Monday 10th of March 2025

jesus saves .....

jesus saves .....

It’s a place where angels fear to tread; where criminals, frauds and mysterious corpses turn up as regularly as rats in the metro. The Institute for Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican bank, was set up in 1942 by Pope Pius XII to manage the vast Vatican finances. Often referred to as the world’s most secret bank, the operation is run by a CEO and overseen by five cardinals who report directly to the Pope.

The bank’s official role is to safeguard and administer property intended for works of religion or charity. The actual activities of the bank are somewhat different. They include money laundering for narcotics traffickers, bribery, skimming charitable funds to enrich priests, and tax evasion for wealthy Italians.

Finance, Vatican-Style

The scandals associated with the Vatican bank, particularly over the last four decades, are so sordid and improbable as to strain the creativity of a supermarket tabloid. The Church’s past offenses of selling indulgences and charging fees for sacraments have been updated for the world of modern finance, complete with shell companies, speculation and secret transfers. (For more on the antecedents of the current bank, see Betty Clermont’s handy synopsis at Daily Kos.) Last year, Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi published a book delving into the intrigue and corruption swirling in a bank that has been answerable to no one. It was an eye-opener.

In May 2012, Pope Benedict XVI’s butler was arrested for leaking documents bristling with claims of financial corruption and criminal activity involving major Italian companies. The last Vatican bank chairman, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was shown the door when it was revealed that the bank was running afoul of international money-laundering standards. Leaked material and reporting reveals a bank that appears to be a kind of rogue offshore vehicle favored by various kinds of miscreants, including right-wing politicians, mafia types and tax evaders who wish to hide their financial transactions. Kind of like HSBC, only with God’s imprimatur.

Subsequent investigations have resulted in a shutdown of credit card transactions at all Vatican venues; right now, God can only take cash. In an attempt to restore relations with the international financial community, outgoing Pope Benedict appointed a new director of the bank, German lawyer Ernst von Freyberg, as one of his final acts. So far that’s not looking so good, as Freyberg has been revealed to have unfortunate links with a company with a history of making warships, including those produced for Nazi Germany.

Skeletons In the Vault

The same month the butler story broke, sinister echoes of earlier scandals emerged when the Catholic Church’s top exorcist (yes, you got that right) claimed that a pile of bones buried in the tomb of a notorious gangster – and church doner -- belonged to a missing schoolgirl who was forced to perform for priests' sex parties. The gangster’s girlfriend at the time claimed that American monsignor Paul Marcinkus, the scandal-ridden chief of the Vatican bank from 1971 to 1989, was behind the abduction. Whether or not that’s true, the years of Marcinkus’ reign were certainly unusual.  

In the 1980s, the Vatican bank was involved in a major political and financial ruckus involving the $4.7 billion collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. Marcinkus was under consideration for indictment in 1982 in Italy as an accessory to the bankruptcy, but he escaped earthly justice when the Italian courts ruled that his status as a priest and high-ranking prelate of the Vatican gave him diplomatic immunity from prosecution. One Roberto Calvi, known as “God’s banker” because of his close association with the Holy See, was the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano. He also did business with the Mafia, and was found in June 1982 swinging from Blackfriars Bridge in London the day after his dismissal from the bank. The death was ruled a murder, and is widely suspected to have been a mob hit.

Some years earlier, in 1968, we meet the shady figure of Michele “The Shark” Sindona, who became a Vatican financial adviser despite the small matter of his past job as manager of heroin operations for the Gambino crime family. A world-class hustler who specialized in money-laundering, he was a member of the notorious P2 Lodge, a bogus ''Masonic'' lodge considered to have operated something like a right-wing shadow government. Like other Italian bankers associated with the Vatican, Sindona trumpeted his sleazy activities as the defense of free enterprise against leftist political forces. 

Sindona ended up in prison for bank fraud and ordering the murder of a lawyer appointed to liquidate his Italian banks. He later died there after drinking a cyanide-laced coffee. Some say his poisoning was an attempt to keep him from talking about the sudden death of 65-year-old Pope John Paul I just 33 days after taking office. The reform-minded Pope had been speaking out against the profiteering of the Vatican Bank, and theologian Abbé George de Nantes, among others, has made a case for murder. (If you saw The Godfather Part III, you may recall a storyline involving the Vatican bank, organized crime and the sudden death of a fictional pope.)

Too Corrupt to Exist

Right now there’s a power struggle going on in the Vatican concerning how the bank should operate, whether to modernize and become more transparent, or to keep on operating under the radar and doing all the shady business it can get away with.

If anyone thinks that the Vatican bank could be cleaned up, I would suggest thinking of the mythic Augean stables. Essentially, a racketeering entity has been operating as a non-profit dedicated to doing God’s work. Jesus was famed for throwing the money-lenders out of the temple. In the Vatican, they run the temple.

The Vatican needs cash, and as its influence in the West declines in favor of poorer areas of the globe, there is no telling what else it will do to get it. The bank has had multiple opportunities to clean up its act after noxious scandals, and has repeatedly failed to do so.

