cole has received a complaint about statements made by Mr Howard after he gave evidence a fortnight ago.

Terry Forrest, who represents AWB executives Michael Long and Peter Geary, says the comments go to the integrity of the inquiry.

Mr Howard spoke about AWB deceiving the Government after he gave evidence that he was not told about about any allegations against the grains trader by public servants.

Mr Forrest says his clients want to express their displeasure at the Prime Minister's inappropriate comments.

He has invited the commissioner to take any action which he sees fit.

The inquiry is investigation the payment of $290 million in kickbacks by AWB to the regime of Saddam Husssein.

read more at the ABC


Will we see more fluttering footwork from our illustrious grocer? Or a flapjack on the footpath outside the Cole inquiry?...