Andreas Wassermann and Peter Wensierski of Der Spiegel described the corruption at the heart of the bank:

“Its business model depends on keeping things as shrouded as possible from all financial authorities. Capital gains are untaxed, financial statements are not disclosed and anonymity is guaranteed. The bank's exotic status of belonging to a religious monarchy in a sovereign state the size of a city park has shielded it from investigations and unpleasant external monitoring.”

Here’s an idea: Shut it down. Why shouldn’t priests use regular banks just like everybody else? Why should a bank housed in a medieval defense tower gobble donations and launder illicit funds, giving haven to cheats, criminals and wealthy parasites? The Vatican bank is too corrupt to exist.

God’s Racket: Why It’s High Time to Shut Down The Vatican Bank


ut maneat, mimo nobiscum ….

Brothers in Christ, hi and listen up! For those who haven't met me, I'm Cardinal Vitello Tonnato, Apostolic Vicar-Prefect of the Sistine Chapel here at the Vatican, and I'm delighted to welcome you to our conclave today as we choose a new chief executive, Pope No. 266.

First up, some housekeeping. Sadly, at the last moment our good buddy Keith O'Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, is unable to be with us. Sparing you the gory details, it seems Keith was into a bit of how's yer father at the seminary a while back. But we are thrilled to have with us Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, whose years of concealing child sex abuse by hundreds of priests in his archdiocese have been an inspiration to us all. Ten thousand American Catholics signed a petition calling on Roger to stay away but, hey, he's made it. Like they say in Hollywood, the show must go on!

Please note some of the rules for the conclave. No cell phones, iPads or other devices. No blogging or tweeting which might rig the betting market outside. Also, the Sistine is a smoke-free environment, so any cardinal with the urge to light up is asked to use our smoking chamber, through that door on the left beneath the two cherubim. Snacks and light meals are available at the Last Supper Trattoria just behind the Botticelli Temptation of Christ fresco; the bar is free, and if you have special dietary needs, don't hesitate to have a chat to the delightful Sister Lucrezia Borgia in the kitchen.

Those of you who still believe in God are free to pray at any time, but please try to do it quietly.

That's about it, guys, so let's get down to the number crunching. Remember, what we're looking for is a geriatric, celibate male who can be relied upon to keep the church firmly anchored in the 15th century. The Vatican is not an equal opportunity employer.

So, as we say around here, ''ut maneat, mimo nobiscum''. For those of you whose Latin is shaky, that's ''may the farce be with you''.

Mike Carlton

amen to that ....

Keith O’Brien, who resigned last week as Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric after claims of sexual impropriety, has admitted his conduct has ‘‘fallen below the standards expected of me’’.

In a statement, Cardinal O’Brien has also apologised ‘‘to those I have offended ... to the Catholic Church and people of Scotland’’.

Cardinal O’Brien resigned as head of the Catholic Church in Scotland on Monday in the wake of claims that he made sexual advances towards priests.

‘‘In recent days certain allegations which have been made against me have become public,’’ said the cleric. ‘‘Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them.

‘‘However, I wish to take this opportunity to admit that there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal,’’ he added.

Cardinal O’Brien - who stepped down as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh - initially denied the allegations, which date back to the 1980s.

The 74-year-old had been due to be the only British cardinal to vote on a replacement for Pope Benedict XVI following the pontiff’s shock resignation on February 11.

But Cardinal O’Brien confirmed in his resignation statement that he will not take part in the election conclave, which has been overshadowed by controversies surrounding himself and other cardinals caught up in sex scandals.

Cardinal O’Brien said he would spend the rest of his life in retirement and play no further part in the public life of the Catholic Church in Scotland.

Cardinal O'Brien Apologises For Sexual Conduct 

the dirty dozen .....

Clergy sex abuse victims have released a "dirty dozen" list of potential papal candidates - including Australia's George Pell - and are urging the Catholic Church to "get serious" about protecting children, helping victims and exposing corruption.

"We want to urge Catholic prelates to stop pretending that the worst is over regarding the clergy sex abuse and cover up crisis," said David Clohessy, director of the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.

"Tragically, the worst is almost certainly ahead."

The organisation cited a dozen cardinals from the United States, Mexico, Honduras, Italy, Australia, Czech Republic, Canada, Argentina and Ghana accused of protecting paedophile priests and making offensive public statements.

They are all considered to be contenders to succeed Pope Benedict XVI, who was criticised for his handling of the sex abuse scandals that have rocked the church in the United States and Europe.

SNAP also opposes electing any member of the Roman Curia, the administrative branch of the Holy See.

"We feel no current Vatican 'insider' has the will to truly 'clean house' in the Vatican and elsewhere,"' Mr Clohessy said in a statement.

"Promoting a Curia member would discourage victims, witnesses, whistleblowers and advocates from reporting wrongdoing."

The blacklist included: Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana; Cardinal Tarsicio Bertone of Italy; Cardinal Dominik Duka of Czech Republic; Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico; Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras; Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York; Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington; Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston; Cardinal Angelo Scola of Italy; Cardinal Leonardo Sandri of Argentina; Cardinal George Pell of Australia; and Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec, Canada.

Sex Victims' Hit List Of Pope Candidates